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CONSEGRITY - Beyond Medical Management

Dr. Mary Lynch was a traditionally-trained orthopedist specializing in sports medicine for 15 years. After her partner was killed in a plane crash 15 years ago, she resolved to follow heart and immerse herself in the reasons why what she had been trained to do for people rarely actually helped them.

"I had a very high satisfaction rate from clients," says Lynch, "But when I followed up for five-year, ten-year and fifteen-year intervals what we found was the underlying disease process was still there. So even though they may have returned to their sport or activity, their degenerative arthritis, etc., as expected would appear if you had done nothing, was still appearing. So, I had in that 15 years of practice begun to explore the possibility that we were simply managing symptoms, and not really doing anything to correct underlying problems." Dr. Lynch made it her life work to find out why the human body did not repair itself better than it did.

Lynch points out, "If you take a tomato seed, for instance, and crack it open, it's full of little brown powder. That powder is the DNA of that tomato seed. If I plunk it on an asphalt road it doesn't have a clue what to do. It never has a chance. But if I kick it into the dirt, it rains and gets a little sunshine, I don't have to read it a book on how to become a tomato plant. It knows exactly what to do. Our DNA is really no different. From early on, what we concluded was that if we could help create the environment that allowed that DNA to kick in and do what it was designed to do, then we would have gotten--from a treatment perspective--to a level that no one else had really looked at before."

That premise took Dr. Lynch around the world, finally researching 96 therapies. "What we found in testing these therapies was that they really weren't any different than the management tools we use in medicine. Perhaps they were less invasive--they all tended to be feel-good things--and people absolutely felt better, things shifted--but the underlying disease process usually kept on marching."

Tracking failures...
Rather than follow a particular therapy or therapist or researcher, Dr. Lynch followed her failures: the clients who had not gotten better. They, more than anything else, pointed the way to what was to become Consegrity. "I wasn't looking for anything new. I was just looking for what had to be there. People have been looking for that for centuries."

In 1940, Dr. Harold Saxton Burr found that salamander embryos possessed an energy field that was roughly the size and shape the adult animal would be. The energy field contained an electrical axis which aligned with the brain and spinal cord and originated in the unfertilized egg of the developing salamander. He also discovered that seedlings possess an energy field that looks like the adult plant. And, around the same time, Semyon Kirlian developed electrographic techniques which could translate Burr's findings into a visual medium where one could actually see the electrical corona or "aura" of living organism. Both men found that disease caused noticeable changes in color, size, and shape of the aura.

Dr. Lynch was led by her failed patients to the inescapable conclusion that there was an energy field around and throughout all living things. Although this energy field has been acknowledged for centuries, especially in Eastern Medicine, Dr. Lynch was not satisfied that there existed a definitive way to address this energy field to trigger the powerful healing mechanism existing within the human body. Dr. Lynch found that she could measure this energy field on an Electromyograph (EMG), and found that the energy could be felt by the therapist. "At that point," says Lynch, "It gave us the ability to literally be able to deal directly with that field."

Consegrity evolved into a type of language map that could be used to create a "mirror" in which the field of energy of the therapist is programmed by the client by taking the therapist to certain written words. "The written word actually reshapes your field of energy," declares Dr. Lynch. "And that creates a mirror. So in essence in Consegrity, we're not really doing anything. We're being a mirror. That mirror reflects the client's field back to their DNA. When those two connect, the energy that has been held in the tissues at the level of mind/body, even in the field itself, reorganizes and shifts right out of the system."

The field is everything....
Dr. Lynch cited Masaru Emoto's work with ice crystals, where words and concepts dramatically affected the shape and symmetry of the crystals. This same phenomenon is given a practical application in Consegrity where language between therapist and client can be used to dramatically influence human DNA. "Emoto demonstrated what we thought we were doing with his water model," says Dr. Lynch. "We found that when the DNA is disconnected from the energy field, it doesn't have any instruction. It literally doesn't know what to do. Your body's a hologram. It has a hundred trillion cells that all have the same DNA. In science we still do not know why cells differentiate into one thing or another, because nobody believes in something they can't see--called ENERGY. If that field of energy is connected to the DNA, then that cell knows what to be."

"When all is said and done," summarizes Dr. Lynch, "The field is all of it. We're a field that contains a body-mind. And when the field slows its vibration, it literally becomes our cellular tissues. But it's all energy and space, and mostly space. And that space is our unmanifested potential. It is all that we could be if we were not what we are. We are the result of our inherited patterns. And we know that we operate on less than 40% of our DNA right now, because the rest of it is stuck. You clear your DNA, and you're actually clearing your father's DNA and your son's DNA. So your gift you give others as that DNA opens up, is immense."

When Dr. Lynch was in Copenhagen in 1983 to present a paper, she sat in on a discussion by Japanese cell biologists. They were addressing one of the core concepts in modern medicine: that cells fail to regenerate and repair because of the aging process. They felt the concept couldn't possibly be true. So, they researched for a number of years what truly caused the cell to become dysfunctional over time. None of the normal lines of research could be used, such as analyzing cell metabolic products, or measuring degradation of the elements of the cells, since these would only validate the aging paradigm. Dr. Lynch revealed, "However, when they measured the TENSION around the cell--when that got to a certain point, DNA locked up, enzymes failed to be produced, cell walls stopped being repaired, and proteins stopped being made. In medicine, we've labeled that 'aging.' The fact is, it has nothing to do with aging, but how clear is the cell's environment (within the energy field)."

