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Aromatherapy Favorites - Beautiful Rose Oil
Ah, Wonderful Rose Oil If there's an aroma that more individuals find deeply moving than any other, it is the oil of rose. The scent is divinely sweet, rich, and deeply floral - exclusive to the extract of history's most revered flower. Though...

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The Dying Breed - Healthcare in Eastern Europe
Transition has trimmed Russian life expectancy by well over a decade. People lead brutish and nasty lives only to expire in their prime, often inebriated. In the republics of former Yugoslavia, respiratory and digestive tract diseases run amok....

What you need to know about hrt
As an individual ages he or she is gripped by many physical problems. These problems have different origins. But most of the age-old troubles are a consequence of weak functioning or one can say retirement of the internal organs of the body. So as...

You Can Be Happy Everyday
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Adult Onset Diabetes and 'Quacks'

Adult onset diabetes, like the common ulcer of a few years ago, makes a lot of work and provides a lot of money for the medical system. There was a cure for the biological disease of stomach ulcers but the doctors were telling us it was stress-related (Everything is stress-related to some extent, as the Pauling research that won a Nobel Prize for Vitamin therapy [especially 'C'] has proven.) and many people suffered under the surgeon's knife until recently. The homeopathic war with the FDA and drug-pushers is a very interesting study in deceit and power. For example it took until last year for the research at the University of Alabama led by Dr. Campbell to confirm what won a Nobel Prize a quarter century ago. The immune system and lymph system is vital to the interplay between soul and physical body energy manifestation. The arrogance of competitive marketing enterprises can't be the only reason that we have endured the removal of health maintenance at the hands of these 'experts'.

Current books on nutrition and herbal supplements tout Hydro-chloric Acid (HCA) and chromium percolonate along with 'Vanadol' as a cure for adult onset diabetes. The truth of the fact that disallows 'Vanadol' for sale in Canada is evil, though I do not believe there is such a thing as evil. The drugs that are recommended lead inexorably to the use of insulin and toxic death. There is research that shows these drugs directly create death in a certain percentage of cases as well. HCA and vitamin C may have benefits in building up the immune system and stopping cancer and other disease. Our body

has the ability to cure itself when the soul is properly in tune with it, according to many healers of the past. Will we support it rather than deny it? There is no need to avoid the use of medical approaches when warranted but their overuse leads to hospitals of high risk. The stories of unnecessary operations and faulty operations are rampant in society.

When one learns to have regular exercise and nutritional discipline great things can be achieved, as in the case of my 'twin' who beat leukemia which I mentioned under 'cancer cures'. The joke that says if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck - it is a duck! - might have some benefit for us to consider. Who is the quack? The results are sufficient to know we could use the homeopathic and naturopathic or chiropractic knowledge but it is an uphill fight. There are 300 doctors in Ontario who support this 'environmental medicine' but they run the risk of losing their license. Yes, it happens all the time, and the lawyers get rich while people die from the debilitating effects of drugs and their effect on leeching the body of vitamins and resources to beat all kinds of disease.

Dr. Bell did a tape I listened to once; it said in 1993 the average age or lifespan of doctors was 57 and the population at large was 73 (U.S.). He is a veterinary doctor who found the benefits of chromium and vanadium with cattle also worked on humans. Animals might 'quack' but 'experts' are often 'quacks'!

About the Author

Author of Diverse Druids
Columnist for The ES Press Magazine
Guest 'expert' at


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