50 Motivational Tips for Exercise and Weight Loss
No matter who we are, we all have days when we just do not feel like exercising. The weather might be grey, you've had a busy day, or you might just be bored with your program. Whatever the reason, you just don't feel like it!
It's on these days...
Burn 340 Calories a Day with Aerobic Exercise
Strengthen your heart and lungs and give your body a wonderful shape with Aerobics.
Aerobic Exercise - Improve your fitness the right way.
Aerobic exercise involves the manner of...
Speaks Out
Make Poor Partners
Over the last twenty five years the most common questioned asked me by frustrated exercisers, has been what exercise routine will get me the body I...
The Art of Concentrating by Means of Practical Psychic Exercises (Part 1)
Select some thought, and see how long you can hold your mind on
it. It is well to have a clock at first and keep track of the
time. If you decide to think about health, you can get a great
deal of good from your thinking besides developing...
The Ultimate Hard Body Exercise
The Front Squat:
As you may have already discovered, the squat is at the top of the heap (along with deadlifts) as one of the most effective overall exercises for stimulating body composition changes (muscle gain and fat loss). This is because...
Weight Loss Exercise - A Great Start
I realize this sounds like a broken record, but if you want to loose weight and keep it off then you need weight loss exercise as part of your routine! Whether you think “but I don't want to exercise, I hate exercise, I don't need to exercise”... or whatever other excuse you might have, the fact is weight loss exercise is the key to success.
The bottom line is you can join whatever fad diet you want.. if you do not start a weight loss exercise routine then your chances of successful weight loss will be dropped dramatically. Sure you will loose some weight, after all that is achieved simply by consuming less calories then your body requires to function. The problem is simply starving your body causes it to go into a fasting state. This is a defensive move that your body takes to help you survive, what happens is your metabolism slows down which in turn gives you a felling a fatigue plus it tries to store up extra fat reserves.
This is why weight loss exercise is so important!
Now you might be thinking, will not my body do that even if I am working out?
Think about this for a second, say you consume 3000 calories a day and your body burns 2200 with your everyday activities, if you suddenly cut those calories to below 2200 and do not start any weight loss exercise program then your body simply resorts to a fasting state and tries to protect your body from starvation. Now you will loose fat, however your body will also loose muscle as it tries to fill in those calories that you are not taking in… and worse of all you will feel hungry, lethargic and miserable. Your mouth will be drooling for food and you will feel like crap
Ok so what does weight loss exercise have to do with this?
Exercise causes your body to burn
calories; it also increases your energy levels. So instead of starving yourself thin, keep eating the same amount of calories you are currently eating and instead increase your calorie burning to overtake your consuming. Now that might sound hypocritical because would you not still be starving yourself. Simply no… your muscles will be getting worked, your heart will be pumping and your body will become an efficient calorie burning machine. Once you start exercising you will find that you will want to start eating healthier and you will start eating foods that are not empty calories… that is foods with high calories and fill the gap for only short periods of time.
However, this is not a completely true statement… the reason is because everyone is different. So if you start an exercise routine and still feel you are ravenous for junk food, then intervention is needed. For some this could be as simple as taking a fiber supplement that expands and fills the gap others might try different appetite suppressants that fool the body into not feeling hungry. The point is, start a weight loss exercise program and listen to your body. If supplements are needed in conjunction with a weight loss exercise routine, then try them, but please don't try just starving yourself thin.
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Source: www.isnare.com
Exercise at About.com |
Offers fitness and exercise related links, articles, information, and discussions. |
exercise.about.com |
American Council On Exercise |
Fitness Certification and Education: The American Council on Exercise (ACE), a non-profit organization, promotes active lifestyles by setting certification ... |
www.acefitness.org |
Physical exercise - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Physical exercise is the performance of some activity in order to develop or ... Frequent and regular physical exercise is an important component in the ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Why Exercise Is Cool |
Tells why exercise is important and explores the many benefits of physical activity. |
www.kidshealth.org |
Kids and Exercise |
When most adults think about exercise, they imagine working out in the gym on a treadmill or lifting weights. But for children, exercise means playing and ... |
www.kidshealth.org |
Fitness Fundamentals |
It is influenced by age, sex, heredity, personal habits, exercise and eating practices. ... How often, how long and how hard you exercise, and what kinds of ... |
www.hoptechno.com |
MedlinePlus: Exercise and Physical Fitness |
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases The primary NIH organization for research on Exercise and Physical Fitness is the ... |
www.nlm.nih.gov |
MedlinePlus: Exercise for Seniors |
Pictures/Diagrams; Slide Show: Balance Exercises Improve Stability, Help Prevent Falls (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research) ... |
www.nlm.nih.gov |
Exercise: A Healthy Habit to Start and Keep -- familydoctor.org |
Information about exercise from the American Academy of Family Physicians. |
familydoctor.org |
Welcome to ::-:: Exercise, Fitness and Leisure |
Information on various aspects of exercise and fitness and providers of sporting, exercise and leisure equipment. |
www.exercise.co.uk |
ExRx (Exercise Prescription) on the Net |
Fitness and exercise information including diet, nutrition, exercise, sports and weight training. Includes a muscle directory. |
www.exrx.net |
Weight Training, Exercise Instruction & Kinesiology |
Weight training and kinesiology reference with many animated weight training exercises, stretches, plyometric movements, and illustrated muscles. |
www.exrx.net |
Exercise & Fitness |
Swimming, cycling, jogging, skiing, aerobic dancing, walking or any of dozens of other activities can help your heart. Whether it is a structured exercise ... |
www.americanheart.org |
Howstuffworks "How Exercise Works" |
Exercise creates a set of responses in your body, whether you work out regularly or not. Find out how these responses can be enhanced by training. |
www.howstuffworks.com |
Exercise and Diabetes - American Diabetes Association |
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Exercise works the same way. Taking that first step can be hard, especially if you've been ... |
www.diabetes.org |
NIHSeniorHealth: Exercise for Older Adults - Table of contents |
See the Exercise Stories. Exercise for Older Adults Table of Contents. Benefits of Exercise · Safety First · Exercises to Try · Charting Progress ... |
nihseniorhealth.gov |
Exercise to Improve Your Body and Your Brain |
My comprehensive exercise guide. ... The key to obtaining the benefits of exercise is to find a program and stick to it. Of course, it is useful to have a ... |
www.mercola.com |
FitnessOnline.com - Exercise Health Nutrition Advice Weight Loss |
FitnessOnline.com - expert advice on exercise programs, diets, weight loss, muscle gain, vitamins, supplements & strength training. |
www.fitnessonline.com |
Table of Contents |
Exercise: A Guide from the National Institute on Aging ... Chapter 2: Is It Safe for Me to Exercise? ... Chapter 4: Examples of Exercises to Do at Home ... |
weboflife.nasa.gov |
Exercise Physiology Page for the MAPP |
Aging, Exercise and Short Term Power · Principles of Training- Revisited · The Time Course of Training Adaptations · Understanding Interval Training ... |
home.hia.no |