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The New Spiritual Marketing Explosion - Part III
1- Viral Marketing of Items, or Viral Marketing of Visions & Ideas?
Does it really matter, if we peddle our items to others? Is the quantity, even of improving items really lifting humanity up to unknown flight? (Money changers and merchants in the temple.)
Who is responsible for progress in science & society? Visionaries are. Those who first believe and then see what is currently invisible and immeasurable. Humanity have figured out a great many things, as we approach the complete change from the OLD to the NEW. We have recently heard that all things depend upon OUR thinking, which is not entirely true. If human thinking were the ‘cause’ for anything, nothing would exist, for humanity did NOT exist, in the beginning. And, presently, if human thinking were the cause for anything, chaos would prevail on earth.
What is the cause for our existence? A prior blue-print that followed the engineering, architectural mind-set of the originator, who must have existed before humans did. Even though, everything consists of ‘building blocks’ all things can only exist if their OUTCOME, or FINAL STATE is known, before the building begins. Many, unfortunately not all, people realize that.
Which architect goes out and throws a single brick on the ground and then waits for (millions of) years for the building to randomly build itself, so he can finally draw the blue-print? Who is the inventor of the first car? Did he do the same? The car consists of parts. How does he know, which parts to throw on the ground, so in millions of years the car will randomly ‘form itself’, without having a pre-formed picture of the finished car? The answer is simple, he is NOT an evolutionist, and relies on Creation, first in conception of inspiration, and then in word, or bringing forth of creative vibration (currently still ‘work’).
How does the seed know what to do, if the tree is not already in it?
Engineers, architects, inventors, and philosophers are, consciously, or not, using the principle of unlimited creation within God’s optimum necessity. They first expand their awareness, look beyond the material existence of things, and bring forth new things through the combination of their current awareness, intuition and inspiration. However, their creation, the one locked into the human mind, is flawed, limited and obsolete, even before it starts. Or has anything made of human resources ever been constructed that did not eventually fail and vanish?
What do scientists, researchers, statisticians, doctors, lawyers have in common? They deal entirely with things as they supposedly ‘are’ now. They poke the former apart, analyze and shift from right to left, and back, things that are obsolete, and whose existence is a result of formerly flawed awareness. Will they ever find the truth? You tell me… I think it is very unlikely.
How come that in a building buzzing with scientists of all kinds, the Physicists are usually the calmest, most grounded, constantly finding, uncovering and understanding? For they, formerly ‘materialistic’, have come to realize that NOTHING can exist without a PRIOR BLUE-PRINT. They also know that there is no DIRECT interdependence between human (interpretative) thought and the things that exist. Creation took place independently from human thought. And that prior creation included all there is, for everything IS permeated with intelligent quantum-packets.
My conclusion is that to us things become visible in direct relation to our AWARENESS of them. That’s all. Humans do NOT CAUSE anything to exist, for everything already is. Most Physicists believe in creation. Their findings consistently prove it. All that humans can do is explore, play with and enjoy that which already IS, behind the scenes, between the lines and beyond the material lies the cause of all. That cause is immeasurable, invincible and indestructible, or PERFECT.
The word ‘perfect’ is mentioned 94 times in the bible, and ‘perfection’ 11 times. Those verses give us many clues as to where everything is going.
For instance: Hebrews 7:11
If therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood, (for under it the people received the law,) what further need was there that another priest should rise after the order of Melchisedec, and not be called after the order of Aaron?
Explanation: If the ‘holy’ priests, descendants of the Levites, would have been perfect, just because in their laws and traditions only they were allowed to be priests, why would the world need a different Final Prophet, one that is, like Melchisedec, not a descendant of Aaron, but whose parents are complete unknowns?
Put in more contemporary terms, carnal conditions, which are currently self-perpetuating, must be replaced by a new type of human individual out of nowhere, who has a spiritual purpose in order to finally introduce new and very different spiritually true conditions, also called perfection.
2- Case study on how to use the money vehicle to achieve spiritual power by means of marketing
Why Money Vehicle, Why Spiritual Power and why Marketing?
Money is an instrument of convenience for the exchange of value. This instrument, or middle-man, can be eliminated by the direct exchange of value. The elimination of money depends upon the openness and meekness of all individuals involved, and their highest
purpose is naturally, to become congruent with the real power, being of spiritual origin. Marketing is the focus of most contemporaries. Its symbolism, ‘buying’ and ‘selling’ of material items, can readily be applied to ‘buying’ and ‘selling’ of spiritual truths.
