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Prevent Diabetes Problems: Keep Your Diabetes Under Control

What are diabetes problems?

Too much glucose (sugar) in the blood for a long time can cause diabetes problems. This high blood glucose (also called blood sugar) can damage many parts of the body, such as the heart, blood vessels, eyes, and kidneys. Heart and blood vessel disease can lead to heart attacks and strokes. You can do a lot to prevent or slow down diabetes problems.

What should my blood glucose numbers be?

Keeping your blood glucose on target will prevent or delay diabetes problems. For most people, target blood glucose levels are:

Before meals > 90 to 130 1 to 2 hours after the start of a meal > Less than 180

Talk with your health care provider about what your blood glucose numbers should be. Print out this chart and record them.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Before meals ______ to ______ 1 to 2 hours after the start of a meal Less than______ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

You and your health care provider will agree on when you need to check your blood glucose using a blood glucose meter. You will do the checks yourself. Your health care provider can teach you how to use your meter.

Keep track of your blood glucose checks using the record page . Make copies yourself or ask your health care provider for a blood glucose record book. Your blood glucose check results will help you and your health care provider make a plan for keeping your blood glucose under control. Always bring your record book to your health care appointments so you can talk about reaching your glucose goals.

How can I find out what my average blood glucose is?

Ask your health care provider to do an A1C test. This blood test shows the average amount of glucose in your blood during the past 2 to 3 months. Have this test done at least twice a year. If your A1C result is not as good as it should be, your health care provider will do this test more often to see if it is improving as your treatment changes. Your A1C result plus your blood glucose meter results can show whether your blood glucose is under control.

Aim for a result below 7 percent. If your A1C test result is below 7 percent, then

your blood glucose is in a desirable range and your diabetes treatment plan is working. The lower your A1C is, the lower your chance of getting eye, nerve, and kidney damage.

If your test result is more than 8 percent, you need a change in your diabetes plan. Your health care team can help you decide what part of your plan to change. You may need to change your meal plan, your diabetes medicines, or your exercise plan.

What should my blood pressure be?

Normal blood pressure will help prevent damage to your eyes, kidneys, heart, and blood vessels. Blood pressure is written with two numbers separated by a slash. For example: 120/70. The first number should be below 130 and the second number should be below 80. Keep your blood pressure as close to these numbers as you can. If you already have kidney disease, you may want even lower blood pressure to protect your kidneys.

Meal planning, medicines, and exercise can help you reach your blood pressure target.

What should my cholesterol be?

Normal cholesterol levels will help prevent heart disease and stroke, the biggest health problems for people with diabetes. Keeping cholesterol levels under control can also help with blood flow. Have your cholesterol level checked at least once a year. Meal planning, exercise, and medicines can help you reach your cholesterol targets:

Total cholesterol under 200 LDL cholesterol under 100 HDL cholesterol above 40 (men) above 50 (women) Triglycerides under 150

What does smoking have to do with diabetes problems?

Smoking and diabetes are a dangerous combination. Smoking raises your risk for diabetes problems. If you quit smoking, you'll lower your risk for heart attack, stroke, nerve disease, and kidney disease. Your cholesterol and your blood pressure levels may improve. Your blood circulation will also improve. If you smoke, ask your health care provider for help in quitting.

About the Author

Jordan Soblick of Life Quality has been providing medical supplies, education and care giver support since 1997. Life Quality has served more than 38,000 patients throughout the nation with service excellence and professionalism. A


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