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There are many factors responsible for abdominal fat like processed food, refined sugar, lack of exercise etc.

But the following two invisible factors are mainly responsible for abdominal fat deposits.



Stress has become part of daily life. Job pressure, financial insecurity, problems in personal relations, traffic & pollution all take a heavy toll of our mental well being.

All the above factors combined with continuous negative thinking and not living in the present moment lead to a pressure-cooker environment of the mind

All of us lead a life either in the past or in the future.Your mind either thinks about the past or fantasizes and worries about the past. Nobody lives in the present moment living every moment and enjoying it as it is!

This constant oscillation of the mind from past to present and present to past like a pendulum takes a heavy toll of your mind and body.Stress builds up and ageing becomes accelerated.The efficiency of the body's various fat burning organs becomes very low.

Stress is the main cause of stored toxins in the body. These toxins impair the normal functioning of the various fat burning and excretory organs like thyroid gland, lever, kidney etc.

This results in the body not being able to cope up with even normal pressures exerted at various levels due to heavy work or faulty diet and the net result is obesity and weight gain.

Accumulated stress and anxiety from daily stress full modern living releases a hormone known as cortisole.

Research indicates that Cortisole is the hormone responsible for preferential deposition of fat in the abdominal area.

So if you want a sexy six pack, getting rid of stress is very important.

There are thousands of books on relieving stress and positive thinking. But no book has the exact answer for the varied stressful states of mind.

Your breath has a vital connection with your mind. By concentrating on your breath you can control your wandering mind and bring it to the present moment.

Various breathing techniques, Yogasanas and Pranayamas have the power to expel toxins and stress out of your mind and body and

make you more and more centered.

My e-book "Proven weightloss secrets revealed" shows various ways to easily overcome stress and to burn abdominal fat without working for hours in a gym.


Alcohol consumption leads to abdominal fat.

Stanford university school of medicine has reported a link between drinking alcohol and abdominal fat.

Recent findings report that alcohol drinkers have atleast twice the hip-waist ratios as compared to non-alcoholics.

Alcohol also seems to make the body burn less fat and favours fat storage and subsequent weight gain.

The main problem with alcohol drinking is that the stomach walls directly absorb alcohol. Since it never reaches intestine, the intestine doesn't give "full" signal to the brain. This causes the person to eat more. It has been observed that you tend to eat atleast 400 calories more when you are drunk.

So, to reduce abdominal fat you need to reduce alcohol consumption or atleast reduce fat consumption whenever you drink.

Spot reduction of abdominal fat is very difficult because fat melts evenly throughout the body. As such to reduce abdominal fat you must strive to reduce fat all over the body.

Expelling the toxins out of your system and correcting the body's fat burning mechanism can achieve this. Detailed explanation of how to do this has been explained in my e-book.

Alcohol also seems to make the body burn less fat and favours fat storage and subsequent weight gain.

Additionally, doing crunches regularly will help you a great deal in overcoming excess abdominal fat.

You can learn more about the various fat burning secrets in my 5day free e-mail ecourse by subscribing at:"
About the Author

Rajesh Shetty.
Expert in weight loss principles of Ayurveda Medical Science and Author of the Best selling book, "Proven weight loss secrets revealed". <a target="_new" href="">


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