Ezine Publishers - Your Best Friends
Most of us never realize ezine publishers are a remarkable
source of information. Nor do we understand that
corresponding with them can lead to great friendships.
Only a few of them have failed to respond to my requests for
help and advice. They are the greatest source of free and
invaluable information in today's world. They keep you
informed about all the latest scams, rip-offs, viruses, best
sources of information and software, and many other things
that affect you on a daily basis.
Many of us subscribe to a number of ezines and benefit from
the articles, information and advertising presented in them.
We seldom correspond with the publishers, thereby
overlooking a resource of tremendous value.
Most of them have been on the Internet for goodly amounts of
time and have learned through experience (sometimes brutal)
and a considerable investment of their time and money what
they so freely impart to us.
There are those subscribers who object to advertising of any
sort in these ezines. How else can these publishers recoup
a portion of their investment in publishing the ezines?
Additionally, quite a few people enjoy the benefit of
placing free ads in some of the ezines to which they
subscribe. This is a large amount of additional work for
the publishers which produces no immediate benefit for them.
Agreed, the publisher gains subscribers by offering free
ads. However, how many of you would like to have
subscribers who are only there for the free ads, and not for
the content of your ezine?
The amount of abuse some publishers receive is
There have been tales of obscene emails sent to them, they
have been accused of spamming, people refuse to follow their
guidelines for free ads and send rude emails when they are
corrected, and several other such instances.
Publishers are human and will err. Remember the wise old
saying that to err is human, to forgive is divine. Very few
people make mistakes on purpose.
In view of what has been stated here you may wish to take
another look at your relationship with the publishers of the
ezines to which you subscribe. Consider them as friends and
great sources of valuable information. Correspond with them
and give them your feelings and opinions on their ezines and
the content published in them.
Another benefit to corresponding with ezine publishers is
that you will gain some truly great friends and become
acquainted with some remarkable people.
Where the ezine covers an area of particular interest to you
and you have questions, send them to the publisher of that
ezine. You may well be surprised at the quality and
usefulness of the information you are given.
In summary, mine the gold available through questioning
ezine publishers!
Copyright 2001 by Robert Taylor
Subscribe to the Key To Success And Wealth ezine. All new
subscribers receive a fantastic ebook valued at $38.50.
Subscribe by mailto:subscribe@keytosuccessandwealth.com
Please place first name in body of email. Send comments
to mailto:info@incomesolved.com
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