Hello I'm Flunky Girdle Tushie...Pleased To Meet You
Hello I'm Flunky Girdle Tushie...Pleased To Meet You This is a fun activity that actually promotes networking....if you can stop laughing long enough. It's a fun little "respite" to peg out your giggle meter.... I've tried this in lots of...
Marketing Refinement is Always a Step Towards Success
A diamond is never a diamond until it's refined. When first mined it's an ugly piece of rock. When patient, skilled effort is put to work on it, removing the dross and shaping it, the diamond's value is revealed. It's so much like an online...
"The Secrets of the Rich."
Ever wondered why inopportunity is so aggressively promoted? Ever pondered... deep inside yourself, why perfectly "charismatic people" are chronospheres away from wealth, independence and personal power? Not successful yet... despite all your...
Think before setting up your website
We have seen an increase in the number of websites since the past couple of years. Significantly after the initial dot com burst. While this is good news, it sure reflects one single point. The Internet is as serious as in the offline community....
To Blog or Not to Blog: Are Blogs Becoming More Popular than Forums, Newsletters and E-zines?
Blogging is hot, and seems to be becoming hotter each month. Although blogging originally was dismissed, by many successful publishers and other online "gurus", the truth is that now, a few years after the "blogging trend" began, there are...
Five Ways to Increase Your Affiliate Sales
Most home business owners are involved with affiliate marketing. As an affiliate marketer, a combination of techniques can be used to promote your affiliate website and/or link. Here are five things you can do to help with your promotional efforts resulting in increased affiliate sales.
1. Become an “expert” on the product
The most successful affiliate marketers are “experts” on the products they promote. To become an expert, it’s highly recommended that you purchase the product yourself to gain first-hand experience using it. If you cannot purchase the product, you must thoroughly research it until you become familiar and knowledgeable enough to promote it.
2. Participate in chat rooms related to the product
You can start your own chat or join an existing one. Do not try to selling initially, but during your chat, mention the product you’re promoting and describe its benefits. If there is interest in your product, you can then refer them to the product through your affiliate link. The same concept holds true for forums and discussion boards.
3. Write your own affiliate program ads
Most merchants will provide pre-written ads for their affiliates to use. If you write your own ad, or make significant changes to the one that’s pre-written, your ad will stand out from the others. Done properly, this will give you a great advantage over those affiliates that are
using the same ad as everyone else.
4. Create a free newsletter or ezine
Submit your newsletter to the ezine directories and promote it on your website. Keep in mind that most subscribers are interested in receiving “information” that can help them. If you use your mailing list solely for selling, you will never gain credibility and will end up with a high unsubscribe rate. After you’ve developed a relationship and the trust of your subscribers, you can then recommend the products you are promoting
5. Create a free ebook
As part of your ebook, include an advertisement and a link to your affiliate website. The ebook can be given away free or used as an incentive to sign up for your newsletter. Submit your ebook to the ebook directories and offer it to other webmasters for inclusion on their website. The more exposure your ebook receives, the more sales you can make.
By using the techniques outlined above and always striving to become an “expert” on the products you promote, you are sure to see an increase in your affiliate sales resulting in higher commission payments.
John Purdy is an affiliate marketer and operates his own internet home business. For access to free affiliate programs, work at home opportunities and other resources on the home business industry, visit his website at: http://www.home-business-concepts.com
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