Bad Credit Bill Consolidation Loans
A bad credit bill consolidation loan may be one of the best
options available if you have bad credit and a lot of debt. A
bad credit rating can be fixed, but it is much harder if you
still have outstanding debts.
The best way to improve...
Bad Credit Home Loans - Dealing With Bad Credit Mortgage Companies Online
Dealing with mortgage companies online can enable you to get a home loan even with bad credit. Bank associates' skepticism and talk around are avoided when you apply online with a mortgage broker. You also can compare multiple...
Payday Loans Provide a Necessary Service!
I think Payday Loans are both necessary and provide a valuable service regardless of the perceived problems of high charges, first lets clarify what Payday Loans provide, short-term cash advances until the next payday.
The typical charges for this...
Personal Loans : Getting The Best Deals
There are certain things that you can always count on. Paying
interest on loans is one of them. But there are certain things
that you can do to minimise the amount of interest you do pay on
Everyone has to borrow money at some stage...
Short-Term or PayDay Loans
Please feel free to use this article for your newsletter, ezine, or web site, in its entirety including the resource box. Please notify me of publication by sending a website link or a copy of your ezine when published mailto:cigllc@yahoo.com....
Business loans for startups. How to get approved.
Businesses have trouble securing finance at the best of times. Normally you have to have two years of solid financials before a money lender like a bank will even consider lending you money. Often you need to have a strong personal credit record to be eligible for a decent business loan from start-up. There are other lenders that offer business loans specifically for start-ups so the process is easier now than it was a decade ago. However, to stand the best chance of securing those much needed funds, follow these four steps to cement getting approved:
Be a home-owner
As a homeowner you will already have created a history of borrowing and are in possession of a large asset that can be used as security. Lenders are risk conscious. Business start-ups are in a high risk bracket. There is no way to tell if your idea will work, or you are a good money manager or if the execution of the idea will go to planned. They have to rely on your existing assets to pay the debt in the event of default.
Include all your assets in your application
The level of borrowing you can secure is normally determined by the amount of security you can place against the loan. Being a home owner is suitable as usually that is the biggest asset a person or a family owns. In a business, there may be more than one person applying so each person should list their assets as security to garner the highest loan possible.
Items that are considered assets include:
The higher your asset value the more
money you are able to borrow. Be careful not to over-extend yourself as you are liable to lose each asset you use as security against your loan.
Have a good income record
Have your old tax returns on record to demonstrate that you have had a good history of income. Even though starting a new business will affect this, if it demonstrated that you are capable earner then it does make the lender less cautious.
Account exactly where the business loan will be allocated
This is vitally important to getting your loan approved at the maximum level. If the lender can see where exactly the money is going they can ascertain if your application is viable. If you just make an application of $50,000 with no indication of how you are going to spend it then you may well get rejected. If you make an application for $100,000, where the total is itemised you are likely to be approved:
$15,000 is for premises
$50,000 is for equipment
$25,000 is for inventory
$10,000 is for staff
From this quick list, the money lender can see that if you default they can retrieve money from equipment and inventory that will account for 75% of the total loan as well as the security you have put up.
About the Author
Phil Trumble a business advisor for 180 Business Loans. 180 Business Loans has assisted many businesses that were in financial difficulty by providing debt alternatives, short term loans and business advice. You can find out more at http://www.180businessloans.com.au
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