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The following information may challenge your beliefs about health and disease, therefore read it through, keeping an open mind before you decide on a course of action.
Introducing Viny - a member of the Natural Health Council and a former chronically ill patient who eventually decided to take control of his recovery. Now a stress consultant and alternative health journalist - he has written many books and articles in order to pass on the benefits of his experience and the results of leading-edge scientific research in the field of natural healing
If you have tried and failed to recover your health - either by conventional or alternative methods, then the root cause and remedy for your ailments may have been overlooked. Both conventional and alternative medicine is dominated by practitioners who treat the symptoms, but rarely the root cause. By learning how your body works you can take control of your recovery and escape the 'Sickness Treadmill'.
Very often people have the right MOTIVATION but the wrong INFORMATION. A lot of busy people want better health, more time and energy, but they don't have the right information that will enable them to get quick and long lasting results.
There are three basic steps to achieving your goals, whether it is:
- Better health
- Financial independence
- More leisure time or anything else
1 Get the right information - 2 Make the right plan - 3 Take the right action
The right information will enable you to:
- Resolve acne, eczema and psoriasis - colitis and shingles
- Conquer food allergies by normalising your immune system
- Beat candida, thrush, haemorrhoids and bowel infections
- Resolve ME (chronic fatigue), osteoporosis and arthritis.....
- Avoid and heal many common ailments naturally
- Prevent indigestion, heartburn and hot flushes
- Prevent bloating, constipation, colds and flu
- Better manage stress and anger
- Overcome anxiety and depression
- Improve your self-confidence
If this sounds too good to be true then read on!
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Because of the misinformation put about by clever advertising, we are going to tell it like it is. There are many overlooked facts that you need to know if you want to be well and avoid the 'Sickness Treadmill'.
The myth about disease: It appears that most people believe that illness can strike anyone at any time and there is nothing they can do about it. It has been proved that disease can only take hold when the conditions are right and most of those conditions are under your control.
Most doctors are trained to intervene by declaring war on germs and viruses using expensive high-tech radiation machines and drugs to vanquish the enemy. This is as futile as trying to kill all the rats in a trash-infested city like London or New York. Surely the best solution would be to remove the trash.
It is this backwards teaching about health and disease that creates the confusion in people's minds. The only reason why those germs and viruses ever invade our body is because we have unwittingly created the conditions that allow them to thrive.
Initially, most health seekers are concerned with overcoming a specific health problem, using a quick fix remedy. However, in the long-run and as we get older, more health problems arise and become increasingly difficult to overcome by just using a 'magic potion'. This then makes the idea of 'alternative' forms of healing more attractive, because they give us a much better chance of becoming and remaining healthy into old age.
"Energy flows where attention goes" - So if you move your attention away from the symptoms and back to caring for your whole body, then you can begin to heal your ailments naturally. This process allows you to interact and have more fun, which is the ultimate reason for doing anything.
Although there are no easy answers, there are solutions that will empower, not mystify the individual who sincerely wants to be well. Reliable information is the most effective tool for those seeking to improve the quality of their life.
This information is presented for the educational and free exchange of ideas and information in relation to health and wellness. It is not intended to diagnose any physical or mental condition, or to prescribe any medicines. There is no copywrite on the published articles so you can copy and paste on to a word document for your own purposes.
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Why doctors don't tell: Although there are many medical research reports published in eminent medical journals about the benefits of nutritional therapies - most doctors specialise in intervention medicine and are too busy to learn about the rudiments of Holistic methods of healing.
However when a pharmaceutical company produces a new drug or vaccine, they invest heavily in promotional advertising, combined with financial incentives that help persuade doctors to prescribe them to their long-suffering patients. Sadly, many of these drugs react with other medications or chemicals in the body to produce mild to severe side-effects - see separate article - Why is my Doctor against Alternative Therapies?
What doctors don't tell: According to the American Medical Association, many operations are unnecessary and reactions to prescription and over-the-counter drugs kill more than 100,000 Americans and seriously injure 2.1 million each year. This does not include prescribing errors - doctor and hospital mistakes or drug abuse.
Conventional medical practitioners specialise in intervention medicine and surgery, which can be dangerous and expensive. However 'Alternative Holistic Healthcare' is relatively harmless and inexpensive. Medication and surgery only treats the symptoms not the root cause of the ailment, which is rarely cured. Surgeons are usually paid hansomely for each operation they perform. Therefore it would be wise to get a second opinion before you agree to surgery!
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The Pharmaceutical industry is slow to change, even under pressure, and will continue to use the cheapest ingredients if you let them. It was recently reported in the Irish Independent newspaper that an 11-year-old girls experiment went tragically wrong, when she died after sniffing her mother's deodorant while playing in the bedroom.
It is a well-known fact that some odours can cause respiratory asphyxiation, however it is not generally known that antiperspirant deodorants contain aluminium sulphate, which can progressively poison the body's lymphatic system and increase the risk of breast cancer - see toxic toiletries article.
Pain killers: If you're like many people who suffer with chronic pain - from arthritis, an injury, or other causes - you might be continuously taking a pain medication commonly referred to as NSAIDS (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving drugs) a type of medication such as ibuprofen, naproxen or aspirin.
While these medications are effective in helping relieve chronic pain, clinical studies have shown that continuous use of certain types of prescription and over-the-counter pain medications can raise your risk for stomach ulcers, by weakening the stomach lining and allowing stomach acid to cause an ulcer.
You could be at greater risk for developing a stomach ulcer if you're over 60, or have a history of stomach ulcers, and you are taking ibuprofen, naproxen, or aspirin for chronic pain. Not all ulcers cause symptoms, and only your doctor can tell if you are at risk for
this problem.
