Interview with Author of God's Blueprint for a Healed & Restored Marriage
Interview with Audrey Lamb, author of God's Blueprint for a Healed and Restored Marriage and founder of AbundantLivesMinistry.org
Interview with author, Audrey Lamb
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He called her Mister, The Novel
a story of a woman who dared to live above her means, only to discover that life is life no matter what level you own. Only to realize that being at the bottom is sometimes better than at the top!
She curtseyed as he took her heart. "Thank you!" She said. "Your welcome. He replied.
The year two thousand had come without disaster, so I thought. You never know from day today the adventures that are to happen so be careful what you wish for, you might just get it. All I wanted was to be happy and have a good life. My life was full of ups and downs as with anyone but little did I know the adventure on which I was about to embark. I could feel in the air. A feeling of something about to happen. I didn't feel it bad I just felt it. I put an ad on a local dateline and began sifting through the strange men that waited to prey on good girls like me. I could not believe the ads that they had. Some were looking for a long term relationship but the only problem was they already had one. Some just wanted a one night stand and that defiantly was not my cup of tea. They all wanted to meet for coffee at the local Waffle House. I knew I had to kiss a lot of toads before I met my prince. But please Lord I prayed not to many. Little did I know that the man that hung the moon was just an ad away. Box number 5316 sounded exciting. "Hi, my name is Sam. I am a forty nine year old professional male seeking a single white female between the ages of 21 and 40. I own my own business and I travel a lot. I am looking for a women that would enjoy travel and the finer things in life. I am single, no wife or old girlfriend to worry about. I would like to meet someone that is not tied down to her job or children so much that she could travel on a moments notice." Sounds good but I was 44. He was looking for someone a little younger than me. I had no small children. He was single with no problems. That was a plus. At his age he probably didn't have any small children either. I certainly didn't want to go through that again. I lived alone and worked full time as a nurse. It had always been my life's dream to be a nurse. I had gone to nursing school some fifteen years earlier and worked in the emergency room for the last twelve. I was really burnt out and looking for a change. I tried to change my line of work but with a degree everyone thought you crazy to do something else. They wouldn't even give you a chance. Wow, what a life. To be able to travel when ever and share you life with someone that could treat you like a doll. I really wanted to meet this man so I took my chance. "Hello box 5316, my name is Sarah. I am five foot two, one hundred twenty pounds, blue eyes and long brown hair. You sound very interesting to me but there is only one problem. I may be a little old for what you’re looking. Listen to my ad. Box me back if you’re interested. Have a nice day. Hope to talk to you soon." What did I have to lose? My message was answered and we began boxing each other back and forth until one day Sam ask if he could call me. I never thought he would ask. As I talked more on the phone to Sam I learned that he owned his own business, Swanson Towers, Inc. He had started out in the broadcasting and became interested in the tower end. He had started this business about thirty years earlier. It was a good business but it keeps him on the road a lot. His son Tad ran the office for him. Sam said it freed him to be able to go and come as he pleased without worrying about the office. Talking with him was very exciting. He had been everywhere and the places seemed magical as he described them to me. He was a great story teller. No wonder he had chosen broadcasting for his career. He had a great voice that went with it. He could keep you hanging on his every word. Some of the stories seemed too awesome to believe but who cared. "Hey girl, what are you up to today?" Sam asks. "I was just out riding around in my little sport car enjoying the spring day and I thought I would give you a call. When am I going to get to meet you? How about tonight?" He asks. "Well I am off tonight. Where do you want to meet? I replied. "Why don't you come to my house? I'll cook you dinner." He offered. Go to his house! That was something I wasn't sure of. What if he was ugly and I didn't like him or worse, what if he was a pervert. He sounded so nice and after all he owned his own business and had no reason to hurt me. So I agreed. He lives in Hixson which was about a twenty minute drive from my apartment in Ringgold. I was familiar with the area my daughter had grown up there. So that calmed my fears somewhat. What was I to wear? This man obviously had money and probably was use to dating women of his same caliber. I was just a normal person. Working and living day to day. But I was very secure in myself and my ability to handle myself in any social situation. So I took a shower and searched through my closet until I found what I thought to be appealing. A little classy and a little sexy. I had no intentions of having any sexual contact with this guy but I still wanted to look and feel my best. My long brown curly hair was really looking good and my blue eyes were one of my best attributes. I took one last look in the mirror before I left. Okay Sam here I come ready or not. The drive to Hixson wasn't far. The twenty minute drive seemed like hours. As I headed across Chickamauga Dam I said "Ok Lord it’s up to you whether or not he likes me or I like him." His house sat upon a hill over
