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Some quick tips to easily improve the success of your forum!
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Setting Up a Forum
Forums can be very useful marketing tools because they set a stage for individuals to converse about the topics set forth in the forum. Individuals can post responses, post new comments or simply read what others have posted. This provides multiple reviews for products and generally answers all the frequently asked questions and more.
The way it can help you as a business owner is that it saves you time by simply posting answers to questions on the forum so all users can read the information and you don’t have to worry about answering the same question hundreds of times or more. Also, the forum provides new users with a significant amount of information in a short period of time, therefore providing an overview of your products, services or whatever is being discussed in the forum.
Also, forums provide a meeting place for forum users and offers kinship because the forum is focused on a particular topic. This makes users feel comfortable communicating with others and often times create a form of friendship and exchange of ideas that keeps users coming back time and again. The bonus for your business is that if you have a free forum and people continuously return, it will increase the percentage that individuals will buy a service or product from you.
Another important aspect of the forum, for users and yourself, is that when a large group of people are communicating new ideas are presented daily and old ideas are improved upon. Everyone gains from new and improved ideas, techniques and methods, and this source of information alone could dramatically improve your business flow.
If you provide a forum that is monitored and has relevant information, subscribers and users will continuously return because the
forum is a place to give and receive information. This is very important for the individuals using your forum as well as for your business. Basically, while you are providing a free service to users they are providing you with traffic to your web page and most likely increased sales and new ideas.
This is an incredibly useful tool and should be utilized by business owners interested in reaching more individuals by creating a club like atmosphere in the forum with the exchanging of ideas, as well as increasing your own business. Setting up a forum will help you bring the same users back to your web page time and time again, which is important because it has been proven that over 70% of sales are made after the third, fourth or fifth customer contact.
Also, continuously updating your web site and providing a relevant forum will help your web page be returned in free search engine results. As a result, the forum not only keeps users continuously coming back, but it helps get your web page noticed by potential users and subscribers, thus increasing your traffic even more.
There is no reason for you not to start a relevant forum on your web page today and see the results of increased traffic and higher sales.
About the author:
Paul Jesse, Phoenix, Arizona USA Learn more about making money online. Paul Jesse is thr owner of Shea Marketing, published author, retired government employee, private pilot, and lifetime student of Internet Marketing. He created sheamarketing.com to help those interested in working from home on the internet. http://www.sheamarketing.com
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Discussion forums for topics around the distribution, Linux applications, installation, administration, portage, frequently asked questions. |
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Joomla! Community Forum - Index |
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Internet forum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
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forums.oscommerce.com |
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forums.gardenweb.com |
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chronicle.com |
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