101 Uses for Dirty Diapers
As the father of a toddler, I am an expert on dirty diapers. I know exactly what to do with them: throw them out! But along comes a New York waste company and a town in California who want me to do something else with my dirty diapers. Like cover...
Create an environmentally friendly shopping policy
These days, buying green products does not mean sacrificing your quality of life or needing to become a hippy. There are many high quality environmental products which are better for the environment and your health. Today, you have far more options...
Drive slower, save the planet!
Site: Hoot
Release details: Immediate
Date: 23 September 2005
Drive slower, save the planet!
The environment is a hot issue that we just can't afford to ignore any longer. To some, being environmentally aware is a way of life, a...
Efficiency Equals Reduction
Efficiency Equals Reduction (400 words) Imagine that if at the grocery store the person bagging your purchases left empty, unused spaces in each bag causing you to carry 10 instead of 5 bags out to your car then into your home. You would be...
Why Going Green Makes Good Business Sense
Financial Benefits of Environmental Responsibility
Up until approximately 6 months ago, I was of the impression that being conscious of the environment was strictly for the benefit of the environment itself, and that I would derive nothing...
Happy Earth Day!
Happy Earth Day to everyone! (255 words)
What can you do to make a difference - pick up a copy of our book, Trash Talk, & we'll show you a myriad of simple ideas to reduce consumption of resources & new ways to manage your contribution to the landfill. (okay - forgive us for the little plug!)
Just the other day there was a group of children walking down our streets downtown with bags cleaning up the area. We could all learn from this selfless act. Did you know that wind and traffic breezes carry waste from inland to water ways? Up to 80% of the waste found in water ways originates inland. Something to think about...
There are all kinds of things we can do today, starting right now that make an immediate difference: choose to walk or bicycle to your destinations or bring home a tree or other environmentally beneficial plant that produces food, cleans air, water and
soil or prevents erosion. Look around your home and office. Are you managine waste and energy as efficiently as you can? How about stand-by power use? This is the power continually consumed by flashing lights and power lights (on appliances, stereos, computer equipment and so on) when equipment is not in use. Unplug these power drains today.
Yes, these are just little things, but they do make a difference. Earth Day is about awareness - it is about engaging individuals to make a difference. Pretty soon it is like ripples in a pond, the waves just keep getting bigger.
About the Author
-- Written by Dave and Lillian Brummet based on the concept of their book, Trash Talk. The book offers useful solutions for the individual to reduce waste and better manage resources. A guide for anyone concerned about their impact on the environment. (http://www.sunshinecable.com/~drumit)
Department of Energy - Homepage |
Governmental department whose mission is to advance energy technology and promote related innovation in the United States. |
www.energy.gov |
Department of Energy - Page not found! |
US Department of Energy information for consumers, business, and communities. Links to many energy pages of the DOE. |
www.energy.gov |
Energy Quest Room |
California Energy Commission's energy and environmental education site for students, parents and teachers. Includes information, Q&As, projects, ... |
www.energyquest.ca.gov |
The Energy Story - Introduction |
Detailed guide explains what energy is and where it comes from. |
www.energyquest.ca.gov |
EIA Energy Kids Page - energy facts, fun, games and activities |
Features various sections about energy including what it is and the forms it comes in. Find out how humans use energy through quizzes and a 'fun facts' ... |
www.eia.doe.gov |
Energy Information Administration - EIA - Official Energy ... |
Section of the US Department of Energy (DOE) providing statistics, data, analysis on resources, supply, production, consumption for all energy sources. |
www.eia.doe.gov |
Energy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Free encyclopedia article explaining the scientific notion of energy. Includes units of measure, energy transformation concepts, types of energy, ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Department of Energy - Homepage |
U.S. Department of Energy Awards Contract for Management and Operation of Ames ... The Energy Star label is the government's seal of energy efficiency. ... |
www.doe.gov |
US EPA Energy Star programs and products help save the environment and save consumers money by using less energy through advanced design or construction. |
www.energystar.gov |
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Home Page |
Facility of the US Department of Energy (DOE) for renewable energy and energy efficiency research, development and deployment. |
www.nrel.gov |
European Commission - Energy - Home page |
Welcome to the European Commission's "Energy" website ... A European Strategy for Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy ... |
ec.europa.eu |
DTI - Energy - Introduction |
The DTI’s Energy Group deals with energy-related matters, ... UK energy statistics are provided, including production, consumption and prices. ... |
www.dti.gov.uk |
U.S. DOE Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Home Page |
US Department of Energy web site for information on energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies. |
www.eere.energy.gov |
Energy for America's Future |
Provides an overview of President Bush's energy policies. |
www.whitehouse.gov |
International Energy Agency |
Energy Security, Growth and Sustainability through Co-operation and Outreach. |
www.iea.org |
energywatch: Home Page |
Independent gas and electricity consumer watchdog, providing help to domestic, commercial or industrial energy (gas and electricity) consumers. |
www.energywatch.org.uk |
EnergyAustralia - Home |
Details of one of Australia's largest and oldest gas and electricity supply companies. Includes information on accounts, energy saving tips, appliance sales ... |
www.energy.com.au |
U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources |
Has jurisdiction over energy policy, regulation, and research. Also deals with energy and mineral conservation, ports used for energy transport, irrigation, ... |
energy.senate.gov |
bloomberg energy prices |
www.bloomberg.com/energy/ - Similar pages |
Energy Bulletin |
A clearinghouse of information concerning the peak in global energy such as oil and gas. |
www.energybulletin.net |