looking the west toward the Tennessee River. A beautiful moderate size home. His garage door was open and I could see inside. Boy did he have nice cars. A green 1966 Mustang and a black1995 Toyota Supra T-top, six speed. But he said his other cars were in the garage at his shop. Others? Yes a 1949 Ford F-1. The first F-1 series ever made and a 1967 Shelby GT 500, 427, very rare. He said he had given the Shelby GT to his grandson when he was born. What a wonderful grandfather he must be. Suddenly he appeared in the doorway. Nice looking man! Goatee, salt and pepper hair. He appeared to be about 5'10, 210 pounds maybe. He said he was forty nine but he looked older, but it didn't matter. He was very well dressed. He appeared to really take pride in his looks. "Sarah?" He asks. "Yes, you must be Sam. Nice to meet you." I replied. "Come on in." He said as he gestured me toward the door. I could tell he really had great taste. His house smelt wonderful. It smelled fresh and clean and very well decorated. "Would you care for a drink? Anything you want." Anything was right. He had a liquor cabinet that was stocked to the max. He must entertain a lot I thought. And by the look of the cheese and relish tray he had prepared I could tell he was quiet the host. He had cooked steak and already had it cut into bite sizes. There was candles lit everywhere. How romantic and beautiful. This would be a lasting memory I told myself. I defiantly did not expect to meet his standards. He poured me a glass of wine and we sat down at his dinning room table. "A beautiful home you have here." I remarked. "I bought this house about a year ago and decorated it all myself. Nice job huh." He said proudly. He really did have good taste. The high vaulted ceiling with the floral arrangement hanging at the highest point in the dinning room really set the kitchen off. The living room had a fireplace and sliding glass doors that lead out to his back deck. Yes, this man defiantly had good taste. He was a very good looking man. Brown eyes and a voice that would lull you to sleep. He wore his glasses on a croaky around his neck. He had a huge diamond cluster on his ring finger and a smaller ruby on his little finger. Sophisticated I thought. I could tell he was somewhat of a worldly man and had travel as he had told me. He told me all about his business and his family. He had one son, Tad. He had divorced Tad's mother when Tad was 5. He had remarried about nine years ago but that didn't work out. I didn't ask questions I just listened and took in every word this wonderful man had to say. "I've only meet a few girls off the dateline. They were usually 100 pounds bigger than they said, but so far you are just what you said. Little petite and yes very pretty." We talked about me and my boring job as a nurse and my family. But I wasn't as interesting as he so I mostly let him talk about his adventures as we nibbled on the food he had prepared. "Would you like to get in the hot tub?" He asks. Here we go I thought. Just like a man. And he was such a nice man. I was hoping that he wasn't like the rest and out for only one thing. "Do you have a hot tub?" I replied. "No." He said jokingly. "Let me go turn it on for us." He said as he left the room. Wow a hot tub I thought. I had sold mine and really missed it. They could be lots of fun. When he returned he was wearing a blue robe of soft cotton. Blue sail boats. He looked so good. But I must keep my cool I thought. I was not here for this reason. I really liked him and wanted him to like me for more than one reason and not just for a one night stand. "Come with me and I'll show you the way." He said as he headed me through the living room and into his master bedroom. It was as beautiful as the rest. There was sliding glass doors that lead out onto the deck as well. He led me into the master bath and there was his tub. I had to laugh to myself. He had a huge garden tub. The bathroom was as big as my little kitchen in my apartment. He had purple everywhere. That was his favorite color he said. He had candles burning and the jets were going. He slipped off his robe and stepped into the tub. He was naked. I really didn't know what to do. Come on in he said as he sat back against the tub. I slowly began to take off my clothes. I kept my bra and panties on. I was glad at that point that I had worn the pretty white lacey bra and thong. "You can keep those on if you want to." He must have realized my hesitance. But what the heck I was a grown women and I was not new to these situations. So I took off my underwear and stepped into the hot water. He wrapped his legs around me and began splashing water on my back. What am I doing? I don't want this man to think that I am this easy but I don't want him to think I am a prude either. The next thing I knew he was kissing me. Wow. My mind began to swirl with emotions. This is wonderful. Before I knew it he had pulled me out of the water and took me to his bed. I don't think I could ever not have this man again. I felt as if he was thinking the same. We fell asleep wrapped in each others arms. "I'll call you and we will go somewhere soon." He said "I have to go out of town for a few days but when I get back maybe we can go to Gatlinburg. Would you like that?" He asks. "Sure." I replied without trying to sound so anxious. I knew I couldn't wait to be with him again. I hope he meant it. I knew I would be waiting.
About the Author
"The Original Mister" With a desire to inspire, enlighten and delite!
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An overview of divorce in the UK, including the law, mediation options and emotional support, from Mills & Reeve. |
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Divorce Magazine, information about separation and divorce |
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Divorce - Wex |
An overview of divorce law with links to key primary and secondary sources, from Cornell University's Legal Information Institute. |
www.law.cornell.edu |
MedlinePlus: Divorce |
Children; Children and Divorce (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry) ... Select services and providers for Divorce in your area. ... |
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How to Divorce As Friends - Featured on Oprah - Bill Ferguson |
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www.divorceasfriends.com |
Welcome To Divorce Online ~ www.divorceonline.com |
An electronic journal providing information and referrals for people facing divorce. |
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DivorceCare: Divorce Recovery Support Groups |
DivorceCare is a divorce recovery support group where you can find help and healing for the hurt of separation and divorce. |
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Divorce Central Home Page |
Links to divorce-related resources, organized by state, with an archive of articles and interviews. |
www.divorcecentral.com |
Divorce Helpline — tools to keep you out of court |
Providing information about divorce, and referrals to family law attorneys. |
www.divorcehelp.com |
Divorce and relationship breakdown : Directgov - Parents |
Advice on counselling, mediation and the divorce process, including where to find a solicitor. |
www.direct.gov.uk |
Americans for Divorce Reform, Inc. |
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www.divorcereform.org |
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