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Chiropractic Care: A Personal Review

Chiropractic Care: A Personal Review
by C. Bailey-Lloyd

After years of constant pain and traditional medicine, I went for my first Chiropractic visit at Palmetto Chiropractic Center in SC. (Due to lesion at C1/2, bulging disc at C3, scapula winging and scoliosis) When I walked into the door, I was a bit astounded by the pleasant and spacious environment. Additionally, the younger lady at the front counter doubled both as the receptionist and the technician. She smiled, greeted me and introduced herself as "Dana." I relayed the multiple health issues I was having; e.g., spinal lesions, bulging disk, winging scapula, scoliosis, parasthesia, ear ringing, vision loss, and tremendous pain. Dana listened attentively, and explained that these problems could definitely be addressed. After filling out a few standard forms, and my health history, Dana told me, "...Prepare to be amazed."

I was then escorted back to a small room where I was told that I would have diagnostic tests by technologically-advanced SEMG (Surface Electromyography) Scan and X-rays. In the past, I had already had CT Myelograms, MRIs, Cat Scans, Ultrasound, Sonogram and traditional X-rays, so I assumed this was nothing new or out of the ordinary.

The Chiropractor knocked on the door and introduced himself to me as Dr. Jud Heldreth. Cordially, he explained that his practice actively engaged in "teaching" patients and encouraged me to ask as many questions as possible so that I would fully understand, and inevitably learn the process of Chiropractics. As he left the room, I was asked to remove my top articles of clothing and was draped with a clinical over shirt that opened in the backside. In front of me, was a computerized screen with an image of a human musculoskeletal system, including the spinal column. Alongside each vertebra, were several graph bars. Each bar representative of functional degrees of the motor nerves, muscle balance, and autonomic nerves.

What I discovered was that the SEMG Scan could detect the slightest subluxations (or misalignments) that disturb nerve functioning. (Subluxations cause abnormal amounts of electrical current to flow into one's muscles.) SEMG Scan, as a valuable diagnostic tool, is capable of discovering and pinpointing these nervous system disturbances. The slightest amount of pressure - even pressure exerted from the weight of a dime - can cause disturbances in the Nervous System's communications - this is why SEMG Scan is so important. From what I was understand, White bars depict Normal Function. Abnormalities resulted in Green, Blue or Red Bars. Green bars were indicative of mild abnormal function; blue bars indicated moderate abnormal function; and red bars meant that the abnormal function was severe.

After about five minutes, Dana came inside the room and took what appeared to be a blow-dryer gun to my backside. Slowly and gently, she ran the SEMG gun along my spinal column. Stopping at certain points, I could hear the computer audibly announcing specific areas of my spine - "...C1....C2....C3....C4...C5...." etc. Painless and virtually noninvasive, I was more astounded that the computer spoke than anything. Judging by my own SEMG Scan and my natural worry tendencies, my spine was in big trouble. I had never seen so many red bars in my life - and they were all pretty long as well.

Next, came the X-rays. Unlike traditional methods of X-ray, I was asked to stand in different positions than what I was accustomed. A matter of fact, the whole process lasted less than 40 minutes. After the scan and X-rays were complete, I was scheduled for a follow-up appointment to discuss the results of my tests.

The following Monday, I went to the Chiropractic clinic to learn about my test results - and for my initial "adjustment." When I arrived, I was escorted back to the original room where I had my "thermal Scan," (SEMG Scan). Dr. Heldreth walked into the room with me and first began to explain what all the red, green and blue bars meant on my SEMG scan. He relayed how this (SEMG Scan) was a diagnostic tool that informed him, along with X-rays, on the condition of my spinal column. By merely looking at the elongated bars on the computerized screen, I was astonished. He pointed out several areas along my spine, beginning at the nape of my skull to the base of my nervous system, which had "subluxations," or nervous system disturbances. He further explained how these subluxations could have a dramatic impact on my overall health and well-being. He gave a detailed explanation as to how each of these subluxations could have a negative effect on various muscle, organ and glandular systems in my body. However, Dr. Heldreth accentuated his positive attitude and further went on to say that I, myself, had to have a positive attitude about my health so that we could tackle some of these issues.

Next, he placed my X-rays on a lit screen and with a black, felt-tip marker, and highlighted areas on the film itself. He showed me the two top vertebras and marked two dots from one groove to the next. He clarified how these were not only displaced about an inch from one another, but how they were diagonally displaced as well. Following the first bit of information, he went on to exhibit points below that were not in straight alignment at all. Furthermore, the base of my spine (tail bone) was not only completely out of alignment but even curved to the right and then back inward. Judging by appearance alone, the X-rays were quite scary.

