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Hepatitis by Djehuty Ma'at-Ra
Hepatitis is an inflammatory condition of the liver. Hepa is
Latin for "liver" and the English suffix "itis" means
inflammation. Hepatitis is characterized by other pathologies
such as jaundice, abdominal and gastric discomfort,
hepatomegaly, and dark urine (which is a sign of severe
What causes hepatitis? Answer: Toxemia! When an organ like the
liver becomes overly toxic, it becomes inflamed and the
inflammation causes the organ to enlarge.
The liver is one of the body's five eliminative channels (or six
eliminative channels if you're a woman). It is the major
filtering organ in the body and performs over 500 functions. And
because the liver secretes certain substances, it is also a
gland. All toxins are first counteracted or attacked by the
liver. The liver does a great job of fighting toxicity until it
gets overwhelmed and allows less toxic substances to slip
through into the body via the blood while it fights the most
deadly toxins in a Divine gesture to save the host body.
Certain toxins such as cigarette smoke, alcohol/beer/wine,
pharmaceutical drugs, so-called Vitamin C, illegal drugs
(cocaine, heroin, PCP, etc.), birth control pills, car exhaust
and fumes, carbon monoxide, household cleaning supplies
chemicals, and cosmetic and hygiene product chemicals greatly
sabotage the health of the liver. These things make the liver
work harder and overtime.
And let's not forget about the toxins from the SAD (Standard
American Diet). Meats are heavily saturated with toxins
including cancer causing sodium nitrate and nitrites, synthetic
female hormones, and chemical dyes. Dairy products contain cow
feces and synthetic female hormones.
Meat (slaughtered animal flesh), dairy (cow snot/mucus/pus), and
starch (stiffening agent) create acids that cause inflammation
throughout the body and which in turn causes the excess
production of mucus in the body.
The liver is the body's first line of defense. This is why it is
imperative that the liver remain healthy. You cannot live and
experience optimal health without a clean and well functioning
liver. In fact, if you remove the letter "R" from the word
"liver", what new word do you now have? Answer: L-I-V-E!!!
Hepatitis is nothing but a man-made medical term to describe a
problem of the liver. And nowadays, there are variations of this
disease with alphabets attached to the ending of the word, such
as hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C, all of which are
alleged viruses. And what does the word "virus" really mean?
Answer: poison! So to Djehuty, hepatitis is nothing but a joke,
for I know that hepatitis means that there is mucus obstructing
the liver and at the same time there is plethora of toxins
saturated in the liver. In a nutshell, this is what hepatitis
And God forbid a person is that naïve or ignorant to accept a
hepatitis vaccine shot in order to allegedly help fight
hepatitis because the hepatitis vaccine itself is laced with
toxins or poisons. Therefore, a hepatitis vaccination or
inoculation defeats the whole purpose.
It is also important that I mention that a toxic liver can play
a role in depression (bipolar disorder) if not outright be the
cause of depression. Ever heard of the term "melancholy"?
Melancholy is two words: "melan" and "choly." Melan = "black"
and "choly" = bile. Melancholy means black bile. Bile is
originally green and very alkaline and is produced by the liver
and stored in the gallbladder and released into the digestive
tract to neutralize acids. However, black bile is acidic and is
stored in the Fourth Brain of the body which is located at the
Third Chakra (sometimes referred to as the Fourth Chakra) called
the Solar Plexus located at the belly above the belly button
(navel). The Fourth Brain (Solar Plexus) is your "feeling"
brain, which explains that "gut" feeling or "butterflies in the
stomach" sensation/feeling you experience from time to time. If
the Fourth Brain is impaired, so are the other three brains
located in the head where the nervous system headquarters is
located. The human body is truly interconnected and wholistic.
An important note on bile - dark-green colored stools/feces sunk
at the bottom of the toilet is not a good or healthy sign.
People suffering from depression are very acidic (toxic)
Liver transplants? Why you would have to be out of your mind to
even consider such process and operation. How is removing one
person's toxic liver and giving it to another person going to
help a person? Outright insanity! Removing one toxic liver and
then replacing it with another toxic liver! Sheer medical
insanity! Poor former NFL player and Chicago Bears running back
Walter Payton! He didn't have to die. Payton allegedly died of a
unique liver disease. However, in all actuality, Payton died of
ignorance to the truth (there's healing for every disease known
to man).
Liver transplanting is big business nowadays. They are totally
unnecessary when you have knowledge of the voluminous amounts of
natural hepatic (pertaining to the liver) herbs in Nature.
Liver transplanting is big business nowadays. They are totally
unnecessary when you have knowledge of the voluminous amounts of
natural hepatic (pertaining to the liver) herbs in Nature.
