eCommerce Fundamentals
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eCommerce can be VERY complex. To offer a world class customer
experience, retailers must incorporate technologies and
functionality that exceeds rising customer...
Ecommerce Turnkey Sites
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normally includes hosting as well as products. Turnkey means an
already stocked business, depending on the store it might be
stocked with from 10 products to thousands.
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Building eCommerce Websites that work - Part 3
Copyright 2005 Richard Keir
An interesting eCommerce success factor that isn't precisely overlooked, but which is often thought about more in terms of being a way of feeding the search engine spiders has to do with providing content. In a very real sense the customer's job is to consume. That's why you're in business.
Think in terms of providing the information your customers need to do their job of consuming. What does that mean? Consider what you sell. The content on your site needs to focus on your products - whatever they happen to be. Reviews and comparative information on the items available through your web site can help focus and direct your customer to what they need, want and can afford.
Too often eCommerce sites use only marginally relevant information as content - or content that may match the general theme of the site but has nothing to do with what's being sold, promoted, etc. That could be more or less adequate as spider food, but it isn't going to help your customers do their job of consuming your products.
The better you combine these two goals - informing your customers and feeding the spiders - the better you'll do at both. Irrelevant search listings are pretty much a waste of your bandwidth. What you want is highly targeted customers interested in what you're offering and since the search engines love focused content and integrated sites, make that work for you.
And I'm not suggesting blatant repetitive hyped up sales copy. You want to inform, compare, offer added information that will help focus your customers. Use your content to develop desire and provide comparative information on similar products at varying price levels. Remember: desire not need.
While we all need things - and while you may be convinced everyone absolutely needs your product - we mostly buy based on desire - because we want it. The better you do at turning that need into immediate desire, the better your site will perform.
Again, not a fevered sales pitch. That's likely to turn off a large number of customers. Examples, stories and carefully chosen (and real) testimonials can support the process, too. Using video and/or audio can have a dramatic impact. Let your customers draw the obvious conclusions.
Along with providing plenty of comparison and review data, good search facilities are essential for a large eCommerce site. This also means that if you use a
searchable product database that your keys and descriptions must be well-chosen and the links from search results to pages work smoothly and easily.
While we've talked earlier in this series about the importance of providing various ways to enhance the social aspect of your site, it's also important that customers be capable of using it without assistance. Never over complicate your site or your processes to the point that it's no longer obvious what to do to buy something (or complete whatever desired action you are focusing on).
A typical customer should be able to go from front page to product page to order page to thank you page easily and without hesitation or confusion. The simpler and cleaner the process, the better for you.
If you can manage it, test with 4 or 5 basically internet illiterate people. Watch carefully what they do, where they hesitate, what seems to cause confusion - but don't talk or help during the process. Then go over everything with them in detail working with your observations and their thoughts and feelings. Your site may be obvious to you, but is it obvious to anyone else?
And when you think you've covered anything, a few pairs of new eyes (or checking out your competitors' sites) can give you a whole new to-do list.
Your eCommerce site is an intentional business creation. Every aspect should be organized around what you want the site to do, what kind of visitors you want and what you want them to do. Everything on your site should be there for a specific reason that contributes to your goals for the site. And everything should be tested to be certain that it actually does contribute.
It's your site and your business so never take anything for granted, never assume something works if it can be tested. And never stop testing. With careful attention to detail and on-going testing you'll be able to make incremental improvements over time that will vastly improve the productivity of your eCommerce web site.
About the Author
Richard writes, teaches and consults on business presentations, eCommerce, site building and programming. Visit http://www.Building-eCommerce-Websites for eCommerce resources and links and check http://www.Building-eCommerce-Websites/blog for opinion and ideas.
E-Commerce Times: Because E-Business Means Business |
Everything you need to know about doing business on the Internet. Information for C-Level executives and small-to-mid-sized business managers. |
www.ecommercetimes.com |
ECommerce-Guide to News, Reviews and Technology Solutions |
ECommerce-Guide provides ecommerce business owners with e-commerce news, hardware and software reviews and tutorials, technology solutions and information ... |
www.ecommerce-guide.com |
Electronic commerce - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Electronic commerce (also referred to as EC, e-commerce or ecommerce) ... Even in product categories suitable for e-commerce, electronic shopping has ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
E-Commerce News for IT Managers |
Daily e-commerce news for managers of business covering marketing, transaction processing, security, retailing and service delivered over the Web. |
www.internetnews.com |
New Zealand Government E-Commerce |
Resource containing information on electronic commerce, including law, trade, tax, privacy, consumer protection, and help for businesses. |
www.ecommerce.govt.nz |
eCommerce Guidebook for web hosting |
The eCommerce Guidebook provides many resources, including a directory of online transaction providers, a tutorial, and many other resources. |
www.online-commerce.com |
ClickZ Internet Marketing Solutions for Marketers |
Includes columns with commentary and analysis on a wide variety of internet marketing subjects ranging from B2B marketing to search engine marketing. |
www.clickz.com |
Shopping cart software for Dreamweaver, Frontpage, CSS ecommerce ... |
Shopping cart software integrated into Frontpage, Dreamweaver, CSS and Golive ecommerce software templates. |
www.ecommercetemplates.com |
E-Commerce & the Internet |
Information from the FTC on E-commerce and the Internet. Includes anti-fraud tips. |
www.ftc.gov |
Economy & Work: eBusiness | Europa - Information Society |
The e-business concept goes well beyond e-commerce (buying and selling ... A pilot study on E-commerce and the Internet in European businesses (2002) was ... |
ec.europa.eu |
Online Business |
If your e-commerce site currently accepts online payments, and is really, really, ... They are looking for entries from ugly e-commerce sites to win a new ... |
onlinebusiness.about.com |
eCommerce Info Center- ONE-STOP for eCommerce info, services ... |
eCommerce Info Center, created and maintained by Slim Baltagi, will make it easier and faster for you to find out relevant eCommerce information, ... |
www.ecominfocenter.com |
eCommerce Innovation Centre |
Practical resources for small business involved in or considering eCommerce implemetations. Expert Advice and Assistance. |
www.ecommerce.ac.uk |
Web Marketing Today -- E-Commerce, E-Mail, Internet Marketing, and ... |
Articles, tips and advice on e-commerce and effective Internet marketing strategies. |
www.wilsonweb.com |
Web Marketing Today Research Room for E-Commerce |
The largest collection of annotated links to web marketing and ecommerce articles and resources to be found at any single place on the planet. |
www.wilsonweb.com |
The 2005 E-commerce Awards - Welcome |
The UK national E-commerce awards organised by the DTI and Interforum. |
www.ecommerce-awards.co.uk |
Mal's e-commerce |
Mal's e-commerce ... Customize the look and feel of your store; No scripts or applications to install; Build as large an e-commerce site as you want ... |
www.mals-e.com |
Howstuffworks "How E-commerce Works" |
E-commerce has exploded in the last 10 years. Find out how e-commerce works and how you can harness the potential of e-commerce, from affiliate programs to ... |
www.howstuffworks.com |
Ecommerce Guide - Terms You Need to Know to Do Business on the ... |
An online computer dictionary and internet search engine for internet terms and techincal support. |
e-comm.webopedia.com |
Shopping Cart Software Ecommerce Solutions |
Ecommerce solutions by Volusion will take your business to new heights. Volusion offers the best prices in the industry for a complete ecommerce web ... |
www.volusion.com |