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A vaccine for the prevention of cervical cancer?

Buerglen, 11.25.2005

From Fritz Frei

Prof. Kevin Ault, Gynaecologist, from the Emory University

School of Medicine, University of Iowa, USA has present

the results of the last Study's conclusions are

Incredible and it's true; he told about a vaccine, that

is 100 % effective in preventing the most common types of Cervical cancer linked to HPV (D3-to see).

The HPV infections are sexually transmitted diseases

which prepare the way for cervical cancer. We can protect

the women against the most Carcinogenic subtypes (6, 11,

16 and 18 of HPV) which are the cause of More than 70 %

of cervical cancers.

With optimistic results of the Future II study, 20541

Women from Europe, America and Asia, between the ages of

16 and 26 years old, was involved in this extensive

project. Of course, the methodological rules, as a blind

Study compared the quadrivalent vaccine do a placebo. The Vaccine protected the young women completely against

precancerous Lesions (medium - or high-grad) of the

Cervix related to HPV 16 and 18. The protection result br> was 100 % of cases! The sid-effects comes with an

extremely low number. If we see the large number of cases

in this study, the results should be the same if

vaccination is made Available to the public.

We should not forget - the Cervical Cancer is the second

leading cancer in Young women and accounts for 11 % of

Cancers in all women! When the Women has a common genital

Infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV) and its can

result in the appearance of precancerous lesions of the

Cervix Mucous membrane. For instance, we know that the

connection between HPV infection and cervical cancer is

much stronger than that between smoking and lung cancer. 

How the researcher has got these results? With this new

quadrivalent vaccine for cervical cancer, the most

oncogenic subtypes of HPV can now be whipped

out. One of

the first steps is vaccinating adolescents

(D3-"Chronical") Before they come into contact with the

virus; - Results - No virus, no Lesions - no cancer!

Prevention - the essential part of the combating Cervical


The most oncogenic subtypes of HPV can now be wiped out

thanks to this new quadrivalent vaccine. The first step

is vaccinating adolescents (D3 - "Chronical") before they

come into contact with the virus; this is a turning point

in the fight against cancer. It is a major tool in the

prevention of precancerous lesions in the cervix. No

virus, no lesions -- and if there are no lesions, that

means no cancer. Prevention is an essential part of the

equation when it comes to combating cervical cancer --

that's why oncologists are so excited about the new


A study conducted with more than 20,000 women has shown

the absolute effectiveness of a vaccine in the prevention

of cervical cancer due to the most common types of human

papillomavirus (HPV). Oncologists are enthusiastic. It is

a rare thing to hear physicians -- and even more so,

oncologists --get excited to the point of speaking of a

"historical breakthrough" after hearing a presentation

from a colleague.  

Prof. Thomas Turz, Director of the Institute Gustave

Roussy at the ECCO conference has say - It is a rare

thing to hear physicians -- and even more so, oncologists

--get excited to the point of speaking of a "historical

breakthrough" after hearing a presentation from a

colleague. The Oncologists are enthusiastic.


Admin Fritz Frei

About the author:

Fritz Frei - since more than 25 years in the Health-Consulting Business - he has build up different rehabilitation groups and offer now in the network the easy information about a better health and life.


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