Healing hepatitis naturally
Excellent hepatic or liver herbs include: Milk Thistle seeds,
Dandelion Root, Boldo leaves, Artichoke, Turmeric, Oregon Grape,
Barberry, Goldenseal root, Bupleurem, Gentian, Fenugreek seed,
Chanca Piedra, Fringetree bark, Wahoo bark, Liverwort, Blue
Flag, White Peony, Celadine, Agrimony,
and Quassia Chips to name
a few. By far, the three (3) best herbs for the liver are Milk
Thistle seeds, Dandelion root, and Boldo leaves. Milk Thistle
seeds is the equivalent of taking the liver out of the body and
washing it in a washing machine.
Many individuals are consuming synthetic Vitamin C today which
provides absolutely NO Vitamin C or other nutrients. In fact,
most Vitamin C sold commercially and conventionally is nothing
but ascorbic acid made in a laboratory and consuming this
particular Vitamin C will greatly toxify and tax your liver.
Real Vitamin C is found in Nature (Rose Hip seeds, Hibiscus
flower, Acerola cherry, Camu fruit, Alma fruit, Capsicum fruit,
Question: if your Vitamin C is derived from Ascorbic Acid, where
is the Ascorbic Acid derived from? God does not make pure
mono-structured ascorbic acid. But man does and here lies your
Coffee enema
The coffee enema works wonders for the liver. It can be
performed once a month. Coffee (organic, of course) makes the
liver dump off toxins like a dump trunk. This process is one of
the best healing methods for a toxic liver. Worried about
caffeine? Well, when coffee is administered through the rectum,
caffeine is not absorbed in the body. Caffeine is only absorbed
when coffee is drunk via the mouth. Singer Janet Jackson
performs coffee enemas. Janet knows something very beneficial
about coffee enemas. Also, coffee enemas are great for
overcoming hangovers and migraine headaches.
Castor oil pack
The castor oil pack process is one of my favorite liver
cleansing methods. You apply castor oil on your liver
(externally, of course) and then put a piece of plastic over it
(gets very sticky) and then you place a hot pack over it and let
it sit for about two (2) hours. This process is performed lying
down and under a towel or some newspaper as the oil will slide
down on the side of the body. The castor oil pack process can
also be performed monthly or every 3-4 months.
Activated Charcoal (Carbon)
Carbon or Activated Charcoal is the best substance on Planet
Earth that we have right now that cleanses the body in general
and the liver in particular of toxins. Carbon is some very
powerful stuff! It is very alkaline and neutralizes toxins,
heavy metals, and harmful gases 2,000 times its own weight. This
is why we include Carbon in our Full Body Detoxification Kit.
The Kit would be incomplete without it.
Olive and Castor Oil
Olive oil lubricates and purifies the liver and helps dissolve
hardened calculi (stones) such as kidney, bladder, and
gallstones. A tablespoon of olive oil can be consumed daily or
as needed. Castor oil performs the same function as olive oil
but is also anthelmintic (anti-parasitic) in nature as castor
oil suffocates worms and parasite in the colon and liver.
Fasting is also a good choice and method for cleansing the
liver. Fasting purifies the bloodstream which in turn purifies
all the organs in the body, especially the eliminative organs
(colon, liver, kidneys, lungs and skin).
In closing, the liver is an organ that is naturally saturated
with toxins due to the voluminous amounts of poison/toxins we
consume daily. The liver always contains filth. Mothers, do you
understand now why children don't or didn't like eating liver
for dinner? As a little boy, I hated eating liver and really
never ate it. When you eat an animal's liver, you're eating the
most toxic part of the animal.
And beware of all these liver products on the market at health
food stores. My little brother was taking some liver cleansing
pills back in the mid 1990s that were derived from bovine (cow,
ox). He didn't have a clue until I read the bottle. The major
ingredient of this particular liver product was "bovine liver."
Now how can consuming a cow's liver clean your human liver?
Sheer insanity and asininity! And my little brother paid more
than $60 dollars for that crap.
There are plenty of natural things and processes that can help a
person to heal 100% from hepatitis, mainly herbs. My good friend
Bro. Sheik Mamoud Bey told me a few months ago how a good friend
of his who had hepatitis whom he gave a Full Body Detox to and
who completed the three week process and regimen and went back
to the doctor for a checkup and was told by the doctor that his
hepatitis was gone. I have helped many people with so-called
hepatitis with either the Full Body Detox or our
Liver-Gallbladder-Spleen formula and Vitamin C Combo formula. So
I'm saying on the record and to the American public that
hepatitis (A, B, and C) is easy to be healed from with herbs and
diet modification.
Do you know why actor/comedian George Burns could smoke cigars
and drink alcohol and still live to be 100 years of age? Answer:
because in addition to laughing (which is great medicine), he
cleaned his liver and colon almost every single weekend with
liver cleansing herbs and by performing high colonics (now
called "colonics") and enemas. The man was smart (in this
respect) and knew something the average person didn't know.
However, what George Burns knew and applied, I just divulged in
this brief article.
Thank you for reading!
This article is compliments of www.DHERBS.Com and Djehuty
Ma'at-Ra, the People's Herbalist
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