Creative Innovation in just 60 seconds!
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Creativity and Innovation Management – Incubation and Insight
Two of the most common terms in the field of creativity include Eureka! Or Aha! Often these terms are used to describe that moment when an idea has occurred “out of the blue.” This whole set of terminology and the inherent assumptions are misleading.
Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation.
There are other useful definitions in this field, for example, creativity can be defined as consisting of a number of ideas, a number of diverse ideas and a number of novel ideas.
There are distinct processes that enhance problem identification and idea generation and, similarly, distinct processes that enhance idea selection, development and commercialisation. Whilst there is no sure fire route to commercial success, these processes improve the probability that good ideas will be generated and selected and that investment in developing and commercialising those ideas will not be wasted.
Incubation and Insight
Two of the most common terms in the field of creativity include Eureka! Or Aha! Often these terms are used to describe that moment when an idea has occurred “out of the blue.” This whole set of terminology and the inherent assumptions are misleading.
a) Ideas do not occur out of the blue. The mind works on various problems at various cognitive levels. Aha or Eureka is the moment when solutions to problems become conscious. If Newton did discover gravity while sitting under an apple tree,
it is because his mind was engaged with the topic of planetary motion and the memes of his times.
b) The process of allowing the mind to work on various problems is calle incubation. Allowing incubation to take place results in richer solutions than if time pressure were used to elicit responses. But time pressure also has benefits – it increases output thus leading to higher probabilities of quality ideas emerging.
c) Aha and Eureka are terms that trigger bad thinking. Insight is better.
These topics are covered in depth in the MBA dissertation on Managing Creativity & Innovation, which can be purchased (along with a Creativity and Innovation DIY Audit, Good Idea Generator Software and Power Point Presentation) from http://www.managing-creativity.com/
You can also receive a regular, free newsletter by entering your email address at this site.
Kal Bishop, MBA
You are free to reproduce this article as long as no changes are made and the author's name and site URL are retained.
Kal Bishop is a management consultant based in London, UK. He has consulted in the visual media and software industries and for clients such as Toshiba and Transport for London. He has led Improv, creativity and innovation workshops, exhibited artwork in San Francisco, Los Angeles and London and written a number of screenplays. He is a passionate traveller. He can be reached on http://www.managing-creativity.com/
DTI - Welcome to the DTI's Innovation Home Page |
The DTI is working to stimulate a significant increase in innovation throughout ... It covers Living Innovation, web streaming of a series of high profile ... |
www.dti.gov.uk |
Innovation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
An innovation in this light occurs whether or not the act of innovating ... A convenient definition of innovation from an organizational perspective is ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
National Innovation Website |
The Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources has developed this website to raise awareness of the importance and benefits of innovation and ... |
www.innovation.gov.au |
Innovation, creativity and brainstorming resources from ... |
A comprehensive site designed to provide busy entrepreneurs with a focused collection of the best resources on innovation, creativity, and brainstorming. |
www.innovationtools.com |
Innovation Weblog - Trends, resources, viewpoints from Chuck Frey ... |
The Innovation Weblog - Valuable trends, resources and viewpoints in innovation, creativity and brainstorming from Chuck Frey at InnovationTools. |
www.innovationtools.com |
CORDIS: Innovation Portal: Home |
This Innovation Portal is supported by DG ENTR of the European Commission, ... European Commission adopts new Communication on Innovation: on 13 September ... |
cordis.europa.eu |
CORDIS: Promotion of Innovation: Home |
This programme stands at the cross-roads of the Community's policies on Research, Innovation and SMEs. |
cordis.europa.eu |
Innovation Network... leveraging innovation, creativity and ... |
The Innovation Network is an association of companies and employees committed to innovation. The site features some interesting articles as well as some fun ... |
www.thinksmart.com |
Business Innovation : Car Reviews, Online Gaming, and Product Branding |
If your in need of great Online Gaming material, we carry up to the minute news and reviews for all of your favorite games and gaming systems. |
www.businessweek.com |
Innovation - Life, Inspired | PBS |
Learn about fascinating innovations, explore interactive features, submit questions to our experts, investigate resources and lesson plans, and more. |
www.pbs.org |
Innovation.org - Welcome |
Impact of Innovation Saving & Improving Lives Controlling Healthcare Costs Strengthening ... Future of Innovation New Medicines in Development Next Wave of ... |
www.innovation.org |
Innovation: See what people are saying right now on Technorati |
See all blog posts tagged with innovation on Technorati. |
www.technorati.com |
Innovation Relay Centres - The World Largest Network for ... |
Innovation Relay Centres giving advice on Innovation, Technology Transfer and Exploitation. Major European source for innovative technologies or new ... |
irc.cordis.lu |
The Tech Museum of Innovation | Welcome |
The Tech Museum of Innovation - Welcome! The Tech Museum inspires and educates the innovators of the future. |
www.thetech.org |
Pages tagged with "innovation" on del.icio.us |
CoDev 2007 - Co-Development for Business Growth: Open Innovation and Alternatives ... PDMA & IIR's 5th Annual Front End of Innovation ... |
del.icio.us |
innovation |
Publication highlighting the research activities of NUS. The site provides snippets of selected articles online, and provides a subscription form online. |
www.innovationmagazine.com |
Canadian Innovation Centre |
Services includes invention evaluation, technology due diligence, market research, and education programs. |
www.innovationcentre.ca |
London INNOVATION :: Home |
Maximise your business potential through innovation. Learn the secrets of successful business innovation in London. |
www.london-innovation.org.uk |
Eric Von Hippel's Homepage |
Downloadable Books. Democratizing Innovation (2005) ... The Sources of Innovation (1988). Free download of the complete book. Permission granted by Oxford ... |
web.mit.edu |
Intel Innovation in Education |
www.intel.com/education/ - 3k - Cached - Similar pages |