Developing a Winning Ecommerce Strategy
One bright spot on the economic horizons around the world seems to be continued consumer spending and ecommerce is clearly a part of this, with sales estimated to be in excess of $9.9 Billion in the next three months according to ACNielsen. But,...
Ecommerce Hosting Considerations
Website hosting can be a complex undertaking. Determining how much space you need, how much transfer, finding a reliable host, and getting everything online is no simple task. Add ecommerce to the mix and things become even more complex. This...
eCommerce Web Site Building: Where Do I Start?
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Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0: Ecommerce Web Development – Overview For Programmer
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Quick Ecommerce Tutorial
Quick Ecommerce Tutorial When choosing to create an ecommerce store, there are 3 important questions to ask yourself. 1) Do I need ecommerce? This is important. Generally speaking, consumers are comfortable making purchases online for under $250....
Ecommerce - Making Your Bank Account Grow
Ecommerce has opened the door to many small businesses and individuals to compete on a global level with their products and services. Basically sellers look for buyers to purchase their goods online knowing that the choices and convenience it affords will tempt customers to buy.
So, what is it that sets your business apart from others?
You might be lured by so many product choices to stock your store. There are many claims to gaining quick and easy guarantees to top spots, but maybe you need to wake up and smell the coffee.
Let's assume firstly that you are at least showing up in the search engines. That way, visitors will start trickling in to your site. But what do you have to make them stay? These are the factors I see affecting most new ecommerce businesses.
Target Market: Who is your target market?
Marketing 101-, you do not have to be a guru to realize that people must have a desire in order for you to fill it. My first site was made to accommodate everything-from a pin to an anchor; but no visitors. With such a wide product base, I was targeting no specific customer group one and got no response.
That strategy also spells commercial suicide for many small ecommerce sites on the web. When you are small, how can you hope to compete on the same level as the big boys?
What you need to do is to develop a niche, one that has enough customer base, are hungry for your product offerings and have the ability to purchase. Niche Marketing is one of the new buzzwords on the net as small businesses attempt to differentiate their goods from others to create value for their own products.
Website Design
How appealing is your website? The cleaner the look, the simpler the concept, the better it works for most ecommerce sites. Are their exceptions? Sure! However, for the majority of customers, they do not and will not spend time wading through pages of worthless info to find your product. Make your products stand out. Quick and easy links from the front page directly to the product with ease of ordering.
I have gone on sites and have decided to buy only I am not able to find where to order. That, my friends defeats the process of setting up a sales site, after
all if the order button is not prominent to whom or what sales are you hoping to achieve.
Make sure all sales pages have a clear order button as sometimes having it more than once increases the likelihood of making a sale.
If you cannot design your own website to be commerce friendly, even though you might need to cut costs, consider at least investing into some straightforward hosting package that gives ready made templates that are easy to customize even without HTML knowledge. If you do have the money, hire a professional, the money will be worth it.
Product Choice
For any product, you can think of there exists a niche for it. However, you need to define clearly what your product line is going to be before you begin. This has an impact on the domain name you choose to buy. Research has shown that domain names with the name of the product or service, adds additional relevance to site and improves ranking and aids in faster listing of the site on the search engines.
Therefore, if I am selling shoes for people with small feet then I can buy a domain name like www.smallfeetshoes.com. It does not sound pretty but guess what, right away you would have included probably your three most important keyword in the domain name and this will help in site listing and ranking.
Ecommerce is not really rocket science, but it does take a few hours of research in order to be fully knowledgeable about the process. If you are planning to get into ecommerce, try reading today, there are many places on the net with relevant info. Who knows it might save you from a future headache and lost cash.
About the Author: Kimberly Valentine is a Business Consultant for over 9 years who blogs about internet business interests. She also offers business resources and advice at http://www.freeblogsites.net and hosts websites at http://www.webhostsvalue.com.
Source: www.isnare.com
E-Commerce Times: Because E-Business Means Business |
Everything you need to know about doing business on the Internet. Information for C-Level executives and small-to-mid-sized business managers. |
www.ecommercetimes.com |
ECommerce-Guide to News, Reviews and Technology Solutions |
ECommerce-Guide provides ecommerce business owners with e-commerce news, hardware and software reviews and tutorials, technology solutions and information ... |
www.ecommerce-guide.com |
Electronic commerce - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Electronic commerce (also referred to as EC, e-commerce or ecommerce) ... Even in product categories suitable for e-commerce, electronic shopping has ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
E-Commerce News for IT Managers |
Daily e-commerce news for managers of business covering marketing, transaction processing, security, retailing and service delivered over the Web. |
www.internetnews.com |
New Zealand Government E-Commerce |
Resource containing information on electronic commerce, including law, trade, tax, privacy, consumer protection, and help for businesses. |
www.ecommerce.govt.nz |
eCommerce Guidebook for web hosting |
The eCommerce Guidebook provides many resources, including a directory of online transaction providers, a tutorial, and many other resources. |
www.online-commerce.com |
ClickZ Internet Marketing Solutions for Marketers |
Includes columns with commentary and analysis on a wide variety of internet marketing subjects ranging from B2B marketing to search engine marketing. |
www.clickz.com |
Shopping cart software for Dreamweaver, Frontpage, CSS ecommerce ... |
Shopping cart software integrated into Frontpage, Dreamweaver, CSS and Golive ecommerce software templates. |
www.ecommercetemplates.com |
E-Commerce & the Internet |
Information from the FTC on E-commerce and the Internet. Includes anti-fraud tips. |
www.ftc.gov |
Economy & Work: eBusiness | Europa - Information Society |
The e-business concept goes well beyond e-commerce (buying and selling ... A pilot study on E-commerce and the Internet in European businesses (2002) was ... |
ec.europa.eu |
Online Business |
If your e-commerce site currently accepts online payments, and is really, really, ... They are looking for entries from ugly e-commerce sites to win a new ... |
onlinebusiness.about.com |
eCommerce Info Center- ONE-STOP for eCommerce info, services ... |
eCommerce Info Center, created and maintained by Slim Baltagi, will make it easier and faster for you to find out relevant eCommerce information, ... |
www.ecominfocenter.com |
eCommerce Innovation Centre |
Practical resources for small business involved in or considering eCommerce implemetations. Expert Advice and Assistance. |
www.ecommerce.ac.uk |
Web Marketing Today -- E-Commerce, E-Mail, Internet Marketing, and ... |
Articles, tips and advice on e-commerce and effective Internet marketing strategies. |
www.wilsonweb.com |
Web Marketing Today Research Room for E-Commerce |
The largest collection of annotated links to web marketing and ecommerce articles and resources to be found at any single place on the planet. |
www.wilsonweb.com |
The 2005 E-commerce Awards - Welcome |
The UK national E-commerce awards organised by the DTI and Interforum. |
www.ecommerce-awards.co.uk |
Mal's e-commerce |
Mal's e-commerce ... Customize the look and feel of your store; No scripts or applications to install; Build as large an e-commerce site as you want ... |
www.mals-e.com |
Howstuffworks "How E-commerce Works" |
E-commerce has exploded in the last 10 years. Find out how e-commerce works and how you can harness the potential of e-commerce, from affiliate programs to ... |
www.howstuffworks.com |
Ecommerce Guide - Terms You Need to Know to Do Business on the ... |
An online computer dictionary and internet search engine for internet terms and techincal support. |
e-comm.webopedia.com |
Shopping Cart Software Ecommerce Solutions |
Ecommerce solutions by Volusion will take your business to new heights. Volusion offers the best prices in the industry for a complete ecommerce web ... |
www.volusion.com |