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"You Can't Direct the Wind but You Can Adjust the Sails"
Guidelines: You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy sent to article@itsm-made-easy.com would be appreciated.
Format: 60 words per line Word count: 671 words (3926 chars) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "You Can't Direct the Wind but You Can Adjust the Sails" © 2005 by Christophe Poizat - All rights
Dear Friend,
First of all, let's take a look at the meaning of the word "metamorphosis" and how it can possibly be of interest to IT Service Management. Metamorphosis: Noun (plural metamorphoses - say metuh´mawfuhseez) … “the change of form, structure, or substance, as transformation; the structural or functional modification of a plant organ or structure during its development.” Applied to IT Service Management, this does clearly suggest a process by which we can possibly transform ourselves and adapt to an ever-changing and complex environment or marketplace with the clear intent to become and remain successful.
It's all about our personal growth and our ability to react to the multiple challenges of life in general and the modern IT world in particular. In a way, I am tempted to say it's all about the metamorphosis of ITSM tadpoles into leaping frogs! Identifying and aligning all the pieces of this complex puzzle takes time, quite a bit of thinking and determination. It also requires that we constantly reconsider our approach and refine our strategies.
Transforming ourselves has been a necessity since the dawn of humanity and it is not any different in the modern world: if we want to stay in business, we have to evolve. Let's keep in mind that it is us who have to adapt to the environment or the marketplace and not the other way around. This is a hard fact, it cannot be argued upon: no one can expect to win at any game without first knowing the rules and principles. Life is a serious game where it is possible to have a lot of fun. It has strict rules though. First we need to
study the rules then comes the fun. Likewise, IT Service Management is a serious game where it is possible to have a lot of fun in the process. Again, first we need to study and master the rules.
It takes time to fully master all the different rules and principles of life, the Great Pyramids of Giza were not built in a day after all. It is a visible sign reminding us all of the astounding results that can be accomplished with vision, determination and persistence. This is exactly the same behavior we want to apply in our ITSM practice if we are to get results of the same magnitude.
What we have to do is study the founding principles of success and get better at applying them effectively in the real world: on the IT battlefield. It's a fact: we need to get better at mastering ITSM strategies that lead to higher levels of success.
Regardless of our level of success, both individually and as a team, the #1 critical success factor to accomplish this is determined by our ability to identify and process the information that will give us the leverage that we lack to reach the next step and thus enable greater success. The most efficient and fastest way to increase our success is through the adoption of behavioral patterns that will create more and more success for us. It pretty much works like a snowball effect: the first step is to get started to the best of our knowledge and abilities. It can always be improved in the course of time. That decision is ours to make. No one else can make it for us! In my monthly newsletter, I discuss how it all works: how states of mind and behavioral patterns are intimately connected and how one does influence the other greatly, be it in a positive or...in a negative way.
About the Author
Christophe Poizat is a highly committed ICT professional with excellent communication skills developed over 20+ years on some of the largest and most challenging projects (Europe, USA, Australia). Visit http://itsm-made-easy.com and find a new source of inspiration to take your IT capabilities to another level.
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