By: Shannon Garrie (Shann)
All Rights Reserved
© Copyright 2002
We all love them! Contests, freebies, anything we can win!
It's the nature of people.
But what makes contests so valuable to Ezines?
They're valuable to Ezines because they're valuable to the
People love being able to win free things and when they win
they want more!
They will be waiting for that Winning E-Mail to arrive in
their inbox and even do searches, if necessary, to find out
how they can win the next contest.
They're valuable to Ezines because they're valuable to the
The advertisers get exposure with all the searching and
scanning and we help in getting the subscriber's attention
for them. So in turn, they will advertise with us again and
again, knowing that their product,program or service will
be seen!
In a nutshell, all of this is very valuable to Ezines that
place Ads. The result is that you're having subscribers
actually read what is in your Ezine.
Hoping to win the prize that's being offered isn't all that
on during the searching and scanning. That product,
program or service is sinking into their heads. They also
think about how they might like to get their Ad placed in
one of these contests because they want to be seen just
like this!
So it's a Win-Win situation for all of us!
The advertisers, the subscribers and the Ezine all get
recognition and exposure because in the middle of it all,
they keep coming back for more!
Everyone wants to be a Winner!
Shann is the publisher of Shann's Ezine. She might be
serious about business but has learned it doesn't hurt to
have fun with our business in the meantime! Win FREE solo
ads, ad swaps and lots MORE! Visit http://www.shannsezine.com
or send an e-mail: mailto:shannsezine_freesub@sendfree.com
Shann is also the owner and creator of Crossword Ads.
Where Crossword Puzzles + YOUR Website = FUN & EXPOSURE!