1 Simple Key To Happiness
Who is the happiest person you know?
Not the happiest person you know *of*, but the happiest person you
actually *know*?
Maybe someone you work with…?
Maybe a friend…?
Maybe a member of your family…?
Maybe the hot dog seller on the...
Baby Shower Poem: A rhyme for the new born!
A baby shower poem is a very special way to express your happiness in welcoming the little bundle of joy. The birth of a baby is a joyous moment for the entire family that needs to be celebrated in a grand manner. You arrange for a baby shower party...
Family as as Entity
As a mother, I feel that it's my duty to look out for the needs of each individual in the family. I believe that no one person, child nor adult, is more important than any other. Every single member of the family is unique and special and...
Marriage - Miscommunication... Root Cause of Problems?
People of two opposing ideas can stir up arguments and fights. It's that situation when one thinks he has the right concept while the other one also believes he has the proper notion. Both of them would try to outsmart each other until one claims...
Writing out a detailed budget
Although love and happiness are the finer details of a wedding,
you have to face the facts and figure out a detailed budget.
Now, what you include in this budget will depend on the type of
wedding. So maybe you should start with that first.
Sucessful Aging
I started thinking about this subject just in December. Oh I had thought of it before but no really at the intensity I have been thinking about it lately. I got hurt on the job in December, 04 and it brought to the forfront "What if I could no longer work?" My doctor told me he thought I should change occupations. I am a in-home-caregiver for the elderly. It is like the shoemakers kids that have no shoes. I deal with aging the results and the planning or lack of planning daily on my job. So I am more aware of the problems than most people. However, in my own life I had not done much about planning. I had just frankly been too busy making a living. I only finished up raising the last of my kids about ten years ago. I since then bought a house which most people do in their 20's and I did too but sold it because I was a single Mom and it was too much upkeep. I began though with buying that house to do some financial planning. I had not had credit in years. My credit scores became very good. I did not use my credit wisely because even at this late age in life I knew very little about managing my money. I knew how to survive as a single Mom and did a pretty good job of raising my children but I certainly never had a lot of extra money. So financial planning never really entered the picture. Well, I digress, I did make some sacrifices to buy this house. I lived in with a lady for five years and saved the money I would have paid on rent for a down payment on a house. I have been in this house since six years. I also have run up a great deal of debt. I have school loans which I finish my college degree at a very late date. They are as much as I would have paid for a house a few years ago. I also have quite a lot of credit card debt which was just plain living beyond my means. I now have bought a financial plan that gave me a strick plan to get out of debt and pay off my house within ten years. This is really the first real planning I had done as far as aging went. The counselor said to me what is the payoff for this plan? I just didn't know. Then I thought well what I want is to pay off all these debts and my house. Then next I want to sell my house and find another one in a less expensive area. I also began a plan of having three business online. If I could have my own online business which I could make a good living at then I could work from anywhere. I have not gone much beyond that. Now I guess my next steps are to work on the business that I am going to try and build. Continue with my financial plan to pay off my debts. I also need to get a funeral plan, a will, a health care directive and write to my children what I would like done with my personal belongs. I have come across a site on immortality that I intend to explore completely. I thought that it was about wanting to live forever
but the more I read of it the more I think it is about quality of life. I read a lot of other stuff In the Encyclopedia of Aging, Palmore (1995) says that a comprehensive definition of successful aging "would combine survival (longevity), health (lack of disability), and life satisfaction (happiness)." (p. 914). Additionally, some gerontologists have discussed similar issues using different terms such as "adjustment" or "adaptation" to aging. A second major theory of aging, referred to as "activity theory", proposed that people age most successfully when they participate in a full round of daily activities, that is, keep busy (Lemon, Bengtson & Peterson (1972). This theory seemed to explain the surge of volunteerism and senior activism in the 1960s and 1970s and may have been partly responsible for public policies which underwrote the development of senior centers and other recreational facilities in that period. Today, the theory has been discarded by gerontologists who view it as too narrow in its implied advocacy of one particular lifestyle. Empirical research has demonstrated the heterogeneity of older people, including many people who prefer less structured lives or do not have the health or means to pursue a full schedule of activities. Nevertheless, activity is widely touted by older adults themselves as the key to successful aging, so much so that gerontologists have dubbed this philosophy "the busy ethic" (Ekerdt, 1986). I never liked this theory why should older adults give away there time. They are more experienced and better able to mentor. They should in my opinion be hired as mentors to business. Successful Aging
Aging is something we all have in common. But I truely believe we can choose a lot of how we age. We can eat right, take vitamins, exercise our body and our minds. We can grow spiritually. We can find things that interest us. For me this is writing and research. I am not very consistant in eating right and exercising. I don't know why this is because I am really motivated to exercise and eat right for a while then I lose my motivation. I work nights and sometimes I just get really tired and don't want to do anything but sleep. But I have that choice and I know it will effect how I age. We all have done something for a living for a long while and I have been a caregiver now for ten years or more but I have been many other things in life and I have the capacity to work at another profession. It is just overcoming procrastionation. It is hard to change somethings don't fit anymore but we go on doing them anyway. As I write and research more about this I will let you know how I do.
