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Necessary First Aid Supplies

To handle any emergency, organize a first aid kit that is well stocked and handy at a moment's notice. The first aid kit's supplies will determine how prepared you are. Make sure it is supplied well.

A first aid kit may be designed specifically for emergencies in the home or for away from home, but the general supplies are the same for both. If you buy or make your own first aid kit, the American Red Cross recommends including: bandages of various sizes, a triangular bandage, a cold pack, disposable gloves, antibacterial hand cleaner, antiseptic ointment, adhesive first aid tape, plastic bags, scissors and tweezers, a small flashlight with extra batteries, and cotton balls and swabs.

You may also include syrup of ipecac and activated charcoal, but only if instructed to by the Poison Control Center.

For first aid kit supplies outside the home, include a warm blanket. If you will be using the first aid kit for hiking, camping, or boating, also include insect repellant, lotion for insect bites, sun block, and lotion to soothe sunburns for life outdoors. If you will be using the first aid kit in the car, consider adding jumper cables, oil, or flares.

To personalize

your first aid kit supply, include an emergency contact sheet and a few of the your or your family's regular prescriptions like allergy medicine or heart medicine. Though the medication may not be needed in a minor emergency, the first aid kit can serve as a back up when the medicine runs out and refills have not be ordered.

You can also give a first aid kit to college freshman or a young adults living on their own for the first time. Supply the first aid kit with a thermometer, cough drops or cough syrup, and aspirin for the aches and pains of the first cold away from home.

Store all the first aid kit supplies in a lightweight, portable waterproof container. Try plastic tackle boxes and art supply boxes to hold your supplies. With the right planning, your first aid kit will be supplied with all the tools needed to handle any emergency.
About the Author

First Aid Kits Info provides comprehensive information about travel, pet, industrial, sports, home and discount first aid kits, as well as first aid kits supply. First Aid Kits Info is affiliated with Business Plans by Growthink.


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