Myths on Top Search Engine Rankings & Link Popularity
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Search Engine Predictions For 2002
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The Seven Deadly Habits of a DBA... and how to cure them
Calling widespread bad habits in database administration "deadly" may seem extreme. However, when you consider the critical nature of most data, and just how damaging data loss or corruption can be to a corporation, "deadly" seems pretty dead-on. ...
Tips from Chicago Search Engine Strategies
The first meeting I went to for the day was Organic Listing Forum at Search Engine Strategies. Bruce Clay, President of Bruce Clay, LLC and Mike Grehan, CEO of Smart Interactive (and Author of Search Engine Marketing: The Essential Best Practice...
Top 7 Ways To Promote Your Website, NOW
We will start with the best, than make our way to the bottom of the list. This article will give you a good ideal where the best ways to promote your site! 1) Exchange links, trade link, swap links, I think you got it now! When you start a site...
Choosing The Right Affiliate Program
Copyright 2005 Mal Keenan
Choosing the right affiliate program is vital for your success. We don’t want to end up with lemons, right? It is not advisable to invest time and effort into something that will not yield the best return for the energy expended.
In this lesson, we’re going to learn how to distinguish an excellent affiliate program from a rather mediocre one. Yes, indeed. Not all affiliate programs are created equal. Some are simply better than others. Here are some things you need to think about if you are considering entering the affiliate marketing arena:
* How much is the commission rate being offered by the affiliate program? Ideally, you would want a high commission rate. Who wouldn’t, right? But don’t let this mislead you into thinking that a high commission rate is equal to a good home based business opportunity. An affiliate program that offers 80% commission per successful sale, for example, may also ask you to pre-sell products that aren’t really sellable. What good is an 80% commission then when you won’t have any sales to speak of? So this leads us to our next consideration…
* How sellable is the product? You could always ask for statistics from the affiliate program. Don’t forget that. You could demand to see the sales chart for the past few months, so that you’d know that there are people who are actually willing to purchase the product. We can safely say that an affiliate programs offering high commission rates for very sellable products is an excellent opportunity.
* How credible is the affiliate program? There are many things that should be factored into this consideration.
Determine how long the program has been operating. If they have been in existence for a long time with nary a complaint that can be seen, then they must be doing something right! Do a search on Google or online forums to check out other affiliates opinions of your prospective business partner.
* How will you get paid? This may be a little too prospective a thought, but you have to ensure the utmost viability of any money making opportunity. What payment method can you accommodate? Will the affiliate program be able to oblige to such method? If the affiliate program pays its affiliates through PayPal exclusively, for example, and you’re living in a non-PayPal territory, then you might encounter some problems. Ask the affiliate merchant if he could make some considerations for your case. More often than not, he will try to accommodate your request. If he can’t, then your time would be better spent with an affiliate program whose payment you would actually receive.
If the above considerations are all favorable for you, then grab the said opportunity as quickly as you can. Start earning money right away, for time is gold in this business!
In the next article, we’re going to discuss the proper steps you should take in starting out with this type of home based business opportunity.
About the Author
Mal Keenan can show you step-by step how to set up and run a successful online home business. Learn the 7 essential strategies to internet marketing success. To receive your free 7 day mini-course visit: http://www.malkeenan.com For a home business you can believe in, check out: http://www.malkeenan.com/pips.html
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