13 Steps to Increasing Your Link Luck
Link development can be an absolute nightmare. It takes up most of a marketer’s time and the yield isn’t always what we originally hoped. Worrying about PR, one way inbound links, triangle linking, where to find quality sites to exchange with, it’s...
BEST SERVED HOT: A Simple Recipe For Success With Affiliate Programs
Affiliate programs have become very popular because of their potential to generate substantial, and even lavish, income in a relatively short period with little investment cost. Their fame has become so big that they are being credited as one of the...
Determining the Value of Links from Link Renting
What is Link Renting? Link renting is a means to ‘rent’ the popularity and traffic flow of another site – you pay a monthly fee in return for a text link pointing to your site. In doing so, you can directly and indirectly drive more targeted traffic...
Optimise your Site for the Search Engines Pt 1
This is part one of two articles listing the ten most important points to remember when optimising your site and individual pages for the search engines. If you optimise your pages by working through these points one by one you will see a...
Optimise your Site for the Search Engines Pt 2
6: The hidden benefits to having the right links. Every site online has an index or default file as its home page file. But outside of that rule you can name the other pages whatever you like. So why not cram the names with keywords and/or...
Ten Free Tools You Need to Promote Your Business
1. Free Publicity.
You can create a dynamic, free press release at the following sites: http://www.openpress.com http://www.prweb.com http://www.prfree.com
2. Free Tools to Make Your Website Sticky.
Want to keep your visitors interested? A sticky website is a site that gets visitors to stay longer. http://www.freesticky.com http://www.findsticky.com/index.html http://www.hotplugins.com http://janim.net/index.php http://www.killerfreebies.com/webmaster.shtml
3. Write Content Rich Articles.
Are you an expert or knowledgeable in a particular area? Share your expertise with others through your writing. Great places to submit articles: http://www.articlecity.com http://www.alumbo.com http://www.ideamarketers.com http://www.family-content.com http://www.goarticles.com http://www.selfgrowth.com http://www.amazines.com http://www.valuablecontent.com http://www.submityourarticle.com http://www.bellaonline.com
4. Create a Newsletter or Ezine for Free.
Ok, now you've written and submitted your articles and you feel ready to start your own newsletters. These resources will get you on your way to being an ezine guru: http://www.ezinequeen.com/articles.htm http://www.emailuniverse.com/ http://www.netwoozy.com/ezinebuilder.pdf
5. Got Subscribers?
What use is an ezine or newsletter without subscribers? Who is going to read your ezine? Get your ezine in front of your target audience Free Resources: http://www.list-city.com You pay 03 per subscriber for premium listing, otherwise it's free http://www.totallyfreenewsletters.com Also, try swapping ads with other ezine publishers who will reach your target audience.
Email Marketing Resources: http://www.constantcontact.com http://www.verticalresponse.com http://www.intellicontact.com http://www.topica.com
6. To Blog or Not to Blog
Yes, blogging is important. How else will a potential customer get to know you on an more personal level. How often you blog is up to you, but keep it interesting and incorporate some business tidbits into your blog. You may even opt to have a personal and a business blog. Resources: http://www.typepad.com http://www.blogger.com http://www.wordpress.com http://ebloggy.com http://weblogs.about.com/ http://www.blogexplosion.com http://www.bloglines.com http://www.feedburner.com http://www.pingomatic.com http://www.technorati.com/ping.html http://www.daypop.com/info/submit.htm
http://www.feedster.com/add.php http://www.popdex.com/addsite.php http://www.boingboing.net/suggest.html http://www.weblogs.nu/directory/submit.php?add=top www.webworldindex.com/ http://www.blogsearchengine.com/ http://www.blogwise.com/bycountry.php http://www.bloguniverse.com/ http://www.blogarama.com/index.php?show=add
7. Free Stuff to Give Away
If you don't have any products, promote other people's stuff. Free Ebooks: http://www.free-ebooks.net http://www.supertips.com/101/index.htm Freebies: http://www.worldzone.net/ss/antelope/content_freebies.html Free Email Service: http://www.bigmailbox.com
8. Promote Your Site & Yourself
You won't get any business, if no one knows about your site. Join forums, join Yahoo groups, become a resource to other entrpreneurs. We can all learn from each other. Don't advertise on these forums, but participate. Include your signature file, so people can find out more about you. Can't find a forum or group for your niche, start one! Resources for Forums: http:/www.selfstartersweeklytips.com.forum http://www.supertips.com/forums/list.htm http://internetmarketingforums.im4newbies.com/
Promote Your Site for Free: http://www.selfpromotion.com http://www.addme.com
Groups: http://www.topica.com http://groups.yahoo.com/
9. Exceed Expectations.
Don't worry about what your competitor is doing, find out what they're not doing. Make your visitors and customers feel that you are a resource for them. Provide outstanding customer service. If your product or service isn't appropriate for them, refer them to someone else. It will get you more business in the long run. Find out what they like and give it to them.
10. Give Potential Customers What They Want
Use surveys as a way of communicating with current and future customers. Ask them how you can better serve their needs. Make them feel important by involving them in your business. Surveys are a great resource for getting to know more about your customers. You can get demographic information and more information about why they did or didn't buy a service or product from you. Free Surveys: http://www.votations.com http://www.zoomerang.com http://www.surveymonkey.com
About the Author
Marie Magdala Roker is a mother, an Academic and Personal Development Coach, and a Certified Breakthrough Parenting Instructor, and a private tutor with Tutor.com. You can find out more about her at: http://www.smartbeecoaching.com or http://www.successfulchild.com
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