10 EXCELLENT Reasons to Start Your Own Discussion Forum
Riches, fame, glory ... OK, that's perhaps exaggerating somewhat, but running a successful forum can certainly make you very popular and bulk out the wallet considerably.
Here are the ten best reasons to start your own discussion forum:
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Your own message board - Why and how?
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Your Niche - The Difference Between Success and Failure.
How Tom Discovered His Perfect Niche
I want to tell you a little story about how Tom discovered his perfect niche. Now if your not sure what a niche is or why it's important to your business please read on. I promise I will have more detailed information after the story.
First meet Tom:
Tom wants to sell musical instruments. He has long dreamed of having his own business. He really liked the idea working from home and decided that an online business would be perfect for him. But as Tom started to research his dream it seemed more and more unattainable. After all he is only one guy, his budget is limited. He started wondering how he could ever compete with all the big websites that are already online. It was beginning to look like there is no way he could ever make it. Feeling a bit depressed about the whole situation Tom decided he needed to think about it for a while.
So, he kicked back in his chair and pulled his harmonica out of his shirt pocket. It was his favorite out of a collection he had started when he was twelve. He loved going to antique shops, swap meets and searching online for vintage harmonicas to add to his collection almost as much as he enjoyed playing one.
Thinking his dream had been dashed, he continued to play. He new that all he wanted to do was make a living from home and he liked the thought of helping people find the musical instrument of their dreams.
After all he is a smart guy. He has drive, ambition, the desire to succeed. He lives for music, he thinks everyone needs some type of musical instrument to make life complete. Plus he's heard that it's easy to make tons of cash on the internet. There had to be away he could compete, a way to make his dream come true. He just had to discover what it was.
Just then there was a knock at the door and Tom got up to see who it was. He opened the door and was greeted by a hearty HELLO! It was Bob from the local delivery service.
Hi Tom said: "How are you today Bob"? Just great Bob said: "I have another package for you Tom. Looks like you've found yourself another great deal."
Sure did said Tom: "You know I can't resist adding another harmonica to my collection".
Gee says Bob: "I bet you have enough harmonicas to start your own store by now." WOW A light went off in Toms head! All of the sudden he didn't feel like his dream was hopeless.He got so excited he almost drooped his package.
Bob, I think you just helped me find my niche!
Bob says: " I'm not quite sure what you mean but I'm glad I could help! You have a nice day now. You too Bob and THANKS again.
What exactly is a niche? The online dictionary defines it like this: A suitable place for somebody, a position or activity that particularly suits somebody’s talents and personality or that somebody can make his or her own
Sometimes the difference between success and failure
in any online business is as simple as finding your own perfect niche. A little corner of the internet that you can call your own. One where you are the expert one you can dominate the market.
The first thing you need to understand is why it is so important to focus on a niche market.
A niche market is a limited and clearly defined range of products sold to a small specific group of customers with a particular common interest
Simply put the more you narrow down your niche the better your chance of success. I say this for two reasons.
1. It will make it easier for you to target your market.
2. It will make it easier for your potential customers to find you. Basically if you find the right niche the customers will come looking for you and you will find them with much greater ease.
Let's take Tom as an example. He found his niche in vintage harmonicas. Now he know exactly who to market his products to. He will target musicians, music enthusiasts, collectors ect.
When he advertises he will target newsletters, websites magazines related to harmonicas and music. When he is writing articles or participating in online forums. He will know exactly where his market is.
When he is building his website it will be easier for him to target the right keywords and phrases. It will help him with search engine optimization and pay per click advertising.
When a potential customer goes online looking for vintage harmonicas it will be easier to find Tom simply because he has narrowed his niche and targeted his market. The key to finding your niche is within you. First you must find something that you enjoy, that you have a passion for. Of course you can find a niche market for something that you don't enjoy. But, in my humble opinion that will only hinder your success. I say that for two reasons.
1.It is much harder to sell something that you have no interest in. After all if you have no knowledge about fishing and you have never fished how much fun would you have selling bait and tackle? How convincing do you think you would be? 2.It is much easier to sell something you enjoy. Like Tom he knows everything there is to know about harmonicas. He enjoys talking about them, playing them and shopping for them. He will have fun selling harmonicas and be extremely good at simply because he has a passion for it. The morel of the story boys and girls is. If your looking for your perfect niche on your path to online success the best place to find it is by looking at the things you enjoy and that you are good at. Find your passion and you will fulfill your dreams!
About the Author
Lisa M. Cope - Starting and online business can be confusing. Lisa can help you get started on the right path. If you have a question about starting or promoting your online business you can ask it at Flipidy.com
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