25 Ways To Promote Your Site Online And Off
Offline Promotions 1.Always include your URL on all company letterhead, business cards, signage and paper advertisements such as flyers or newspapers ads. 2.Using uniforms with your corporate slogan can we a walking reminder to all your customers...
5 unorthodox email subject tricks -500% more responses!
5 unorthodox email subject tricks -500% more responses! (c) Copyright S. Kumar 2002 http://www.learnhomebusiness.com If your email subject line doesn't get read -Nothing gets read! And it is worse now! **DoubleClick Q2 E-Mail Trends Report,...
How to Boost Your Traffic and Profits with Content!
Are you aware of how vitally important and valuable CONTENT is to your online business? In fact, content can do more to build your business and profits than just about any other resource or service available.
Following is a list of 5 key ways...
It really is only 'early days' in the Internet Gold Rush....
Copyright 2005 Richard Grady
One of the questions that I am getting more and more used to hearing lately is:
'Is it too late for me to start an online business? Have I missed the boat and have all of the best opportunities been and gone?'
Steps to ClickBank Success
Steps to ClickBank Success What exactly is ClickBank you ask ? Well, first and foremost, ClickBank is an e-commerce provider. That means they handle online financial transactions for clients, called "vendors". ClickBank has about 40,000 clients,...
Marketing your Home Business through Newsletters
Copyright 2005 Paul Jesse
Newsletters are a wonderful way to market your business when on a budget. You can opt to write them yourself or hire a writer to do the job for you.
Newsletters do not have to be long and involved. They do not have to contain a specific number of pages. In fact, many readers prefer a newsletter that can be digested in a matter of a few minutes as opposed to one that is several pages in length.
When writing your newsletter, try to be basic, provide important, relevant information. While it is acceptable to include such content as humor pieces, puzzles, trivia or even recipes, remember the main purpose of your newsletter is to sell your product or service and to increase your customer base.
One of the most important elements of a newsletter is the title. Not only the main title itself but also the title of each separate news piece, as well. You want something that will peak your customer’s interest… grab their attention.
There are many companies that offer low cost newsletter management packages, for businesses of all sizes. They are well worth the money when you consider the time you save when utilizing this service. Depending on the size of your newsletter (number of pages) and the number of subscribers that receive your newsletter each month, you can literally save
hours of work with one of these packages.
Most of these budget newsletter services offer free trial periods, online tutorials and some form of live help, via either a toll-free number or live online option. They do their best to offer more, to ensure you will choose their particular service.
You should be able to find one of these services by doing a simple online search. Packages start at just $10.00 per month. Many offer a 30-day free trial, unlimited subscriber lists, unlimited email layouts and unlimited campaigns. Some also offer image hosting which eliminates the need to place newsletter images on your website.
Submit your newsletter information to various no-cost online newsletter directories or submit a press release. You will certainly notice an increase in subscriber numbers. You won’t receive hundreds of subscribers overnight, but you will attract readers that probably would not have found you otherwise. Let’s face it, every new subscriber is a potential customer and obtaining new customers is what you are striving for!
Newsletters do work. With a little effort on your part they will work for you, even if your marketing budget is a small one.
About the Author
Paul Jesse is a retired government employee and author of numerous home business articles. http://www.breastfeedbaby.com
Email marketing services and email marketing tools from SubscriberMail |
SubscriberMail is the leading provider of email marketing services and technology, enabling clients to send email marketing newsletters and campaigns ... |
www.subscribermail.com |
ClickZ Internet Marketing Experts |
You are in the: ClickZ Network arrow. ClickZ Network Navigation, ClickZ Network Home, News, News Blog, Experts, Stats, Features, Search Engine Watch ... |
www.clickz.com |
Email Marketing Solutions from Constant Contact |
Email marketing software that makes it easy to create professional HTML email campaigns with no tech skills. Sign up for a 60-Day FREE trial. |
www.constantcontact.com |
Constant Contact Learning Center – Email Marketing Resources |
Articles on email marketing best practices, including tips on building an email list, writing email newsletters, and tracking email campaigns. |
www.constantcontact.com |
Email Marketing | Email Campaigns |
Online resource for Bulk Email Marketing Services, Email Address List, Email Marketing Campaigns, Email List Builder, Permission Email Marketing, ... |
www.benchmarkemail.com |
Email Marketing Reports |
Hundreds of articles and reviews on email marketing and advertising. |
www.email-marketing-reports.com |
MailWorkZ Email Marketing Products and Services |
Full suite of email marketing products and online services. Create effective campaigns, manage deliverability, evaluate and track results. |
www.mailworkz.com |
Email Marketing, Internet Marketing Tool, Bulk Email Marketing ... |
Email marketing, internet marketing tool and bulk email marketing strategies from StreamSend. |
www.streamsend.com |
Email Marketing - About Email |
Email is a very powerful marketing tool. In spite of spammers abusing the medium, email can still be used and is still valued by users for timely, ... |
email.about.com |
Email Marketing Software - Email Marketing Solutions - Lyris |
Email Marketing Solutions from Lyris - The most popular email marketing software, list hosting services, email deliverability and antispam solutions since ... |
www.lyris.com |
Direct email Marketing |
eFuse.com is a virtual primer for creating great web sites-offering information, inspiration, assistance and entertainment. |
www.efuse.com |
Topica: Online Marketing and Sales Solution |
Email Marketing Solutions - Topica's Direct Email Marketing Solution boosts lead generation, increases conversion rates, and shortens the online sales cycle ... |
www.topica.com |
Pure ))) Email Marketing and Email Advertising |
Provides web-based email marketing solutions to improve brand awareness and advertising communications. |
www.pure360.com |
Email Marketing Software & Services from Email Marketing Solutions UK |
Email Marketing Solutions UK: Private label, multi-user mailing list management and email marketing software solution for designers and marketers. |
www.emailtools.co.uk |
Email Marketing Software from Bronto |
Email marketing software for managing lists and sending newsletters, surveys and other communications. |
bronto.com |
IntelliContact - We Simplify Email Marketing |
IntelliContact is more than email marketing. It represents the future of ... "We Simplify Email Marketing" and "Intelligent Email Marketing Software" are ... |
www.intellicontact.com |
Email marketing | Business Link |
How to use email to promote your business in a constructive way that stays clear of anti-spam rules. |
www.businesslink.gov.uk |
Email Marketing Software: Direct Email Marketing from Listrak |
Email marketing provider, Listrak is a permission-based application that provides an easy and affordable method of managing, sending and tracking the ... |
www.listrak.com |
Mass email marketing software for email newsletters, email merge ... |
Internet marketing tools that mean business: e-mail personalization and marketing tools for professionals. |
www.arialsoftware.com |
Email Marketing Software & Services from Emailcenter UK |
Email marketing software solutions and services from Emailcenter UK. |
www.emailcenteruk.com |