Depression: Also Man Can Be Affected By Depression
Family life can be destroyed by a serious depression as well as
the life of the ill person. Most people with a depressive
disease do not look for treatment when they suffer depression,
because they do not want to be treated or even because they...
Depression: Can Dolphins Relieve Depression Symptoms?
There are various treatments for depression but this one can be
not only original, but also effective. Swimming with dolphins
can be an effective therapy for depression according to a
research carried out in Honduras. It was known that...
Depression: SAD Because Of Winter
Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD is a kind of depression
caused by the effect of the change of seasons as early as August
or September in men and women and may be recognized by things as
simple as eating or sleeping more during winter than the...
Mood Stabilizers & Mood Enhancers - A Remedy To Naturally Boost Mood & Alleviate Depression
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When Someone You Know Has To Deal With Depression, Anxiety And Fear
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Music And Depression
What is music? All sounds are comprised of sound waves. What
distinguishes music from other sound waves is the manner in
which the sound waves vibrate and decrease from loud to soft.
Dropping a metal pan on the floor presents jarring, erratic
vibrations. Striking a note on a piano chord presents a softer
more uniform and smooth transition from loud to soft. Obviously,
a musical note is going to be much more pleasant to the ear.
There's an old adage about how "music sooths the savage beast."
Not only is this true, it is actually an understatement. Music
plays such a profound part of our lives, that we will barely
scratch the surface here, but let's give it an overview.
All of us grew up with certain songs or instrumentals that
strike a chord that reverberates through our entire being. For
example, when I hear "A Summer Place," it immediately carries me
back to summer months in the fifties. The experience is so
profound that I can remember the feel of the sun on my face, the
smell of hot dogs cooked over an open fire and the laughter of
friends and family.
There is a theory that certain notes or chords resonate with a
vibration that is particularly harmonious to specific people.
Have you ever heard a song that gave you "goose bumps?" If so,
then you give validation to this theory. When this occurs, the
music has a profound affect on the subconscious. Add intense
emotion to the equation and you have one powerful, indelible,
blueprint on your subconscious that will follow you the rest of
your life.
For example, let's
say that you receive news of the death of a
loved one while a specific piece of music is playing on the
radio. That particular music may have a lasting impression.
Years later, for no apparent reason, you may find yourself
immediately thrown into a state of depression upon hearing that
same tune. The same can be true of "positive" feelings as
described in the story above.
The subliminal effect of music is a proven fact. How often do
you find yourself humming a fragment of a tune that you can't
identify only to discover that it's a new "commercial" message
you heard on your television. The advertising industry pays huge
amounts of money to conduct research into why and how music
works on the subconscious mind. This is also the reason why you
see the recent trend by large companies to reconstitute classics
originally performed by some of the greats of stage and screen.
Just for fun, the next time you find yourself humming a tune,
try and remember when, where and under what circumstances you
heard it for the very first time. The exercise will probably
help you to better understand how past events have shaped your
musical preferences. And, I'll wager that the next time you hear
"A Summer Place," you will remember reading this article.
Happy Listening!
About the author:
If you are mad, worried or unhappy it may be depression. Visit
http://www.depressiongla.com with host, Sintilia Miecevole and
get the facts on how to live with this condition and how to
manage it. Be sure to visit http://www.depressiongla.com.
Welcome to Depression.com |
Facts about depression, including how to manage it and how to live with this medical condition. |
www.depression.com |
NIMH: Depression |
Such a disabling episode of depression may occur only once but more ... Depression can also affect the physical health in men differently from women. ... |
www.nimh.nih.gov |
NIMH: Depression |
National Institute of Mental Health presents a comprehensive series of articles on symptoms and management. Includes booklets of personal accounts and ... |
www.nimh.nih.gov |
Clinical depression - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Clinical depression (also called major depressive disorder) is a state of intense ... By definition the symptoms are not as severe as with Major Depression, ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Great Depression - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
The Great Depression was an economic downturn which started in 1929 (although its ... The Great Depression ended at different times in different countries; ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Dr. Ivan's Depression Central |
This site is Internet's central clearinghouse for information on all types of depressive disorders and on the most effective treatments for individuals ... |
www.psycom.net |
Depression Screening Test |
Answer a few simple questions to determine if you are experiencing depressive symptoms. Provides a referral list and information on depression. |
www.med.nyu.edu |
MedlinePlus: Depression |
From the National Institutes of Health; Depression (National Institute of Mental Health) ... Select services and providers for Depression in your area. ... |
www.nlm.nih.gov |
Welcome to depression-screening.org |
Most people with depression, however, do not seek the professional help they ... The depression-screening.org web site is sponsored by the National Mental ... |
www.depression-screening.org |
iFred - International Foundation for Research and Education on ... |
"This book can help those directly and indirectly touched by depression. ... iFred Brings New Hope to Depression with Thousands of Sunflowers ... |
www.ifred.org |
Depression information and treatment |
Information about depression, depression treatment, and facts about depression. |
www.psychologyinfo.com |
Depression |
Depression is a strong mood involving sadness, discouragement, despair, or hopelessness that lasts for weeks, months, or even longer. |
www.kidshealth.org |
Depression Alliance web site with information about depression ... |
Information about the symptoms and treatment of depression from Depression Alliance, a UK charity for people with clinical depression and anxiety. |
www.depressionalliance.org |
WebMD Depression Health Center - Learn the symptoms of depression ... |
Articles, links, and resources for sufferers of depression. |
www.webmd.com |
Depression - Information and Support |
THE starting place for exploring Depression. Support forums, links, articles and more. |
depression.about.com |
beyondblue: the national depression initiative |
Australian organisation provides information about depression to consumers, carers and health professionals. |
www.beyondblue.org.au |
Using EFT for Depression, Teen Depression & Clinical Depression |
EFT's results for all forms of depression are often astonishing. In most cases the depressed feelings vanish or are materially reduced within a few minutes ... |
www.emofree.com |
Depression |
The website for Depression. ... Please note that Depression is comprised of backfile volumes. Volume 4, Issue 2 (1996). Articles in this Issue: ... |
www3.interscience.wiley.com |
Depression - MayoClinic.com |
Depression is more than just a bout of the blues. Fortunately, treatments are available. |
www.mayoclinic.com |
Mental Help Net - Depression (Unipolar) |
Depression is one of the most common and most serious mental health ... Fortunately, there are many highly effective treatments for depression today that ... |
mentalhelp.net |