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Volunteers Valued for Many Contributions
(ARA) – Social services experts say it’s important for nursing home residents to remain a part of the community, but sometimes that is easier said than done. Our mothers, fathers, teachers, guides and friends can no longer get around on their own, and often need help completing the simplest of tasks.
Since family and friends can’t always be there to help, volunteer programs have been set up at nursing homes across the country to fill in the gaps. “Volunteers help nursing home residents feel connected to their communities, which is very important,” says Ed McMahon, Ph.D., Director of Alzheimer’s Care and Quality of Life for Beverly Healthcare, a national leader in eldercare services.
Nursing home professionals plan and implement activities daily, but most homes also depend on volunteers to make those activities happen. Some depend on volunteers to help residents directly by visiting one-on-one, providing transportation to medical appointments, helping them enjoy outings and bringing trained pets to visit.
“We appreciate all of our volunteers so much. Sometimes, I don’t think they understand how important they are to us and to the residents,” says Dr. McMahon. “They provide the help that we need to give residents opportunities to continue doing the things they enjoyed doing before they came to live here.”
*For Children
The first exposure many people have to volunteering is at home or in school as a young child. According to the Points of Light Foundation and Volunteer Center National Network, two-thirds of adult volunteers reported that they began contributing their time when they were young.
School and church groups, as well as families, often bring youngsters to nursing homes for special events or projects. For example, many music teachers bring their pupils to perform for eager audiences at nursing homes. These visits can have a twofold
benefit. Not only are residents entertained, but the young performers get experience in front of an audience.
“Kids can have a profound effect on the elderly. The elderly love the energy and simple honesty that kids bring to our home. Sometimes, the little ones remind our residents of their own children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren,” says Dr. McMahon.
Community organizations such as the Boy Scouts are also finding that they can lend their talents to nursing homes while learning important lessons. Troops can volunteer their woodworking skills to make wooden crafts that residents can paint or decorate.
Through volunteering at a nursing home, children learn respect for their elders. They may also learn a history lesson from a living legend.
*For Churches
For many elderly, the social connection they miss the most is also a spiritual one. Church plays a large part in their lives, and that doesn’t have to end when they enter nursing homes. In many communities, pastors from each denomination visit the homes to provide weekly sermons and personal visits.
* Residents as Volunteers
While nursing home residents enjoy the time and talents of the volunteers who make their lives better, these elderly citizens also have opportunities to volunteer in their own communities. Some nursing homes take residents to a kindergarten class to read to the children. Others assist residents in making crafts or cards for sick children. Yet other residents deliver mail within the nursing home and help other residents when possible.
* Opportunities for You
To learn more about volunteer opportunities in your area, contact a local nursing home or your area agency on aging.
Courtesy of ARA Content
About the author:
Courtesy of ARA Content
Eldercare Search |
Local information, referral resources, and contact information for state and local agencies, from the United States' Health and Human Services Department. |
www.eldercare.gov |
Eldercare Search |
Main Eldercare Image. Clear Image. Medicare Search ... Eldercare Locator Footer. Contact us | Privacy Notice | Accessibility |. Text Size : Small | Medium | ... |
www.eldercare.gov |
ElderWeb | ElderWeb |
ElderWeb. Award-winning online eldercare sourcebook. Topics | Regions | Site Map. Theme. Medium, Large, X Large. ElderWeb ... |
www.elderweb.com |
ElderCare Online - Information, Education, and Support for Elderly ... |
information and support for caregivers to the elderly with alzheimer's disease. |
www.ec-online.net |
CareGuide :: |
The CareGuide Assessment is designed to help you quickly locate the most relevant resources and information about your elder care situation. ... |
www.eldercare.com |
Seniors, Caregivers, Elder Care, and Disabilities in Massachusetts ... |
Somerville Cambridge Elder Services (Massachusetts) offers resources, information, advice & services to Seniors, Caregivers & People with Disabilities. |
www.eldercare.org |
san diego eldercare directory |
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Health Care & Elder Care - Resource Center |
Providing articles, information, and financial planning calculators for retirement and elder care. |
www.nolo.com |
Eldercare Referral Service |
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Elder Care Services - Elder Care Of Wisconsin |
Health care coordination and long-term care for older adults. Includes descriptions of programs and services, job opportunities, and ways to help. |
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Eldercare have been operating a social alarm control centre near Manchester ... In 1998 Eldercare became the first Social Alarm Control Centre to be granted ... |
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The National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) administers the Eldercare Locator in partnership with the National Association of State Units on ... |
www.n4a.org |
The U.S. Administration on Aging (AoA) |
Eldercare Locator. Search Eldercare Locator Toll Free: 1-800-677-1116. Summit Registration. Register for Summit · New Intensives Added ... |
www.aoa.gov |
FHA - Eldercare at Home |
From the Foundation for Health in Aging. A twenty eight chapter online resource for families and friends who are caring for older people at home. |
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ElderCare is a national network of residential care facilities which offer ... ElderCare… a network of residential care homes and hospitals for older people ... |
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www.eldercarehomehealth.com |
Eldercare |
Phone: (02) 9416 6922 Enquiries: info@eldercare.com.au ... O&P Eldercare is a division of Occasional & Permanent Nannies & Housekeepers (NSW) Pty. Ltd. |
www.eldercare.com.au |