An Introduction To Accepting Credit Cards On The Internet
If you have a website and you don't accept credit cards then you're losing massive amounts of business. Even if you do accept credit cards it may be worth considering an alternative that will either offer you better rates or save you time. ...
Article Submission and Posting in Forums
Article Submission and Posting in Forums
To start off lets look at all the junk on the internet about
getting number 1 rankings in search engines, How to get rich
over night, and all that bull. Plain and simple that stuff is a
bunch of hype...
Money From Forums
If you have a website about a topic you enjoy, you can make money from discussion forums. Talk, post links to your site, get traffic. Traffic means money, right? If not, try different affiliate programs or Google Adwords. The worst sites should...
The Importance Of Incoming Links And Reciprocal Links
Building a web site is only the first step in a long process when starting an online internet business. You need traffic to your web site and the best way to get traffic is through incoming links from other sites. Incoming links come in a variety...
What Constitutes a Complete and Effective SEO Campaign?
Unfortunately, not many Search Engine Optimization companies know what this involves. You may see a "one size fits all" package, link popularity development in the form of submitting to link farms, or even the dreaded "Submit Your Site to 1000's of...
Target the Little Guy. This Could be a Reely BIG Shoo!
Out once again to illuminate the dark corners of internet shows for the tiny shining light of small business tools, I have just returned from AIIM 2002 where they describe the show thusly:
Enterprise Content Management creates successful SYNERGIES between paper, document, and web content. It focuses your best marketing on the best opportunities. It streamlines processes. Cuts costs. Edges your competition. Boosts customer loyalty. Spurs growth. And sustains innovation. But only if you have the know-how and the tools to set up your BEST ECM Solution.
Would anyone argue those goals and values apply to the small business? Without a doubt! Is anyone there interested in that customer? Not a chance! They prefer BIG (enterprise) customers.
I use a now familiar introductory line when speaking with sales representatives on the show floor at major conferences. As I approach with my "Press" badge prominently displayed to alert them to the potential of that coveted "free promotion" that is so vital to growing companies and say, "I'm covering solutions of interest to the small business. Does your company offer anything targeted at that market?"
They usually stare back blankly and respond with confusion saying, "Not really." They look me over quickly noting the lack of the corporate uniform three piece suit, I wear instead blue jeans and polo shirt. "Who are you with?" Meaning, of course, "Are you BIG enough for me to care?" They inevitably shunt me over to the "Marketing Director" because, "She'll be able to answer your questions better."
As Miss Marketing Director approaches, all smiles, I ask again adding, " . . . or do you partner with any resellers or offer hosted applications to microbusiness?"
Inevitably she'll stumble, steady and then with furrowed brow often makes it clear she is thinking, "No, but what a great idea! I'll have to propose that in the business development meeting on Monday!" And sometimes she'll even say it directly, "Not currently, but I sure do wonder why we're not persuing that market!"
I recently stumbled across a wonderful application for small business through affiliate tracking firm, Commission Junction. It was promoted via their in-house forum to members of other affiliate programs who use their tracking services. Oddly, it is offered by one of the MONSTER's of ebusiness, Oracle.
Just as strangely, it is one of the most powerful and yet affordable programs I've ever seen for the small business owner online. It's called "Small Business Suite" and it's based on their Enterprise Customer Relationship Management software. (That's ECRM for you corporate geeks.)
I'm baffled at why it takes so long for the BIG boys to find a way to offer hosted solutions like this Small Business Suite to what amounts to 50% of the economy,
I have to admit that I attend these shows partly as agitator for the cause of the little guy. Nobody wants to "find" that sector of the market as it is inevitably fragmented and hard to reach. But Oracle has seen the light and Microsoft is after the little guy with their own suite of tools through their small business portal, bCentral.com offering a far less power- ful suite of solutions broken up into modules to appeal to the penny-pinching needs of small business owners.
As for the AIIM show, I found an email solution offered by one company AIIMing at BIG boys of ecommerce who became VERY interested when I suggested they seek out a partner to buy their software and offer it as a hosted solution to small businesses. Fifty percent of the economy? Yeh! That's worth persuing! Damn! I gotta mention that in the business devel- opment meeting on Monday! This could be BIG!
I'm so glad he thought of that! Damn! Why has BIG business mostly abandoned the small business market? Some of the most successful corporations rely primarily on the small business market to become the megalithic behemoths they are.
Staples, Office Depot, Costco, Home Depot and dozens of BIG corporate discount stores got huge by offering solutions (read, cost savings) to the small business person. Where is the ecommerce superstore? How about eDepot.com? (The name has been reserved, could it be the small business ecommerce superstore arriving at last?) Shopping carts, payment gate- ways, merchant accounts, web hosting, site development, SEO services, ebusiness software, do-it-yourself-ebooks and tutorials. I wish I'd thought of that! Wait, I did!
Oooooh, if only I had some venture capital or angel investors! Not to say that this idea hasn't been badly attempted by some well-meaning small busines portals. The problem has always been that they partner with BIG businesses who insist on immediate, BIG growth and vast volumes of business before losing interest and pulling the plug on 50% of the economy.
How BIG a market is 50% of the ecommerce pie? Must BIG dogs eat ravenously at the market before the scraps are left to the little guy scavengers? Go for the vast quantity that is represented by the little guy and stop relying on premium prices and the rare BIG single purchase by monopolistic corporations. Why just rely on the fortune 500 when you could just as easily tap the Fortune Five Million?
Let me see now . . . 157 Billion dollars in Ecommerce divided down the middle is just under $78 Billion for small business. Market worth persuing? Doh!
About the Author
Mike Valentine does Search Engine Placement for the Small Business http://website101.com/Search_Engine_Positioning WebSite101 "Reading List" Weekly Netrepreneur Tip Sheet Weekly Ezine emphasizing small business on the Internet http://website101.com/arch/
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