At that point, I went into a rant about how I had been diagnosed with scoliosis as a young girl, along with several injuries along the span of my life. Looking back at me, the chiropractor smiled, simply acknowledged my opinion about all of this and then said, "... Let's focus on your good health and what we can do to make your nervous system function optimally." He also elaborated on how all of these subluxations could

possibly be causing interferences in some of my systems. Some disturbances could impair gall bladder & kidney function, while other disturbances could even cause vision and concentration impairment. All of the pain and parasthesia in my back, shoulders and neck were likely an effect by the multiple subluxations in my spinal column.

After he thoroughly explained all of my results, he told me that health education is important and that he was there to not only help me as a chiropractor but to also assist me in my knowledge base on how to better take care of myself and my health. He then expressed that if I had any questions, I should write them down for him. Furthermore, he told me that honesty is the best policy and he was there to promote healthier thinking, healthier living and truth in overall health.

Following our detailed meeting, he took me outside of the exam room and had me to lie down (on my stomach) upon what looked like a massage table. It was covered with thick, vinyl cushion and had segmented areas in parts. At the head of the table-bed, was a U-shaped opening. With my nose centered directly in between the "U," he explained what he was going to be doing. He told me that these beds were equipped with segmented, movable parts that help stabilize my body while he worked on my spine. One of the key points of the segment areas was to alleviate pressure as he pushed down on certain parts of my back. For example, when he placed his hands on my lower back, he slightly lifted the lower segment so that my body would go with the flow of his work. By utilizing these movable parts, my body was better able to respond to the force of his pressure.

Working his way up, he got midway to my back. He asked me to take in a really deep breath and let it all completely out. I did as he said. No sooner did he press down and I heard this loud, audible popping noise. At first I didn't know what to think, but it didn't hurt at all. The next depression was on my shoulder area. It too, made an audible pop. This time, it did pinch for about a second, but suddenly I could move my left arm above my head - something I was unable to do before I had come to him. After my back, my chiropractor extended his hand and helped me up. "Strange," I thought, I could stand up without pain in my hips. He then asked me to lie down on my back. Lying there, he explained how he was now going to adjust my neck. Initially I thought, "Oh God - here goes nothing." Placing one hand aside one-half my neck, and the other hand on the opposite side whilst supporting my jawbone, he made a really quick push-turn. If you've ever twisted your neck too fast, you've obviously felt a sudden burning or tingling pain in your neck. I experienced it for about 1/2 a second, but surprisingly, I could also feel pressure relief from my sinuses, my ears, and even my eyes. This was repeated one more time one click above the last, and my session was over.

I thanked Dr. Heldreth and was set up for 4 weeks of daily chiropractic care appointments. Leaving home, I noticed something very bizarre. As I drove, I could suddenly see road signs that before were blurred without corrective lenses. Thinking that I was just imagining my newfound site, I walked into my home, poured myself a cup of coffee and sat at my dining room table. Not thinking twice about it, I peered up at the kitchen wall clock. 12:15pm. I did a double take. "12:15pm?!" I realized that I could clearly decipher the numbers on my wall clock. Something I could not see at all before my visit. Nothing short from a miracle, I could not believe these almost instantaneous results!

By late afternoon, I was feeling a bit sore from the visit, but I was told this may or may not happen due to the extent of my subluxations. Dipping into the swimming pool, the cool water relieved some of the soreness, but the amazing thing was that although I was sore, I was not having the pain or numbness I had had prior to my chiropractic visit. The next day, I went back for a second alignment where I discovered I was a bit more pain free afterwards. Next came a seminar on chiropractic care and what it all entailed. My chiropractor's partner, Dr. Jason Yoder gave an elaborate course on how important choices are in health and what we can do to empower ourselves through education about Human body potential, detection & correction of vertebral subluxations through chiropractic adjustments and how true health comes from within. Not only was it very interactive and educational, it was positive and lively. At the commencement of his seminar, Dr. Yoder invited Dana to hand out special savings' coupons for friends and family - an added bonus to a great seminar!

I still face many more chiropractic visits, but for now, I am excited that I have finally found resolve in my condition through true, compassionate assistance in my quest to good health. Would I recommend visiting a chiropractor? I already have - to my family, friends and everyone I meet. After suffering for numerous years with several health problems, I've decided that to improve my overall well being - not just my health, my whole outlook on my life is enhanced through chiropractic care.

To find a Chiropractor in your area, you may do so by searching our Holistic Junction business directory.
To learn more about Doctors Jud Heldreth and Jason Yoder, you may visit their website at or contact them at

© C. Bailey Lloyd
© LadyCamelot
© 2004 All Rights Reserved
C. Bailey Lloyd/Lady Camelot is currently the Public Relations' Director for
To contact Ms. Bailey Lloyd, email her at

About the Author

C. Bailey Lloyd/Lady Camelot is currently the Public Relations' Director for
To contact Ms. Bailey Lloyd, email her at


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