Elderly Drivers: Stop or Go?
Without so much as a tap on the brakes, my aunt whizzed through another stop sign.
"What are you doing?" I shrieked. "That was a stop sign."
"Oh," she replied rather offhandedly, "they just put those there so you'll look before you go into an...
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Home For The Holidays: Is it Time for That Talk?
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How Will You Pay For Skilled Rehabilitation In The Nursing Home
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The POWER of Your Words
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And This Unto You
My mom says I was born tense. Tense and intense. When she tells the story of how I was born, amidst the drama and gesticulation, I feel a little sad to know that I am this child she speaks of. I was taken from the womb dead asleep, a planned caesarean woken up by the foreign hands of the outside world when all I knew was the comfort of my prenatal solitude. My body froze with fright, carrying the weight, it seems, of an entire lifetime of stress at the infantile age of birth. When she speaks of the way she could hear me screaming day and night in the nursery just a few doors down, and of her helplessness in coming to my rescue, I feel the aftermath both of her helplessness and of my own. It’s a feeling I can’t seem to shake. When my incessant wailing finally subsided and my parents were able to hold me, as my mom goes on to tell the story, I still could not calm my nervous body, so small and fragile, a mere seven pounds carrying at least that weight in stress. She speaks of the way I would never relax, how even in sleep she would watch me and my curled toes and clenched fists. And I have this vision, this vision of my young mother’s eyes, peering in on her sleeping infant the way I imagine every parent does. The way I have watched my own daughter sleepily after midnight feedings when my eyes won’t close again. And I think of the way my mother must have viewed me, no more than a week of life in a tiny body but with a soul already tainted by the frightening beginnings of such a difficult world. And I think that as she watched me sleep, she must have cried for so much love... I think she must have seen that life is hard.
I was born nearly thirty years ago to a mother younger than I am now. The child my mother birthed before me had been a c-section and thus my path was set long before I ever materialized. I was a planned c-section, as was the custom in the early seventies among women who had previous caesarean deliveries. My parents picked my birthday and planned
accordingly. Their elder child was well taken care of; bags were packed and ready for the weeklong hospital stay; the house locked and pet sitters arranged. My mother was prepped for surgery and wheeled into an operating room. Conscious but sluggish, she held my father’s hand as the men in green scrubs set about their work. My mother’s body was sliced open to reveal a sleeping infant, jarred awake to the bright lights and cold hands of the ob ward. Their baby was whisked away to be cut and cleaned and wrapped in a blanket, then stored in the nursery with all the other luggage. This was in direct contrast to their plan of holding a wriggling and greasy newborn before the cord was even severed, but beyond their control. Despite protestations, I was transferred immediately to the nursery where I commenced to demonstrate my clearly healthy lungs with screams that began the moment I was born and lasted for days, until I was finally reunited with my mother.
There is a silver lining to the story of my birth, and that is the story of Ruby Jane’s birth. My mother gave birth four times before I felt my first contraction, and each time was a lesson to me. So this becomes the story of two births, a story to say how one birth grows out of another. For a quarter century I had heard my mother tell the story of my birth, cold and surgical. I had listened to her recount my days in the nursery, her heroic attempts to drag her broken body across the maternity ward and lift me from my screams. I ache to think of a mother so far from her baby. I do not remember, but I feel it in my gut. And in the collective consciousness that is me and my mother, I learned to help my baby into this world with kindness and warmth.
About the Author
Abigail Is 29 years old and lives in Southern California with her daughter Ruby Jane. Her writing has appeared in Loving Mama: Essays on Natural Childbirth and Parenting, on Mothering magazine's website and also in the periodical Growing Up In Santa Cruz.
Eldercare Search |
Local information, referral resources, and contact information for state and local agencies, from the United States' Health and Human Services Department. |
www.eldercare.gov |
Eldercare Search |
Main Eldercare Image. Clear Image. Medicare Search ... Eldercare Locator Footer. Contact us | Privacy Notice | Accessibility |. Text Size : Small | Medium | ... |
www.eldercare.gov |
ElderWeb | ElderWeb |
ElderWeb. Award-winning online eldercare sourcebook. Topics | Regions | Site Map. Theme. Medium, Large, X Large. ElderWeb ... |
www.elderweb.com |
ElderCare Online - Information, Education, and Support for Elderly ... |
information and support for caregivers to the elderly with alzheimer's disease. |
www.ec-online.net |
CareGuide :: |
The CareGuide Assessment is designed to help you quickly locate the most relevant resources and information about your elder care situation. ... |
www.eldercare.com |
Seniors, Caregivers, Elder Care, and Disabilities in Massachusetts ... |
Somerville Cambridge Elder Services (Massachusetts) offers resources, information, advice & services to Seniors, Caregivers & People with Disabilities. |
www.eldercare.org |
san diego eldercare directory |
eldercare.uniontrib.com/ - 1k - Cached - Similar pages |
Eldercare Services, Elderly Care, Aging Parents, Seniors, Long ... |
An in-depth resource center for elder care topics such as: geriatric care management, home health care options, estate planning, understanding medicare, ... |
www.eldercareadvocates.com |
Family Eldercare - Serving older adults, people with disabilities ... |
Austin non-profit organization providing a range of services for older adults, people with disabilities, and their caregivers. |
www.familyeldercare.org |
Transitions, Inc. Elder Care Consulting |
On-line guide to elder caregiving, opinion column written by an older adult, caregiver's support forum, assessment tools, tips about working with older ... |
www.asktransitions.com |
Health Care & Elder Care - Resource Center |
Providing articles, information, and financial planning calculators for retirement and elder care. |
www.nolo.com |
Eldercare Referral Service |
Eldercare Referral Service is a free service offered to seniors or their family members to assist them in locating senior housing. |
www.eldercare.net |
Elder Care Services - Elder Care Of Wisconsin |
Health care coordination and long-term care for older adults. Includes descriptions of programs and services, job opportunities, and ways to help. |
www.elderc.org |
eldercare website |
Eldercare have been operating a social alarm control centre near Manchester ... In 1998 Eldercare became the first Social Alarm Control Centre to be granted ... |
www.eldercare.co.uk |
Eldercare Locator |
The National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) administers the Eldercare Locator in partnership with the National Association of State Units on ... |
www.n4a.org |
The U.S. Administration on Aging (AoA) |
Eldercare Locator. Search Eldercare Locator Toll Free: 1-800-677-1116. Summit Registration. Register for Summit · New Intensives Added ... |
www.aoa.gov |
FHA - Eldercare at Home |
From the Foundation for Health in Aging. A twenty eight chapter online resource for families and friends who are caring for older people at home. |
www.healthinaging.org |
ElderCare New Zealand |
ElderCare is a national network of residential care facilities which offer ... ElderCare… a network of residential care homes and hospitals for older people ... |
www.eldercare.co.nz |
Eldercare Home Health - All about Elder care in Toronto |
Eldercare Home Health is a Toronto, Ontario Canada based home healthcare provider specializing in Elder Care. Helping seniors stay happy, independent and ... |
www.eldercarehomehealth.com |
Eldercare |
Phone: (02) 9416 6922 Enquiries: info@eldercare.com.au ... O&P Eldercare is a division of Occasional & Permanent Nannies & Housekeepers (NSW) Pty. Ltd. |
www.eldercare.com.au |