10 Sure-Fire Viral Marketing Strategies To Increase Traffic To Your Website
"Viral Marketing" is giving something away for free and allowing people to pass it on to others. The main purpose of viral marketing is to spread your message to as many people as possible without having to spend any money for advertising.
8 Reasons Why Affiliate Marketing Is the Holy Grail Of E-Commerce
Word Count: 772 Character Width: 60 Resource Box: 4 lines + web link ============================================================ 8 Reasons Why Affiliate Marketing Is the Holy Grail Of E- Commerce By Richard Adams (c) 2004. All rights reserved....
Promoting My Affiliate Programs. How?
Getting your website up, is really just the first phase of your journey to a career on the Internet. You must promote your website, your product or your service to the world. Well, how do you do it? Maybe this article might help you in getting...
See No Google, Hear No Google, Speak No Google
I woke up last night in a cold sweat. Seriously - I'm not joking! It was three in the morning and I'd just had a nightmare that is enough to scare any website owner. Google didn't exist.
That's right - I dreamt of a World Wide Web without...
Smart Goto Gambits
Feeling gouged by Goto.com? A pawn in a game of Gotcha? Need a game plan as to what to do next? I've seen a lot of angry spleen venting over the recent changes in GoTo.com's pricing policy. Problem is, going postal won't change it. That's the way...
7 Ways To Put Your Affiliate Income On Steroids
As an affiliate, have you ever out of frustration wondered why your sales don't reflect the effort you're putting out?
Chances are one of THE biggest mistakes you're making is that you're using the same standard banners, classifieds and articles that everyone else uses to promote their products and services.
Separate yourself from the millions of others by simple being unique. arketers call it "Unique Selling Proposition" or USP.
But then...
How can you be unique?
1. Write Your Own Ads
Put your flair and personality into your ads. Make it fun. Ever seen the Geico ads? Use humor. People will always remember a funny ad more than than the drab, standard ones. Practice writing catchy headlines and load your ads with benefits and not features of the product.
2. Create Your Own Website
Most affiliate programs give you the same standard website as everyone else. Boring. Create your own. Use your website to address a problem the reader may have. Fill the content with keywords so the search engines will list them high and use your link to your product as the answer to their problem.
3. Always capture email addresses
On your site, you should always have a form or link to allow eaders/prospects to get more ideas or advice from you in the form of a newsletter or timed mailings. Follow up with autoresponder messages as, on average, it takes 7 contacts with the propsect before they actually purchase.
4. Offer bonuses
If you can offer meaningful bonuses, it makes a world of difference. Say you're promoting a Web marketer's copywriting ebook. Offer to send 10,000 guaranteed hits to their site once their webpage is up. Ensure that the cost of the bonus is less than the revenue from the product though.
5. Visit forums
Visit forums related to the product you're promoting. Look for questions posted by members and see if you can answer them. After
posting, you could include your signature and url to the website u created as a resource. Chances are you'll have a customer for life. A great forum to visit and build your customers is www.Ryze.com where you'll find people to network and interact with.
6. Conduct Group Chats
Every once in a while, you should interact with your list by group chats. Follow up with individuals on your list who've purchased or who're still prospects. Find out any problems they're experiencing and connect with them. Display customer service and show you care. Almost everyone uses a messenger of some sort:Yahoo, MSN or AOL. Encourage individuals to add you to your Friends list. Let them get to know you.
7. Advertise Freely Offline
A lot of affiliates don't do this but you'll find that people who've never been crazy about computers and the Internet will get online just to check out your offer. It's the middle of winter, you're waiting on the light to change to red but little do you know that the middle-aged motorist behind you is taking a keen interest in your sticker on your back windshield which says: "Wouldn't YOU like to be in Jamaica right now?" http://www.yaddayaddayadada.com which would be your vacations site outlining the benefits to the reader of a sunny getaway in the Caribbean climaxed with your cloaked hotel affiliate website.
There are many creative ways to spur your affiliate income if you just sit and think about it. Brainstorm and try them out. Eventually, you'll soar and become the eagle you're supposed to be.
About the Author
---------------------------------------------------------- Cornell Griffiths is a member of the team of copywriters at Copywrite Plus (http://www.copywriteplus.com). Outside of copywriting, he practices affiliate marketing and stock options trading. His latest project can be viewed at: http://www.guaranteedprofits.ws ----------------------------------------------------------
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