Prescription Eczema Creams Cause Cancer?
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two eczema creams -- Novartis AG's Elidel and Fujisawa Healthcare, Inc.'s Protopic, must carry a strong warning of cancer risk, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said on Thursday. (March 10, 2005)
Research shows the creams are absorbed into the body and can cause cancer, the FDA said. The creams will carry a "black box" warning -- the strongest warning carried on medicines.
Why would the FDA even consider such a warning to be OK? If a product carries such a risk, why not take it off the market until it has been perfected? Do you think the pharmaceutical companies are going to try to make it a better product if it is selling just fine in it's defective state? Probably not. They are moving on to create the next drug that will make them more money.
The FDA also said, "babies should not be treated with the creams at all."
My nephew was prescribed both these creams from his doctor when he was between 3 and 6 months old! His mom used one or the other cream on him for close to a year. His eczema was all over his body so I am sure he absorbed plenty of it's cancer causing effects. When the warning came out about this product, his doctor did NOT discontinue prescribing it. He never warned my nephews mom about the cancer. How many more babies are in this same situation? You can bet there are thousands if not more.
"The data showed that the risk of cancer increased as the amount of the drug given increased." the FDA said in a statement.
So why is this product still on the market?
It makes money, that's why. If your doctor cared about you more than the cash in his pocket, would he be prescribing this cream? Of course not. The problem is he or she and the FDA and the AMA are more interested in lining their pockets than making you healthy. They actually prefer to keep you sick.
I know
I've said this before in my article "Natural Herbs vs. Prescription Drugs" but it's true. The more research I do on "modern medicine" the more I realize the only person that cares about my health is me. I have to find out what will heal my body without hurting it in the process.
Why would anyone want to use a cream that will sooth an irritating skin problem that will later cause you to require chemo-therapy? First of all, I would prefer the eczema over cancer any day and yes I have dealt with eczema so I have first hand experience. I have never had cancer but I am sure it is worse than eczema. Secondly, there are many great natural eczema products on the market that work with no side effects.
It's time to take control of your health folks. Your doctor is not the right person to do this. You have to do the research and find out what you are putting in and on your body. You have to decide if the side effects are greater than the help you receive from the product. (Herbal products carry no side effects.) Who cares more about you than you? Find the herbs that will cure you and then you can live a full life.
This is just the beginning. Visit All Natural Cures and get your health back. Get Well - Stay Well!
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About the Author
About this author: Margaret Albright is a student of Naturopathy and an editor for the website All Natural Cures | Home Remedies and More ( - All safe, natural cures and home remedies. Take control of your health TODAY! Pick up our RSS feed.