Great ideas for your ezine content.
Great ideas for your ezine content.
Want to start ezine?
Your opt-in list is your first step to your success.
Publishing ezine is one of the ways to get subscribers
and start your own opt-in list.
You can publish any of the following and keep your ezine
fresh and interesting:
==Ezine articles
==Editor's column
==Ads to subscribers
==Free gifts
==Tip of the day
==Guest column
==Interviews with successful people etc.
When you are out of ideas what to publish in your next issue,
try these:
1.Write about your website, product or your service, what
are the uses of your service.If you are a website designer
write about mistakes that have to be avoided by a newbie.
2.Think of the questions your visitors will ask you.Then write
one topic for each question. Readers might ask you how to design,
manage tables and how to use SSI with tables.Think as if you
are a visitor to your site and format the questions.
3.Go through the questions your prospects asked you in past and
write about them.
4.Visit communities, message boards.Pick one of hot on going topics.
5.Put a
questionare on your site.Let your visitors fill the form.
Ask their opinion on something or ask them to write down what
searches they made on the internet in last week.
6.Interview business people or pioneers of certain fields and
write an article.
7.Have you read any topic recently or watched any documentary in
TV that might useful to your prospects.
8.You can get ideas by reading others articles. If somebody wrote
about how to submit to search engines then you write about how to
submit to directories. You can write your own article and publish
it in your own ezine.
Radhika Venkata
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