Five Time Tested & Proven Ways To Promote Your Web Site
Five Time Tested & Proven Ways To Promote Your Web Site One of the biggest hurdles online marketers face is web site promotion. There are literally countless ways to promote online; some are good while others are a complete waste of time. What...
Getting Honest With The Search Engines
I spend a lot of time reading newsletters and forum postings about Search Engine Marketing. More often than not, people are asking about methods used to improve Search Engine rankings: what works, what doesn't, and what will get you in trouble. ...
MLM Leads and MLM Marketing Programs
As you may know by now that mlm marketing programs are the hottest and biggest money maker out there.Also you may know that is hard to find mlm leads.I would like to inform you of the in's and outs of mlm and mlm leads.There is so much more to mlm...
www.allactiontrade.com ... trade directory
Click here >> http://www.allactiontrade.com Products & Services of Largest B2B trade portal, allactiontrade.com. Various Sections of www.AllActionTrade.com like, b2b trade offers, global trade leads, b2b auctions, b2b exhibitions, b2b forums, etc. ...
Your Niche - The Difference Between Success and Failure.
How Tom Discovered His Perfect Niche I want to tell you a little story about how Tom discovered his perfect niche. Now if your not sure what a niche is or why it's important to your business please read on. I promise I will have more detailed...
Online Resources for Innovators--http://www.newideatrade.com/inventions.htm
Small businesses, independent innovators, authors, and artists often find it difficult to locate useful sources of information and services pertaining to intellectual property industry. A number of online forums, including Patentcafe.com, NewIdeaTrade.com, and Inventioncity.com now provide innovators a wide range of free tools and resources.
At http://www.newideatrade.com/inventions.htm innovators can find detailed information on how to obtain a patent and a list of patent/copyright offices and intellectual property associations around the world. They can also review a sample non-disclosure agreement that can be used when someone with an unpatented idea or invention wants to show it to another party, and wants that party to not disclose any of the information. The forum also lists several free tools and resources that help innovators promote their websites.
http://www.patentcafe.com, innovators can find information on invention evaluation, patent licensing, product development, patent search, and patent software. It also publishes useful articles on various aspects of the intellectual property industry. Innovators can also register their websites on its directory.
InventionCity (http://www.inventioncity.com) offers a host of tools and information including innovation market research, manufacturing, financing, and marketing resources. It also allows innovators to post their intellectual property on its database. In addition, it offers a list of helpful books and articles ranging from mastering the dynamics of innovation to anatomy of a business plan.
About the Author
Neil Armand Intellectual property Professional Global Commerce & Communication Telephone: 320-250-0950 Fax: 320-230-1096 Email: gcomm@astound.net URL: http://www.gcchq.com
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Discussion forums for topics around the distribution, Linux applications, installation, administration, portage, frequently asked questions. |
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Readers' Opinions - New York Times |
Books Reading Group. Readers are discussing “All Aunt Hagar’s Children,” Edward P. Jones’s new short story collection. More Books Forums ... |
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Joomla! Community Forum - Index |
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Internet forum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
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supportforum.sun.com |
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Forums | NewsTalk |
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info.detnews.com |
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Official community support forums for the osCommerce project. |
forums.oscommerce.com |
The GardenWeb Forums - GardenWeb |
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forums.gardenweb.com |
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Chronicle Forums - Index |
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chronicle.com |
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drupal.org |
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