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The New Food Pyramid: Another Attempt At Providing Easy Answers
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What Can A Little Fish Each Day Do For You?

Supplementing with omega-3 oils - rich in EPA & DHA - have been found

to keep blood free flowing, vessels flexible and help protect people

from heart attacks.
But superior heart health isn’t all that fish oil can do for you.

There’s much much more! Omega-3 supplements, high in EPA and DHA, can

help people with depression, PMS, arthritis and other inflammations,

such as migraines. They’re also important during pregnancy, nursing and

infancy when a baby’s eyes, nerves and brain are developing.
If you’re using omega-3 without EPA and DHA, you’re wasting your

money. For example, you’ll probably be surprised to find out that

although flaxseed has omega-3 oils, there is no EPA or DHA in it.
Fats from fish (salmon, trout, cod, halibut), sesame seeds, flaxseed or

soybeans improve most skin conditions including psoriasis.

Supplementation of the diet with flax seed oil, evening primrose oil or

fish oils is recommended. Cod liver oil or salmon oil capsules are more

palatable for those with less enthusiastic appetites for fish. These

high essential fatty acid foods interfere with the body's production of

inflammatory chemicals, the ones causing psoriasis lesions to swell and

turn red.

Specific therapeutic foods for controlling asthma are:
Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids: vegetable, nut, seed oils, salmon,

herring, mackerel, sardines, walnuts, flaxseed oil, evening primrose

oil, black currant oil. Take at least 1 T of one of raw oils daily to

minimize bronchial inflammation.

Warning. Eating farm raised salmon.
When you eat a farm-raised fish, you are nearly eating the same type of

meal as eating beef. The fat content of the fish can be no different

from what they are fed.
Farm raised fish are fed corn meal, soy and canola oil. When the fish

are fed these foods, the concentration of their fats turns far away

from the ideal, beneficial 3:1 omega-6 to omega-3 ratio to a ratio


closer to the 20:1 found in commercially-raised beef.

Several weeks ago the FDA agreed with the EPA and now recommends that

all pregnant women avoid fish as up to 10 percent of them have high

enough mercury levels to cause neurodevelopmental defects in their

children. So fish oils are the next best alternative. Although some of

them are old fish and even the inners are sqeezed for the oil so be

sure you know where the fish oil comes from.

So make salmon a part of your diet at least this month buy Copper River
wild salmon from Alaska then go back to taking salmon oil capsules and

eating canned salmon for the rest of the year.Avoid fish that are more likely to contain mercury including swordfish, shark, tuna, king mackerel and lobster. Limit canned tuna, and if you're not sure about a fish, don't eat it.Shop in conscientious markets that include sustainability in their mission. Talk to the fish guy or gal; find out where their fish comes from and what their policies are. At least that is what I got out of all I read this month on salmon and fish oil supplements.

Fish Oil Update
by Richard A. Passwater
The Omega Rx Zone: The Miracle of the New High-Dose Fish Oil
by Barry Sears

James McNair's Salmon Cookbook
by James McNair, Patricia Brabant
( 1987)
Food As Medicine: How to Use Diet, Vitamins, Juices, and Herbs for a

Healthier, Happier, and Longer Life
by Dharma Singh Khalsa
Four Seasons of Inner and Outer Beauty : Rituals and Recipes for

Wellbeing Throughout the Year
by Peggy Wynne Borgman
Beyond the 120 Year Diet : How to Double Your Vital Years
by Roy L., M.D. Walford
An absolute must-read is Multiple Sclerosis - a self-help guide to its

management by Judy Graham

About the Author

About the Author: Judi Singleton is the publisher of Jassmine's Journal for only $60 a year you can have all eight lists delivered daily to your email box. To subscribe go to


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