Who is to obtain spiritual Power, and Who is to benefit from it?
Every one who has been given the ‘good news’, since Jesus, is holding the seed for the real thing. The same can benefit from it, only if this seed is being watered by himself, or herself. No one else is responsible, but each individual for the decision to follow, or not to follow. At this time, every one has been given the good news, whether it be directly, or indirectly.
What is Marketing to Accomplish in the Attainment of Spiritual Power?
Marketing is based upon presumptuous and prospective dealings with people. Marketing cannot be exactitude. Marketing is fluid, flexible and inventive, for it is the primary method of gaining influence over people’s awareness by leaving their freedom of decision in tact. The extreme is subliminal marketing, whose existence is hard to detect. However, because of the broad spectrum all marketing is based upon, new spiritual information can and will utilize all and particularly the most recently established channels to influence, astound, impress and convince, in a similar manner as conventional marketing has been affecting.
Where will this Spiritual Power First Take A Hold?
It already has a stronghold, coming from somewhere within the continental US.
When will Spiritual Power Prevail?
In 2009.
How do I gain Spiritual Power by means of the Money Vehicle?
At present, money is a measure, or symbol for value, when individuals offer, or acquire goods, services, or information. Dependent upon the amount of money available in every individual’s realm as a result of this value-exchange, different individuals, depending upon their level of spiritual understanding take the money and use it for different purposes.
Let’s just have a look at the one purpose that is the most unnecessary, as well as the most contrary to spiritual principle:
Hoarding the money for the purpose of measuring own net-“worth”.
As already stated, money has no value. Money also has no power, no lasting effect, and no enjoyment in itself. Money simply magnifies the opposite polarity to spirit, and brings out the inherent character of people, things and circumstances. Hoarding money accomplishes absolutely no spiritual gain. It positions the individual doing it on the far-end of spirit, thus the difficulty of entering the Kingdom.
Spirit creates new out of ‘thin air’. Money buys what is already there, or known and imperfect. Spirit is invincible. Money corrupts. Spirit is all-knowing. Money keeps blind. Spirit is balanced. Money causes self-perpetuating imbalance. Spirit is perfect. Money reinforces the perception of imperfection. Etc.
With these few examples, we see that any one, who simply emphasizes the meaning of money backwards, will gain spiritual awareness first, then spiritual understanding, and finally spiritual congruence with ABSOLUTE power.
Money is the only hurdle to absolute power. Why not reverse its position into a catalyst toward it, instead.
3- The new race of humans, the Spiritual Manifesteur
It is written that only those humans, who see AND do can enter the Kingdom. To ‘see’, also means to ‘understand’ (stand under), or to conceive the truth from above and make it part of ones being here below, while standing still. To do what one conceives, means to manifest it. Thus, any one who manifests an understanding of the spiritual truth, is a Manifesteur.
All over earth, children are being born with telepathic ability, x-ray vision, they can move heavy objects via mere concentration and see and describe physical places in their mind’s eye, to which they have never been. More individuals learn to levitate, be untouched by otherwise consuming fire, and bring known sports to a previously unknown culmination. These children have not yet learned what is impossible, and those individuals have gained partial spiritual power by overcoming their false perceptions.
The children are being spiritual to a greater degree than the remainder of us, and the individuals have a strong desire to overcome. However, all of them are still mainly alive in the physical realm, and not very conscious, or aware, of the availability of spiritual power beyond their perception.
Obviously, conventional marketing as we know it, will no longer apply, when we look at how to become a Manifesteur. Marketing, even with its educational possibilities, will not be able to buy and sell Manifesteurship. Humanity’s developing awareness and ascension to the new race will truly take place FROM WITHIN.
Shall we say in conclusion, that as spiritual marketing can be witnessed as an explosive tendency in its initial state above and beyond conventional marketing, it may occasionally also implode, but it will finally cease to exist. This 3-part article proves that yes, marketing is important in human business, but becomes increasingly inconsequential in our Father’s business.
About the Author
Dr Ina Bliss is the Final Prophet & Interpreter of the Law http://www.macromiracle.net/
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