Debt Management in the UK
Debt management, as defined in the UK, is a course of action
where a reduction in repayment amount and/ or interest charges
is negotiated with unsecured creditors, when you are no longer
able to meet your repayment requirements.
For some...
Debt Management Plans - Things You Must Do To Avoid Pitfalls
Most people are involved in some type of financial transaction or decision every day. Sometimes they can get way behind in their debts and financial obligations with no clear way to pay them off. Some resort to debt management plans, which can help...
Does MBWA (Management By Wandering Around) Still Work?
Tom Peters, alumnus of the management consulting firm of McKinsey & Company and one of today's best known and highest paid management gurus, first came to prominence in 1982 as he "knocked our socks off" with his eye-opening best-seller In Search of...
Simple Time Management Skills Generalized
Time management skills are simple. The problem is all of us are
different, and each of us has to learn which skill works best
for us. Often when we fail, we feel discouraged, depressed,
stressed, and our confidence is affected. Failure is a...
Using PMS/GPS – The Productivity Management System™ for Goal Planning and Setting
"When I am willing to take a chance on me, do whatever it takes, thank those who have helped me along the way, and remember to pat myself on the back once the goal has been reached, I am fulfilled” – Heidi Richards In 1979, Harvard Business School...
Interim Management provides hope for UK Manufacturing Sector
Businesses of all types are now exploring the benefits of Interim management.
What was once seen as the
exclusive territory of large multi-national companies may turn
out to be the saviour of the UK manufacturing sector.
Paul Wilson, Managing Director of Aster Interim Solutions takes
up the story, Interim
Managers were once exclusively used by the larger companies
to aid in company turnaround or implement business
re-structuring but are now being used by
companies of all types and sizes from both the public and
private sector.
Typical reasons why companies may use interim managers
include:- Company turnaround and business restructuring e.g.
'Company Doctor' Introduction of change management To bridge a
'gap' to cover for maternity, secondment etc To provide
additional resources when companies need it most such as through
periods of dramatic growth or the building of company
infrastructure As a 'safe pair of hands' whilst the replacement
of a permanent member of staff is sought following their sudden
departure As a project manager to manage a transition e.g.
introduction of new business systems etc.
The UK manufacturing sector has been 'ravaged' since the 1950s
by cheap imports resulting in job losses and the gradual
transition of our manufacturing
base to lower cost geographical areas. Many of the UK
manufacturing companies left are now 'working
smarter not
harder' in an attempt to outwit their
One of the ways this manifests itself is by the use of
specialist Interim
Whereas Finance and Human Resources have historically been
disciplines where companies have used interim managers,
businesses are now using interim
manufacturing/operations managers to help them in their efforts
to implement philosophies such as six sigma and lean
Many UK manufacturing companies are now using Interim Management to
provide their business with
'manufacturing best practise'. By using the experience of the
interim manager companies can become a leaner and fitter
business in a shorter period of time
than they would otherwise have been achieved.
In addition, the cost of hiring the interim manager is tangible
and only temporary. This makes the 'interim' proposition very
attractive for a number of
our clients".
This all goes to demonstrate, perhaps the strategic use of
Interim Managers can provide our remaining UK manufacturers with
a powerful weapon in their bid
to stave off low cost offshore competition.
For further information contact:- Paul Wilson Managing
Director Aster Interim Solutions Ltd www.aster-interim.co.uk
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Management - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
The phrase "management is what managers do" occurs widely, suggesting the difficulty of ... The management of a large organisation may have three levels: ... |
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www.pmi.org |
IT Project Management and IT Service Management Ideas and Analysis ... |
Datamation provides ideas and analysis for IT managers, featuring case studies and trend spotting reports on IT project and service management issues. |
itmanagement.earthweb.com |
Management |
International review on management research. Peer-reviewed, occasional. Ejournal, with tables of content, abstracts and full articles available on-line. |
www.dmsp.dauphine.fr |
Society for Human Resource Management |
Advances the human resource profession to ensure that HR is recognized as an essential partner in developing and executing organizational strategy. |
www.shrm.org |
FEMA | Federal Emergency Management Agency |
Agency of the US government tasked with Disaster Mitigation, Preparedness, Response & Recovery planning. |
www.fema.gov |
FT.com / Business Life |
Account Manager. Recruiter: Financial Times. Part Qualified Management Accountant. Recruiter: Robert Half Finance & Accounting ... |
www.ft.com |
Small Business Management: Advice and Guides |
Online guide to small business management. Find articles, advice and how-to guides. |
www.entrepreneur.com |
Academy of Management Online |
Academy of Management: This is the official web site of the Academy of Management, with information on membership, journals, list servers, web sites, ... |
www.aomonline.org |
Business Management, Leadership and Decision Making Strategies and ... |
Provides business management articles, webcasts, online learning, and books as well as conferences focused on leadership and decision making. |
www.bettermanagement.com |
Object Management Group |
Distributed object computing industry standards group founded in 1989. Defined standards include CORBA and IIOP. |
www.omg.org |
Management Reading | Global Executive | Business | Economist.com |
The one management thinker every educated person should read Nov 17th 2005 ... The story of Emerson's successful management process is fascinating. ... |
www.economist.com |
Emerald: Home |
Publisher of journals in management and library and information services, engineering, applied science and technology. |
www.emeraldinsight.com |
Yale School of Management |
The mission of the Yale School of Management is to educate global leaders for business and society. We pride ourselves in providing a hard-edged business ... |
mba.yale.edu |
US Office of Personnel Management |
Official Federal Government site listing positions nationwide for special agent, federal police officers and related jobs. |
www.usajobs.opm.gov |
Waste Management |
Waste Management is the #1 Residential and Commercial Trash Service Provider. |
www.wm.com |
US Office of Personnel Management |
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www.opm.gov |