Dr. Lynch coined the word "Consegrity" from the elements in it that make it work: cell consciousness or consilience, and cell tensegrity and integrity. Consegrity is not a "doing" technique. It is a technique in which the therapist is taken to certain words by the client that in turn connects the client's energy field back with their DNA. The

therapist, then, is doing nothing but being a mirror for the client's DNA. "When the DNA kicks on, it knows exactly what to do. I don't have to read it a book," states Lynch. "The doctors who have taken this (Consegrity) class have the hardest time doing this, because we're all stuck in boxes that say we think we know something. If what we knew was sufficient, there wouldn't be any disease."

In a Consegrity session, the client declares, for example, "My back has hurt for 44 years, I have chronic headaches, and I want to leave my wife. It can be physical, emotional, spiritual--it doesn't matter. Someone can come in and say, 'I want to be able to run faster.' I have 70-year old runners now who run faster than they did when they were 20. It's amazing. And what's funny about it is they don't tell anybody what they're doing. So they come in and give us the list. We rarely get anymore history than that, because it's rarely relevant. For the most part, where we hurt is the part that's been so overloaded it can't keep going, and that's what screams at you. It's rarely the problem. Let's say you came in with a shoulder pain. Ninety-nine point nine-nine percent of the time it's something out of your field. Clear it within the field, and the shoulder pain goes away." And, interestingly, Dr. Lynch comments, "We can't find any difference between doing distance work and doing it in person, except it's easier to get the information."

"Consegrity has to do with attention," declares Lynch. "When my attention is there to listen to what their inherent wisdom has to say, that interface is connected and they begin to shift right there--actually before we're doing anything. But then there's a protocol--a series of 13 steps. And the client will guide us through those steps. What occurs is that your field has a lot of its own debris in it. So as the client takes us to certain phrases and words, it clears our field, and that allows the ideal mirror for the client to be formed. Their energy field is then reflected back to their DNA, and it's almost uncanny. Within a minute of the time that we complete the process--our average session is about 15 minutes--they come out of the working state. It's extremely relaxing, very comfortable. We sit them up, clear any further debris, and may sometimes give them homework which consists of a breathing process or a quiet-mind exercise--or maybe noticing what feeling state they're having just before they get their pain. The idea is to try to give them some tools."

Dr. Lynch gave an example of fibromyalgia. Five years ago, the average chronic fibromyalgia patient would require 45 hours of Consegrity work before they could return to work, be pain free, and doing everything they wanted to do. Currently, in conventional medicine, there is no solution for fibromyalgia, just management. Today, with Consegrity, the average fibromyalgia patient takes between four and 14 sessions, depending on how chronic they are. "Then they'll get a session maybe once every couple of months for three or four months while the tissues, particularly the collagen, is actually regenerating. So there is a healing process going on," says Lynch. "So, like that tomato seed, you've got to weed it every so often, you've got to water it every so often, and we do that with our Consegrity sessions. People come from literally all over the world, and some of them might get 20 hours of work the week that we see them, and then we do the rest of the work from a distance. As long as people will communicate with us, we don't actually have to see them in the clinic."

Forging pathways...
As a kind of internet outreach program, Dr. Lynch has set up a special website, "Pathways to Peace," where keywords and images are used in a slideshow format to encourage a connection, or pathway, between the heart and the energy field. "If I didn't have the tool of Consegrity, but I wanted to help myself," suggests Lynch, "One of the things I would begin to do would be to recognize my feeling state. The way clients have defined it for us, feelings fall into two categories: ego-generated and heart generated. Clients have demonstrated to us that energetically, the heart is the passageway between the field of energy and our mind. Every answer to every problem that ever was, or ever will be, is in your field. But when your heart is closed you can't access it. So, ego-constructed feelings, which are generated by our choice of language and our perception of life, can be very slow frequencies--fear, anger, frustration, bitterness, sadness, grief. Heart-generated feeling states are things like peace, joy, love, passion for what you do. It's not a matter of opposites, it's a matter of frequencies." Dr. Lynch cited an experiment where actors were connected to frequency measuring devices, and then asked to emote love and fear. It was found that although the amplitudes of the frequencies produced were similar, the frequencies were dramatically different. Love was a high frequency, fear was a low frequency.

"Egoic feelings are feelings generated by the part of us that needs to be right," says Lynch. "Your brain will start producing certain chemicals, you'll have systems changes at the level of the endocrine system, it'll affect heart rate, temperature, and respiratory rate. There are all kinds of influences by what feeling state you're in. To read one of those little pieces (on the website) helps you walk from one side to the other. The best passageway to changing a state, though, is internal silence, which in our culture is almost impossible because of that little dialogue we've got going on all the time."

Stop the dialogue, attain some semblance of silence, and it becomes easy to spot feeling states. Says Lynch, "The perception (of a feeling state) gives you a choice. The choice is: I'm going to continue to feel lousy, or I'm going to choose to do something that serves how I want to feel. The present moment is the only place where you can change anything. The time for management is passed. Become aware of what is generating this dysfunction. Now, you truly have choice in your life, and whether we're talking about traditional medicine or alternative medicine, the majority of it right now is management. It's not moving us to a solution at the deepest level."

Moving on...
Dr. Lynch points out that because of the specialization in science, scientists tend not to talk to other scientists outside their own fields, so many of the possible connections and conclusions are never made. Dr. Lynch cites James Oschman's book, Energy Medicine, where diverse fields within Energy Medicine are brought together and significant conclusions are made. "The only reasons we have not been able to participate in health care on a legitimate basis is language," says Lynch. "The difficulty is that with most alternative health care approaches they can't even agree on the same language."

About the Author

Boyd is the webmaster of and the newsletter writer for that site. He enjoys a wide range of experience both in the ways of the internet, alternative health, environmental issues, and in freelance writing. An active, professional drummer, Boyd performs in the Portland area with several area blues and R&B bands. Boyd is also an avid, daily practicing Bikram Yoga student.


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