How Do Wireless Networks Work?
Wireless networks work using radio waves instead of wires to transmit data between computers. That's the simple version. If you're curious to know what's going on in more detail, then it's all explained in this article.
Ones and Zeros.
I'm sure...
Linux for Home Users
Hey Guys! Don’t raise your eyebrows or fear by hearing the word Linux. It is as user friendly as windows. Just take a look at the articles below and all myths about Linux in your mind will disappear. Introduction to Linux: It’s a free operating...
Lost your USB Flash? Don't Panic!
The market for USB flash drives has grown very popular over the past several years. Any computer user can transport files from one computer to another with significant ease, using this lightweight, user-friendly and compact information carrier. For...
Memory Bandwidth vs. Latency Timings
Memory Bandwidth vs. Latency Timings All memory is not created equal, nowadays you need to know which 'flavor' is best for an Intel or AMD PC if you expect the best performance back from your investment. When Intel released the i865PE/i875P...
Your Affiliate Business - Peripherals, Software, Computers
I have always been interested in computers, but in the beginning, I would not venture any further than to the software end of learning. However, learning only the software side, and knowing nothing about the hardware side, can open you up to some...
5 Desktop Computer Hardware Myths Exposed
The big boys in the computer industry want you to continue
thinking the way you are. The major desktop computer
manufacturers thrive on consumers lack of knowledge and old
ideas about desktop computers and computer hardware to drive
sales of new desktop computers.
It works in their favor to keep these myths alive, because their
business depends on it. So what are they?
Myth 1: You need top of the line computer hardware
Maybe some years ago this might have been true with older
computer hardware, but times have changed. When computers were
much slower than they are now, the latest version of any
computer hardware increased speeds noticeably and allowed new
possibilities from your desktop computer.
Those increases from computer hardware no longer yield such a
huge increase in performance. With the basic uses of the desktop
computer set and been in place for a while now, speed increases
no longer result in real world benefits for most desktop
computer users.
What was great computer hardware last year is still good enough
Myth 2: Computer hardware is the domain of Geeks
When personal computing was coming into its own, you really did
need to be a Geek to know what was happening. For those old
enough to remember, imagine life without Windows and hacking
away at the command line, as used to be the case. Some still do,
but I wouldn't want to do that again.
Desktop computers are such commonplace that the basics of
computer hardware can be understood and researched with the
minimum of hassle. The ball is on the consumers side of the
court. You no longer need to be a geek, just a little knowledge
that is now readily available.
Myth 3: A faster desktop computer will speed up the Internet
Possibly. If you are running 5-year-old computer hardware this
might be the case. But the real reason for the increase in speed
is usually not the computer.
Internet speed is related to your connection speed. If you have
a dial up connection, it's going to be quite slow. When you
upgrade your desktop computer and they throw in a cable
internet, or DSL package the improved speed is from the faster
connection, not the computer. Both cable and DSL can offer more
than 10 times the speed of a dial-up connection. The
has little to do with it.
Myth 4: To speed your computer up, upgrade!
New computer hardware is a very obvious way to speed things up.
Even I have gone for new parts purely for this reason.
But it's definitely not the only way.
Various factors play into overall speed. On a purely physical
level, upgrading memory is still a fantastic way to get things
to move along a little faster. But apart from this the main
things that slows things down on the programs and other stuff
you have on the computer.
Over time, as more programs are put on and taken off and
changed, things get left behind, and things get forgotten. When
your computer starts, many things get loaded into memory and
each one of those takes that little bit more of the computers
resources. When you switch to a new program and don't remove the
old one, the older one will still use resources.
Myth 5: Big brands are the best
Big brands essentially piece together a computer. They pick and
choose the pieces to make a computer package. They also choose
some software, give a warranty and then sell it to you.
Dell computer company has become well known for its customer
service. This is the best part about Dell computers. The
downside is there are limited choices. They pick what goes into
the computer, which are often quite expensive parts. They are
motivated by the suppliers to put more recent parts into their
computers, keeping the prices at the same level and maintaining
the "to get more, pay more," mentality.
You don't have the power of these big guys, but you have
something more. Choice.
Your pick of parts for your desktop computer will allow you to
put together something completely tailored to your needs. Put
the money where you need it most, into the computer hardware
that makes the biggest difference to you, and in the end getting
a desktop computer you will fall in love with, rather than
About the author:
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: Tom's Hardware Guide is the Internet's premiere resource for hardware news and reviews. |
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Ace Hardware |
Nationwide (United States) hardware and home improvement retailer. Includes products, dealer locator and corporate information. |
www.acehardware.com |
Computer hardware - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
The hardware of a computer is infrequently changed, in comparison with software and ... Personal computers, the computer hardware familiar to most people, ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Hardware - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Hardware is the general term that is used to describe physical artifacts of a technology. ... In a looser sense, hardware can be major military equipment, ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Open Directory - Computers: Hardware |
Hardware Central - Computing-centric community providing vital information, support, tools and interaction facilities for power computer users and ... |
dmoz.org |
Microsoft Hardware – Home Page |
Learn about Microsoft mice, keyboards, desktop sets, webcams, media center peripherals, gaming products, fingerprint readers and presentation tools. |
www.microsoft.com |
AnandTech: your source for hardware analysis and news |
Independent hands-on reviews of computer hardware such as motherboards, graphic cards, and CPUs. |
www.anandtech.com |
hardware.com - Routers, switches, firewalls, servers, memory ... |
Supplier of new and refurbished networking hardware and approved and compatible network accessories. Located in the United Kingdom. |
www.hardware.com |
Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters |
From the article: "Although the news caused barely a ripple of reaction in the audience of software and hardware engineers, there are industry analysts who ... |
hardware.slashdot.org |
InformationWeek HardwareTech Center |
Our hardware coverage ranges from mobile computers and PDAs to servers and supercomputers, and the infrastructure issues enterprises deal with every day. ... |
www.informationweek.com |
What is hardware? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia Computer ... |
This page describes the term hardware and lists other pages on the Web where you can find additional information. |
www.webopedia.com |
Google Directory - Computers > Hardware |
Hardware Central - http://www.hardwarecentral.com/ Computing-centric community providing vital information, support, tools and interaction facilities for ... |
www.google.com |
Gifts: Unique Gifts & Gift Ideas at Restoration Hardware |
At Restoration Hardware, you'll explore an exceptional world of high quality unique gifts. Browse our products to find gift ideas & more at Restoration ... |
www.restorationhardware.com |
HwB: The Hardware Book |
HwB provides you with circuits, pinouts, cable/adapter descriptions and other technical information. |
www.hardwarebook.net |
Reg Hardware: Product News and Gadget Reviews from The Register |
More Gadgets Stuff. 5th December 2006 12:09 GMT. Author: Reg Hardware ... 27th November 2006 15:31 GMT. Author: The Hardware Widow ... |
www.reghardware.co.uk |
red hat hardware compatibility lists |
hardware.redhat.com/ - Similar pages |
TrueValue.com |
Here's our tip to hang strands of lights with ease. Jeanenne & Jim Tucker Plantation True Value Hardware Richmond, TX ... |
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A complete illustrated Guide to the PC Hardware |
A complete illustrated Guide to the PC Hardware, Logic and Architecture. 500 easy-read articles about the modern PC. Understand the basic architecture of ... |
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