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The Nature of Nature Cure

The Nature of Nature Cure

Nature Cure is a modern nature based Medical science that works to

 improve your digestion and circulation

 strengthen your immune system

 and help you decrease your stress and increase your energy

It does this by using some methods from cutting edge science and technology and some from the ancient past - it gives us the best from "Professor's medicine" and the best from "Grandma's medicine".

Nature Cure is like gardening

There are two types of gardeners. There is the gardener who plants seeds and seedlings unsuited to the soil of that garden, who dashes about spraying with chemicals, putting plants in formal settings in straight lines, often frustrated that the garden is not doing what he wants. And there is the gardener who cultivates and feeds the soil, uses plants suited to that soil, nourishes the plants, watches them with patience and with curiosity and is often delighted with what the garden reveals to her.

The first type of gardener is like a standard Family Physician or Doctor writing prescriptions for chemical medicines that will apply "force" to the body, suppressing symptoms, preventing some parts of the metabolism working and often producing serious damage-side effects. The second type of gardener is like a Nature Cure Practitioner using diet and dietary supplements, to nourish a patient and using hydrotherapy and Physical therapy and Psychological therapy to support a patient and help recovery. The Naturopath watches the patient with patience and curiosity and is often delighted with what the patient achieves

Nature Cure is like music

An Orchestra needs a conductor. The conductor does not play or sing. Apparently they just stand at the

front and wave their arms about. In reality it is the understanding of the conductor that releases the music. Without the apparently nonsensical waving there is no music.

In Nature Cure we do not "cure the patient" - we plan the cure, conduct it and do all we can to help. The Naturopath orchestrates the healing process

Nature Cure is like love.

Love is defined as "devoted attachment and kindness" . In a loving relationship there is respect and support. In Nature Cure we respect the body's ability to follow its own intelligent processes and priorities. We support the healing process with time and energy. The body has amazing innate intelligence and healing ability- when you realise that, you cannot help respecting it and supporting it.

Let us give the last word on Nature Cure to one of the greatest thinkers of all time, Socrates: "..... you have heard eminent physicians say to a patient who comes to them with bad eyes, that they cannot cure his eyes by themselves, but if his eyes are to be cured, his head must be treated: and then again they say that to think of curing the head alone, and not the rest of the body also, is the height of folly. And arguing in this way they apply their methods to the whole body, and try to treat and heal the whole and the part together. And this is the reason why the cure of many diseases is unknown to the physicians of Hellas, because they are ignorant of the whole, which ought to be studied also; for the part can never be well unless the whole is well." Taken from a letter written by Socrates to Plato 400 BC !

About the author:

Alex Newell B.Sc, N.D. is a Physicist and Nature Cure expert with a life long interest in Natural Healing


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