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Debt Management and Consolidation
How do you know that you are in DEBT? How do you know that you are really in deep DEBT? Do you think you need DEBT MANAGEMENT or DEBT CONSOLIDATION? This are the questions that most professionals will ask you about. If not, you will ask yourself this question. The true fact is that once you are interested even to pop into this web page, most likely you are in debt and you need advice on debt management or debt consolidation. The truth is you are not alone, you do not need any high tech software to give you a profound answer that you are in debt neither do you need to seek any credit repair guru to tell you,"you are in debt." In this journey or articles that I am about to introduce, you will find that the table of contents are not named with different titles, they are just simply debt management and debt consolidation part 1, 2, or 3; this is because you have to follow our program right from the start and not jump straight into some chapters that interest you, eg. go right into chapter 3 and skip chapter 1. That WON'T WORK! You have to read all the chapters one by one.
But in order to go any further, you got to know this: no debt is too high for you to conquer. It is not impossible for you to turn your situation around and start living your life. No matter how dire the situation is, whether is a $2000 debt or a $500,000 debt, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. If you feel like ending your life at this instance because you feel that you just cannot get out of the hole, stop this moment and talk to someone about it, talk to a debt management expert, someone that can response to your questions. Always remember that you are not alone, there are more than 190 million Americans like you that own a credit card and the average debt is $9000. And that just does not include home loans and car loans, lots of people are living on debt and you are not alone. And they don't send debtors to prisons, so snap out of it and brace yourself up.
Okay, fasten your seat belts, here we go. The journey to becoming debt free starts NOW! This is not a miracle pill that you take in and by the next day everything will be back to normal. It is a journey of commitment. Ever been to the gym, or going on a diet?
The key to these success is commitment. You don't go to the gym to bodybuild whenever you feel like to, or eat anything you like when you are on a diet, you have a program to go through. And in order to achieve results, you have to be committed to the program that is being layed down.
So the first thing to do is CUT UP YOUR CREDIT CARD!. Yes, that's right, cut it up. Don't do it tommorrow, don't do it next week, DO IT NOW! The reason why you have to cut up your credit card is because only then you will stop incurring more debts. You will never get out of debt if you continue to borrow, that is continue to pay from your credit card. Cutting up your credit cards does not mean closing your accounts, it is only plastics, you can reapply for a new card again.
From now on, you will be living back in the 70's when credit card has not appeared on this earth to lure your temptations. Everything you buy or eat or even enjoy will be paid by CASH. In the beginning it will be difficult, b ut once you get use to it, it's a breeze. So get use to it, you have to do everything in cash till your debt is in control or probably you are more prepared to use it wisely. We will teach you how to use your credit card more wisely, the right way.
As the saying goes, you can't measure what you can't count, so to assess your situation you need to dig out all your bills, receipts, statements, everything that you owe and start totaling them up. I have provide you a simple form that you can key in, download it from the end of this chapter. From the form you will find the "Creditor's Name", "Amount Owed", "Monthly Installment"(the monthly payment you are obligated to pay), "Interest" and "Due Date"(Monthly).
Now having said all this, you need to loosen up. As this is not a miracle as I said earlier, yhou need time to work it out, you have to think long term. Keep your eyes on the goal, it may take a few years, but by the time you emerge as a conqueror of the mountain of debts, you are back in control of your finances. About the Author
Clifton T is the writer of Absoluteguys.com a portal for men where you can find anything from debt management, mens health, toys, business, jobs, diet and anything that interest a man.
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