15 Ways to Create Some Extra Holiday Money
Originally this was going to be a list for my two teenagers but some of these ideas are better suited to adults with a valid driver's license and a bit of know-how. Some of these take a bit of planning and organizing, but most of them could be...
Board and Care Homes – What Are They?
Board and Care homes (also known as RCFE’s - Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly) are residential private homes that have been licensed by the Department of Social Services to provide services to seniors. Most accept no more than six...
Design Your Destiny: Life is What You Make It
Like William Henley who once said, “I am the master of my fate. The captain of my soul,” I agree that Life is a Do-It Yourself project. If you want to live a certain kind of life, you are going to have to be proactive...
Games Are For Children
I run a blog (http://gamesareforchildren.com) where I discuss the topic of the many games people play in the dating arena. I've posted hundreds of articles, many of which point out many of these troubles. Even if you haven't read the blog, you...
Top Ten Ways Working Moms Can Take Care of Themselves
1. Get enough sleep.
This means making sure the kids go to bed early enough so you can. Have an evening routine that is calming for everyone.
2. Eat well.
Yes you know it. Most of you don’t do it. It is just as easy to grab a...
The face of America is changing
Americans are getting older but not in the way our parents and grandparents did. We are living longer, healthier, more active lives.
The face of America is changing. Look around you. We are all getting older. It’s not just happening in our neighborhood but around the world; populations most everywhere are showing signs of aging. Just two or three decades ago, when a person had gray hair and moved a little slower then the rest of us, we called them old or elderly. They were retirees, wore strange clothes, baked cookies, and chased us off their lawns. We called them grandma and grandpa, ma’am and sir. Sometimes we were even scared of them. We never imagined one day we would be the one the grocery bagger would be calling ma’am. But here we are.
There has been a major shift in perceptions and the way we talk and think about growing old. Now words like senior citizen, old or elderly have negative connotations, conveying an attitude based on stereotypes of sickness and some degree of helplessness. In reality this couldn’t be further from the truth. All the advances made in medical technology and a shift in attitudes about the aging process have made today’s seniors a breed apart from their predecessors just a generation or two ago. Most folks over 50 are vibrant and full of life. Many work well past retirement age because they want to stay active and connected to the world and feel like they have something to contribute. They sure don’t act like our grandparents did. What they are not is useless, sickly or helpless.
So how should we refer to these seniors in a way that reflects respect, compassion and understanding? When I teach people in our community how to be empathetic to the needs of seniors during senior sensitivity training, we discuss at length, just what do you call older people? There are several schools of thought. One suggests
elder, a term which implies wisdom and respect as in the elders of a church. Another suggests mature American. Still others believe older adult is the most neutral description. I always suggest why we don’t just ask these folks what terms they are most comfortable with and let this guide our choice of words.
Why should we bother to see beyond labels, beyond the graying hair, the slowing gait and the creases? As I near my own senior hood, I know that if we look only at the outer wrappings of a person we miss the best elements, ones that may not be so obvious.
What do I see when I cross paths with someone from a previous generation? I see experience, wisdom and history. I see people who helped create many of the vibrant institutions we enjoy today. I see innovators who made our lives change for the better. I see soldiers and sailors who lived through world wars and preserved democracy. I see a generation that experienced change beyond comprehension. I see grandmothers and mothers who nurtured us to adulthood. I see a generation who taught us to expect more from ourselves then we ever thought possible. And I want to say thank you because without these folks, our world would be a vastly different place.
About the Author
Karen S. Sieczka considers herself a renaissance woman, one with many interests. Her background includes working as a community educator, an entrepreneur, a researcher, a website content developer, a budding photographer, an advocate for seniors, literacy and early education, as well as a desktop publisher. Underlying her myriad pursuits is an enduring love of the written word and a need to express her unique view of the world with humor and wit. Karen is available for freelance writing and publications development. Contact her at spatarok@hotmail.com for further information.
Eldercare Search |
Local information, referral resources, and contact information for state and local agencies, from the United States' Health and Human Services Department. |
www.eldercare.gov |
Eldercare Search |
Main Eldercare Image. Clear Image. Medicare Search ... Eldercare Locator Footer. Contact us | Privacy Notice | Accessibility |. Text Size : Small | Medium | ... |
www.eldercare.gov |
ElderWeb | ElderWeb |
ElderWeb. Award-winning online eldercare sourcebook. Topics | Regions | Site Map. Theme. Medium, Large, X Large. ElderWeb ... |
www.elderweb.com |
ElderCare Online - Information, Education, and Support for Elderly ... |
information and support for caregivers to the elderly with alzheimer's disease. |
www.ec-online.net |
CareGuide :: |
The CareGuide Assessment is designed to help you quickly locate the most relevant resources and information about your elder care situation. ... |
www.eldercare.com |
Seniors, Caregivers, Elder Care, and Disabilities in Massachusetts ... |
Somerville Cambridge Elder Services (Massachusetts) offers resources, information, advice & services to Seniors, Caregivers & People with Disabilities. |
www.eldercare.org |
san diego eldercare directory |
eldercare.uniontrib.com/ - 1k - Cached - Similar pages |
Eldercare Services, Elderly Care, Aging Parents, Seniors, Long ... |
An in-depth resource center for elder care topics such as: geriatric care management, home health care options, estate planning, understanding medicare, ... |
www.eldercareadvocates.com |
Family Eldercare - Serving older adults, people with disabilities ... |
Austin non-profit organization providing a range of services for older adults, people with disabilities, and their caregivers. |
www.familyeldercare.org |
Transitions, Inc. Elder Care Consulting |
On-line guide to elder caregiving, opinion column written by an older adult, caregiver's support forum, assessment tools, tips about working with older ... |
www.asktransitions.com |
Health Care & Elder Care - Resource Center |
Providing articles, information, and financial planning calculators for retirement and elder care. |
www.nolo.com |
Eldercare Referral Service |
Eldercare Referral Service is a free service offered to seniors or their family members to assist them in locating senior housing. |
www.eldercare.net |
Elder Care Services - Elder Care Of Wisconsin |
Health care coordination and long-term care for older adults. Includes descriptions of programs and services, job opportunities, and ways to help. |
www.elderc.org |
eldercare website |
Eldercare have been operating a social alarm control centre near Manchester ... In 1998 Eldercare became the first Social Alarm Control Centre to be granted ... |
www.eldercare.co.uk |
Eldercare Locator |
The National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) administers the Eldercare Locator in partnership with the National Association of State Units on ... |
www.n4a.org |
The U.S. Administration on Aging (AoA) |
Eldercare Locator. Search Eldercare Locator Toll Free: 1-800-677-1116. Summit Registration. Register for Summit · New Intensives Added ... |
www.aoa.gov |
FHA - Eldercare at Home |
From the Foundation for Health in Aging. A twenty eight chapter online resource for families and friends who are caring for older people at home. |
www.healthinaging.org |
ElderCare New Zealand |
ElderCare is a national network of residential care facilities which offer ... ElderCare… a network of residential care homes and hospitals for older people ... |
www.eldercare.co.nz |
Eldercare Home Health - All about Elder care in Toronto |
Eldercare Home Health is a Toronto, Ontario Canada based home healthcare provider specializing in Elder Care. Helping seniors stay happy, independent and ... |
www.eldercarehomehealth.com |
Eldercare |
Phone: (02) 9416 6922 Enquiries: info@eldercare.com.au ... O&P Eldercare is a division of Occasional & Permanent Nannies & Housekeepers (NSW) Pty. Ltd. |
www.eldercare.com.au |