A Guide to Better Link Popularity
Over the past year or two, one thing has become extremely clear...the need for link popularity. Every major engine weighs the link popularity of sites heavily when ranking sites. At least one major engine even claims they won't index sites that...
Guide To Creating A Popular Online Community
An online community could be a chat room, e-mail discussion list, discussion forum or other technologies that allow groups of people to communicate at your web site. When you have a popular online community it will increase your traffic and sales....
Search Engine Ranking: The Real Truth
There are perhaps more myths and urban legends about how to get your website ranked well on the search engines than any other subject on the Internet. In this article, I'm going to tell you how you can tell the fact from the fiction. After reading...
The hottest tip on getting a web site listed quickly by Yahoo, Inktomi, MSN, FAST, Altavista and HotBot
Every webmaster knows that the free search engines are a major source of traffic. They also know that applying all the SEO techniques in the world will not in itself get their web pages spidered, indexed and listed. Yes, sure, a "perfect" page,...
The Only Traffic Secret You'll Ever Need For Your Home Based Business
Copyright 2005 John Stafford So what is this all important secret? It can generate you 1000's of free visitors to your site plus hundreds of links and sales. The experts have been using it for years though chances are you haven't thought much...
Many people know how -- and do conduct themselves in the real world properly. However, many people are unaware that this same conduct needs to be applied online as well. Net etiquette is basically the rules you should follow while in Cyberspace. These seven rules are what I learned on my Cyber journey and what I try to follow while on the Internet lets see if you agree.
First and foremost, you must remember that even though you are sitting alone at your computer and no one is replying, say to your blog, does not mean they are not lurking (reading and learning but not commenting). Translated, there are real people reading what you are writing and if you make derogatory comments or accusations they will be felt by that person. If you do make derogatory comments or accusations please verify, verify, verify, verify this is libel.
Second, be ethical being ethical should not go out the door when you get into Cyberspace what applies to offline business and personal conduct, applies to online business and personal conduct.
Third, if you go into a forum it is advisable to take the time to do some lurking before posting. Learn the ways of the forum before posting. Some forums will not tolerate any advertising they are there to discuss their topic and
to learn, and to share information.
Fourth, the Internet allows you anonymity, which means, you are not judged by the way you look or the clothing you wear. But you are judged on what you write that is the only way in which people can make judgments on you and your character.
Fifth, when writing on the Internet, be sure to check your facts. Research and verify before getting on your soapbox it can save you a lot of grief loss creditability. Remember, your writing is their first impressions of you.
Sixth, be kind and do not use offense language.
Seventh, share your knowledge and be open to learning from others.
I would like to conclude by saying that the Internet is a vast international community of people, sharing ideas, experiences and knowledge. It is a great community, yes, there are some bad eggs, but the community is ever vigilant and will alert all to the bad eggs. While on the Internet, be aware of your conduct, for that is how the Internet knows who you are.
About the Author
Vickie J Scanlon has a BBA degree in Administrative Management and Marketing. Visit her site at: http://www.myaffiliateplace.biz for free tools, articles, ebooks, how to info, affiliate opportunities and products to meet your budget and needs.
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