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God Can Heal Your Marriage
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If you are experiencing a marital crisis and everything around you looks messy and seems to indicate “God cannot move in this situation”, I want to encourage your heart by saying , God does His very best work in the midst of what “looks like” total defeat and devastation. God loves to “show off”. Yes He does. The scripture says His eyes roam throughout the whole earth looking for those who’s hearts are pure before Him that He might show Himself mighty on their behalf. This indicates that it is not the magnitude of the problem that matters, it’s the magnitude of our God. He is mighty. Correction, He is Almighty!
Do you recall Genesis 1? In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, And the earth was void and without form and darkness was upon the face of the deep, And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters, And God said let there be light and there was light, And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness . What could look more hopeless than a situation that is void (empty), without form (can’t even be recognized as a marriage) with darkness covering it (you can’t see your way, confusion is all around, and there are no answers or help in sight? Yet we find that God doesn’t even seem to be disturbed. We don’t have any indication that when God came on the scene, He had to deliberate as to whether He had the power to bring order and establish His creation. He didn’t have to call a meeting. He didn’t have to ask for any help, whatsoever. The bible says, HE SAID, Let there be. Oh how God is looking for people who will believe in His power to deliver. His power to resurrect. His power to overcome every destructive force and make something beautiful that glorifies HIM! But let’s examine this a little further. What was required? It says, the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. What ever your marriage may look like now— even if it doesn’t resemble a marriage, the Spirit of God can move upon the face of that thing and cause it come into His perfect divine order. It further indicates that God began to speak. He spoke. Everything God does, He does by calling those things that be not as though they were. The scripture says, all the world is held together by the Word of His power. It is the spoken word. It is speaking words that agree with His plan and pattern.
If you extend your faith toward the Father, He will begin to give you words. He will use scriptures and speak to you in that still, small-quiet voice. He will cause you to begin to speak words that bring life and not death into your situation. He will give you wisdom as to how to conduct your affairs. He will bring correction to you to keep you on the path of righteousness. When you need guidance, He will be your
light in the midst of darkness. He is working in the midst of darkness. John 1 says that darkness has never been able to overcome the light. He will give you the light of revelation, the light of divine guidance and wisdom when you ask Him. He will separate the light from the darkness in your situation. Be patient with Him. Cooperate with Him and don’t be discouraged. I believe He works in darkness because He does not always want to reveal the extent of what He is doing before the proper time. He doesn’t want the enemy or the world to see what He is doing in your life. He needs time to prepare you to receive the blessings He has in store for you. Remember, He will not pour new wine into an old wine skin. But He does promise that He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you dare ask, or think. He will examine the light in your life just as He did in Genesis. He will test whether or not you are applying the light that He gives to you day by day. Oh yes, He will. Trust me on that one. Overall, His goal is to teach you to trust Him because He is trustworthy. He wants that close personal relationship with you. He wants you to look to Him for everything, even in the midst of your crises. I am a firm believer that the very things that come into our lives as trials are actually the instruments that God is using to save our very souls. When we hit situations like this we are forced to hold on to Him for dear life. I can testify that I would not be here today had I not learned to run to Him and hold on for dear life. Some of the things that I have experienced seemed so devastating that it was hard to breathe. I had to learn how to take one breath at a time by using His strength. But it is through these things that I have learned my greatest lessons. It is through these experiences that I found out that the scripture, Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world, is more than just a nice thing to say, or cute scripture to quote. The bible says, “...and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith.”
Beloved, be encouraged. Be of good cheer, and remember that you and God are the majority. If God be for you, who can be against you!!!!
For more information on marriage restoration, visit www.AbundantLivesMinistry.org and pick up a copy of "God's Blueprint for a Healed and Restored Marriage".