About the Author
Judi Singleton writes ten blogs a week if you would like to read more of her articles go to http://www.motherearthpublishing.com for a list of her blogs
Happiness (1998) |
Happiness on IMDb: Movies, TV, Celebs, and more... |
www.imdb.com |
Happiness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Happiness is an emotional or affective state that feels good or pleasing. ... Happiness is often correlated to the presence of favorable events (such as a ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Happiness Quotes | Happiness Quotations | Happiness Sayings ... |
Quotes on Happiness - part of a larger collection of Wisdom Quotes to challenge and inspire. Find Happiness quotations and links to quotes on other topics. |
www.wisdomquotes.com |
--"Finding True Happiness and Self-actualization" :: How-to-be ... |
A variety of self-help resources to help people find happiness and achieve self-actualization. Includes books, ebooks, newsletters, and free articles. |
www.thehappyguy.com |
:: Authentic Happiness :: Using the new Positive Psychology |
Authentic Happiness has almost 400000 registered users around the world. You are welcome to use all of the resources on this website for free. ... |
www.authentichappiness.sas.upenn.edu |
Welcome to The Happiness Project |
The Happiness Project - Official Website of Dr. Robert Holden and The Happiness Project - as featured in the award winning BBC documentary 'How to be Happy' |
www.happiness.co.uk |
World Database of Happiness |
A continuous register of scientific research on subjective appreciation of life directed by Ruut Veenhoven, Erasmus University Rotterdam. |
www.eur.nl |
Happiness Magazine |
Happiness! Joy! Contentment! These can be yours! Discover how you can be happy in your day to day life. Enjoy yummy recipes and fun puzzles like Sudoku, ... |
www.happiness.com |
The Way to Happiness |
The Way to Happiness - a simple, straightforward & direct guide for making good choices. |
www.twth.org |
Happiness |
An evolutionary theory of happiness must clarify the connection between the ... The cybernetic theory of happiness says that the presence of these three ... |
pespmc1.vub.ac.be |
BBC NEWS | Programmes | Happiness Formula |
Visit BBC News for up-to-the-minute news, breaking news, video, audio and feature stories. BBC News provides trusted World and UK news as well as local and ... |
news.bbc.co.uk |
Happiness Foundation - Home |
Copyright 2001-2006, Happiness Foundation. |
www.happiness.org |
So what do you have to do to find happiness? - Sunday Times ... |
Behind the neoclassical facade of the Royal Institution, in London's Mayfair, the latest in a 200-year series of lectures was taking place in a hushed ... |
www.timesonline.co.uk |
The primary meaning of this term in all the leading European languages seems to involve the notion of good fortune, good chance, good happening. |
www.newadvent.org |
TIME Magazine: Mind & Body: Happiness |
Happiness is not cozy. It gleams most vividly against a background of black ... Most people find happiness in family connections and friendships ... |
www.time.com |
Happiness |
Ask Dr. Kenner, clinical psychologist, any personal question toll-free. Happiness has a rational basis. |
www.drkenner.com |
האפינס happiness |
HAPPINESS Written and Directed by Todd Solondz 1. EXT. HAPPY'S RESTAURANT - NIGHT. 1. ... JOY To happiness. EVERYONE ELSE To happiness! Glasses clink. ... |
www.awesomefilm.com |
Reflective Happiness |
Dr. Seligman has developed a Reflective Happiness Program that ... Dr. Seligman & Reflective Happiness website featured in TIME Magazine cover story [more. ... |
www.reflectivehappiness.com |
BBC - Happiness - Homepage |
A website devoted to the BBC Two comedy, Happiness. |
www.bbc.co.uk |
Pages tagged with "happiness" on del.icio.us |
All items tagged happiness ??? view popular ... Authentic Happiness :: Using the new Positive Psychology ... Dream World, the world of happiness ... |
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