How to Deliver Exceptional Customer Service
By Chas Brothers
Having been in business a number of years, I’m amazed at the number of people who don’t have the slightest idea of what customer service is. Customer service is not a way of...
Minding Your Own Business
Think you have gone as far as you can in your present job? Instead of looking around for a similar position in another company, you may want to strike out on your own as a consultant.
With a greater acceptance of telecommuting and companies...
Personal Training: 6 Secrets of Award Winning Customer Service
Would you believe that your ability to provide quality customer service to your clients is at least as important as your ability to get them results from their training program? Did you even know that customer service was going to be part of your...
Where Did The Customers Go?
Every month I volunteer my services at the local "Entrepreneurship Center". This is a municipally funded program and an excellent resource for budding entrepreneurs. It's a one-stop shop, almost like a shopping mall for anyone wanting to start a...
Who Are Your "Most Likely" Customers And What Do You Know About Them?
You'll notice I've used the words "most likely" in the above question. Why didn't I just ask who are your customers? That would have been too easy. Effective research is all about asking the right questions. If I'd just asked who's your...
Take Care of Yourself Before You Take Care of Your Customer
One of the most important questions people ask when they are focused on improving their quantity and quality of business is: “What is my competitive advantage? What makes me unique, memorable, special… what truly sets me apart from the rest?" While there are no definitively right answers to that question, most people come to some conclusion that customer service is a critical component of your competitive advantage. For most businesses, the service they offer can vary from exceptional to not so hot, depending upon circumstances. Why is that? Why does the same company, and even the same people within that company provide world class service some of the time, and marginal service (or worse) other times? That answer can be found in asking a different question: “What makes you (or your staff) happy when serving your customers?” While these answers also vary, most people come up with some sort of variation of “I am happy when my customer is happy.” Do we enjoy dealing with agitated or disgruntled people? Normally not. We derive our joy from delivering value, by making others feel good about their experience, and by exceeding people’s expectations. What comes first then? The happy customer or the happy person serving the customer? This is not the chicken or the egg quandary. The happy person serving the customer NEEDS to come first, because it is a very unusual day when your customer comes into your business looking to cheer YOU up. This all seems very obvious. At
the same time that many people realize this truth, it is rare that people consciously take steps to make sure that their greatest customer service assets are being serviced too - w hether that person in on your staff, in another department, or if that person is YOU. It is critical that you continually improve the emotional, physical and mental support you are supplying to the people serving your customers. One of my friends and colleagues, Paul Wesselemann, shared a story about his time working at an HIV/AIDS support network. He explained how it was absolutely unacceptable to come to work when you were feeling even a bit ill, as even the smallest cold could be extremely dangerous for someone with HIV. He was REQUIRED first and foremost to take care of himself, make sure he was 100% before he was allowed to offer help and support to others. How committed are you to taking the same care of YOUR needs? Your task for the month is to identify and act upon a couple of ways to keep you in proper shape so you can take care of your always important customers. BE FREE! Eric Plantenberg
About the Author
Eric Plantenberg is a nationally known memory trainer. His new program, Winning The Name Game, teaches professionals how to train their memory to remember names more effectively and be able to recall them at the right moment. For more information on how to better remember hundreds of names and faces visit http://www.WinnngTheNameGame.com Or email info@WinningTheNameGame.com
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ICS: Institute of Customer Service |
The Institute of Customer Service is the professional body for customer service whose primary purpose is to lead customer service performance and ... |
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International Customer Service Association |
Promotes the development and awareness of the customer service profession through networking, education and research. Activities, publications ... |
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Customer service - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
The modern concept of customer service has its roots in the craftsman economy ... Delivering customer service begins with understanding what customers want. ... |
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Customer Service Week - The Celebration Source |
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www.csweek.com |
Nashville - Tennessean.com - Middle Tennessee Customer Services |
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Customer Service Institute of Australia - dedicated to Australian ... |
CSIA is a professional, membership-based body dedicated to improving the standards of customer service both at an individual level and at a corporate level ... |
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Customer Service – 8 Rules For Good Customer Service |
Good customer service is the lifeblood of any business. You can bring in as many new customers as you want, but unless you can get some of those customers ... |
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