About the Author
Audrey is a wife and mother of four children. She has served as an Elder with He's Alive Ministries for 5 years. Then, left that role in order to spend more time with her family and to devote to prayer and the ministry that she believes the Lord has called her to. She is the author of "God's Blueprint for a Healed and Restored Marriage" and the creator of a line of inspirational gifts and bath and body products called My Beautiful Ones.
Marriage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Marriages are generally publicly declared in the context of a wedding ceremony. ... The term wedlock is a synonym for marriage, and is mainly used in the ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Marriage Builders ® - Successful Marriage Advice |
Provides answers and insight to questions about infidelity, marriage counseling, and divorce. A free support forum is also available. |
www.marriagebuilders.com |
Christian Marriages - Families Christianity Free Newsletters Sex ... |
A biweekly newsletter, published by Christianity Today, that provides information and articles of interest for couples. |
www.christianitytoday.com |
Marriage -- THE starting place for exploring marriage |
Useful links, and weekly feature articles on making your marriage the best it can be. Chat room and bulletin board also onsite. From About.com. |
marriage.about.com |
Marriage - Wex |
Today the underlying concept that marriage is a legal contract still remains ... Entering into a marriage changes the legal status of both parties and gives ... |
www.law.cornell.edu |
Smart Marriages |
Clearinghouse: The latest EASY-TO-USE information to make your marriage or realtionship successful, sexy, and satisfying. |
www.smartmarriages.com |
University of the Family - Marriage Ministries International |
Marriage is the foundation of the family. When the relationship is hurting, the family is hurting. Couples seek counseling and counseling and are often ... |
www.marriage.org |
USC-MSA Compendium of Muslim Texts |
Marriage in Islam has aspects of both 'ibadah (worship) of Allah and mu'amalah ... The Prophet considered marriage for a Muslim as half of his religion ... |
www.usc.edu |
Marriage Records - First Comes Love - Portland, Oregon |
Tonight (Wed Nov 29) Marriage’s own old intern Cole Miller and Glacier Park’s Jessie Slavich are playing at Valentine’s (232 SW Ankeny) downtown at 8pm. ... |
www.marriagerecs.com |
National Marriage Project Home Page |
Research, education, training and advocacy to strengthen the institution of marriage. |
marriage.rutgers.edu |
UKBMD - Births, Marriages, Deaths Indexes & Census transcriptions ... |
UK BMD Births, Marriages and Deaths Indexes Online. Baptims, Burials, Monumental Inscriptions, Cemetry, Cemetries, Civil Registration, GRO Indexes, BMD, ... |
www.ukbmd.org.uk |
Welcome to Worldwide Marriage Encounter Home Page |
Marriage Encounter weekends give married couples the tools to make Good marriages GREAT marriages! Why settle for a ho-hum relationship when you can have a ... |
www.wwme.org |
Alternatives to Marriage Project |
Provides support and information to people who choose not to marry, are unable to marry, or are making decisions about marriage. |
www.unmarried.org |
Marriage Equality USA (index.shtml) |
Group solely committed to securing the right to civil marriage for same-sex couples. Related facts, membership information, and chapters. |
www.marriageequality.org |
President Calls for Constitutional Amendment Protecting Marriage |
President Bush on Tuesday said, "The amendment should fully protect marriage, while leaving the state legislatures free to make their own choices in ... |
www.whitehouse.gov |
Marriage in Ancient Rome |
Selected information plus a bibliography and internet links. |
www.fortunecity.com |
Instructions to Obtain a Marriage Certificate Copy |
This page provides instructions for obtaining a certified or uncertified copy of a Wisconsin marriage certificate. |
www.dhfs.state.wi.us |
Judaism 101: Marriage |
Learn about the Jewish concept of finding your soul mate, Jewish weddings, the process of acquiring a spouse, and the marital relationship. |
www.jewfaq.org |
the marriage toolbox |
www.marriagetools.com/ - Similar pages |
American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy |
Professionally developed resources for practitioners and consumers of marriage and family therapy. Site also offers a search engine for finding a qualified ... |
www.aamft.org |