7 Essential Steps to Web Site Promotion
Web Site promotion should be the major part of your web site marketing plan. It's not enough just to design a beautiful web site and put in on the Net. Promoting your web site has to be done constantly if you want to get a continuous stream of...
Best Ways to Promote Your Website for FREE!
So you just built your prize website. You put weeks of work into making the best site possible. Everything is perfect. So, you wonder, why is nobody coming to my site. The answer is simple: You Must Promote!! Promote everyday and then promote some...
Hollander Consultants Continues Expansion into Cyberspace
“Ask Hollander Consultants” Is Third New Website in Series Portland, OR – Hollander Consultants continues its outreach into the information exchange of cyberspace by starting http://www.askhollander.com, a website designed to provide practice...
Initial Search Engine Placement:Tips to Get Listed on Search Engine
You can get listed on search engine within a week or maximum within 2 weeks without even submitting your URL. Moreover, it is widely said nowadays that letting the search engine 'spider' index your web site is better strategy than submitting URL....
Starting an Online Business - Affiliate Programs Make it Easy!
If you have been longing to start a business online you may be coming across terms you've never heard before. You may also have found the opportunities available are overwhelming. Where do you begin? AFFILIATE PROGRAMS - EASY START Affiliate...
"Achieve Promotional Success Online Via Many Avenues!"
In a study released earlier this month by Forrester Research, http://www.forrester.com/, the conclusion was reached that those of us wanting to engage in online marketing should focus particularly and more aggressively on viral marketing.
However, that was just one element of the "shot-gun" style of online marketing that was proposed in the report.
A glitzy Web site devoted to the product or service, use of direct e-mail marketing, banner ads and strategically placed advance launch info to cultivate fans and customers were the main elements proposed.
Also proposed but to a lesser degree of importance, offering a free download or sample, forming partnerships with related product or service company sites and building "online buzz teams", that is, people hired to talk about your product or service in a very positive light via online forums, chat rooms and discussion mailing lists.
It is nice to know that research we compiled in 1996 stating that online promotions must be "multifaceted" was very much ahead of its' time.
The Secret to online business success or even successful Exposure of a non-commercial Web Site is through constant, Persistent, multi-faceted Promotion. And to promote your Internet presence you need to utilize the Basic 5 outlined here:
1. Email is the foundation. 2. A Web Site is the "Main Building" standing on the foundation of Email. 3. Newsgroups offer unique Exposure possibilities. 4. Search Engines and can provide much Exposure! 5. Online Ads can provide far reaching worldwide Exposure.
You can view our short report in greater detail at: http://emailexchange.org/promotion.html
Considering we compiled the research for the above web site in 1996, it is amazing just how relevant it is even today.
About the Author
A.T.Rendon is an entrepreneur and published writer. Subscribe to FREE Business Classifieds Newsletter & receive FREE online access to our Password Protected "FREE Submit To Over 2.7 MILLION FREE Ad Sites!" mailto:subscribe_fbcn9@emailexchange.org Visit us at: http://emailexchange.org/?Articles
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