Building a HUGE List of Loyal Opt-in Subscribers
First of all, subscribers are not just subscribers, they are YOUR customers! If you treat your subscribers well, they will be your customers for life. What does this mean? We'll ezines are all about 'one to one marketing'.
One to one marketing is relationship marketing. Your job is to continually build and foster your relationship with your subscribers. As your relationship builds, so will the trust and loyalty your subscriber has for you. As this happens you create an increasing amount of 'permission' to sell them your products -- products that provide solutions to their problems.
To learn more about permission marketing, I suggest reading Seth Godin's book, "Permission Marketing". It taught me a great deal about how to build relationships with my customers.
So now you know how to treat your subscribers -- err, I mean customers, now what you need to do is get them!
There are several ways to increase your subscribership including:
*Pay Per Search Engines:
*Pay Per Search Engines like are a great way to bring targeted traffic to your site. They charge a minimum of 5 cents per search term. For example, if you have a website that sells lamps, you might purchase search terms like lamp, light, desk lamp, light bulbs, etc. For each of these terms you are bidding for the position of your listing on the search engine -- highest bidders are at the top.
If you want to pay less that 5 cents per search term, try They start at just 1 cent per search term!
*Google AdWords
Google's AdWords is another form of pay per click advertising. With their massive reach, they can repeatedly deliver a ton of targeted leads for you.
*Ezine Advertising:
When you advertise in ezines target your marketing as much as possible by choosing content related ezines. For example, to sell our lamps we might choose an interior decorating ezine but not a sports related ezine.
If you choose this method, ask the owner of the ezine to test and endorse your product. This will do wonders for your conversion ratio because the readers trust the ezine owners opinion (one to one marketing --remember?)
You can find the perfect ezine for your needs in minutes using the Directory of Ezines at: You can reach over 27 million readers in the ezines listed in the DOE. The time you'll save is well worth the very small fee they charge for access to their searchable database.
*Banner Advertising:
Although available, it is not recommended due to the poor conversion rates they offer. If you advertise on anyone's website, make sure it is a text based advertisement.
* Pay Per Subscriber Services:
Are arguably *the* best method of attaining a HUGE customer base in a short period of time. Pay Per Subscriber Services like ListOpt's List Builder, can collect as many as 2,000 opt- in subscribers for you every day! The benefit of such a service is that it offers a 100% return on investment (ROI). No other method offers this. And because of the 100% ROI it provides, you save a great deal of valuable time and aggravation attempting to track your results.
I recommend you use all of the above methods other than banner advertising due to the poor conversion ratios. In particular, I recommend Adwords advertising at and's List Builder Service at
Go ahead and check out these sites and services now. The sooner you do, the sooner you'll start generating more revenues.
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Glen Hopkins is the director of ListOpt Publications Inc. If you're looking to build your newsletter subscriber base quickly, easily and inexpensively, visit Glen at: and learn what hundreds of other publishers are saying about ListOpt's amazing List Builder service.