As a consumer, you have the power to force change. Remember, "All truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident" (Schoepenhouer) - see related article.
Patrick Holford, founder of the Institute of Optimum Nutrition, says that doctors often prescribe drugs that bring short-term relief, but worsen the condition in the long run - many diseases can be prevented or reversed without recourse to drugs or surgery.
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Parasites: Although parasites are present in every living thing and do perform a necessary function in the scheme of things - all wild animals have various ways of controlling their parasite population - birds dust and preen their feathers - mammals eat herbs and clay etc. this condition is often overlooked by most doctors.
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WOMEN'S HEALTH We are often consulted by women about menstrual and menopausal problems. "The latest research by Australian scientists suggests that Hysterectomies only serve one useful purpose: enriching surgeons. Heavy, painful, clot-filled periods are easily explained: Junk in, Junk out.' In other words, when women eat and drink junk, the uterus, which nature designed to be an organ of reproduction, becomes an organ of elimination. Putrid wastes that have collected through the previous month are suddenly released in a torrent of blood. What should be a normal, scant flow can become a haemorrhage, as poisons are eliminated."
Heart disease: Vitamin E supplementation is an effective preventive measure against coronary heart disease and heart attacks. Several studies have shown that men and women who supplement with vitamin E for two or more years reduce their risk of coronary disease and non-fatal heart attacks by 40 per cent.
Folic acid prevents breast cancer: A recent clinical study has discovered that folic acid (folate) is highly effective in preventing breast cancer in both pre and postmenopausal women. Their investigation involved 1321 women with breast cancer and 1382 healthy controls. The women were between the ages of 25 and 64 years when they enrolled.
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MEN'S HEALTH We are often contacted via the internet, by men who are reluctant to consult their GP. Dr Michael Colghlan has encouraging information for men. " ...benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) eventually leads to prostate cancer in most men. But they never know. The prostate cancer remains localized lifelong, without symptoms. The majority of men with prostate cancer die from other causes." At least they did before the prostatic specific antigen test (PSA). It ferrets out cancers so tiny they can barely be seen. The operation can make men impotent, or make sex too painful to bear."
"Since this test was developed it has frightened so many men, that prostatectomy operations went up 600% in the US! This wouldn't be so bad if cures increased but, according to the American Medical Association (JAMA), radical prostatectomy fails to prolong life by even one month."...
"Since most of the surgeons who perform these operations are men, it seems unconscionable that they would inflict such misery on their fellow males. But then, their fees of US$37,000 per operation, in the US, tend to blunt conscience."
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As a young boy, I had my share of illness (measles, tonsillitis, appendicitis and gout). Then later on I developed osteo-arthritis, chronic fatigue and sciatica. My doctor could not resolve these conditions, so I decided to investigate the alternatives. One of the many things I discovered was that the pH (acid/ alkaline) balance of my blood was over-acid, So I began to improve my diet and exercise routine.
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Drugs or cosmetics may ease your condition for a while, but they are not a cure and should not be relied upon in the long term. Any Holistic health recovery program should get to the root of your problem, which may be the result of unresolved stress, toxins, allergies, dehydration and/ or parasites, that may be upsetting the digestion and absorption of vitamin and minerals.
Heal the ROOT problem: According to Dr. Ronald Drucker, "If you suffer from chronic poor health, your choices of action are essentially limited to just two":
1. You may take steps to heal the problem naturally after detecting the root cause and in turn receive an array of health benefits stemming from proper digestion, assimilation and the essential fuelling of every cell, tissue and organ in your body...or...
2. You may follow the 'gilded-path' laid by the pharmaceutical industry and supported by conventional medics who would have you believe that these symptoms can only be treated with drugs to mask or hide the problem for the rest of your life. The pharmaceutical industries motto is: "A patient cured is a customer lost".
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By reading the full report you will learn why:
- Synthetic progesterone's must be shunned - Widely-prescribed synthetic thyroid drugs cause bone loss
- Prostatic specific antigen (PSA) tests can be hazardous - Widely-advertised menopausal 'aids' can be harmful.
- Mammograms contribute to cancer - Sodium fluoride in many water supplies, leads to brittle bones and teeth, and aluminium to Alzheimer's disease
- Polyunsaturated oils contribute to heart disease - Osteoporosis drugs are dangerous and ineffective.
- Cholesterol hysteria is a myth - Drinking milk is not the best way to promote strong bones and can cause serious health problems
- Some Soya bean products, especially TVP, leach calcium from bones, depress the thyroid gland and create havoc in the body.
By reading the full report you will learn how to:
- Determine which foods and which minerals build bone mass. Prevent/reverse osteoporosis. Substitute safe remedies for dangerous HRT.
- Avoid food and beverages that cause bones to dissolve Avoid/reverse all male and female complaints without drugs. -
- Banish constipation - Rejuvenate your skin naturally and Prevent cancer.
- Sail through the menopause naturally - Avoid a commonly prescribed drug that causes severe spinal degeneration, even in the young.
- Discover a mineral that halts 40-50% of calcium loss. Discover a Peruvian root vegetable that has been used for 10,000 years to promote bone density and make menopause easy.
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Conventional medical practitioners specialise in intervention medicine and surgery, which can be dangerous and expensive. However 'Alternative Holistic Healthcare' is relatively harmless and inexpensive.
I welcome your questions and comments.
Viny, C/o The Natural Health Council - Email: vincent@easihealth.com
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Further reading: Overcoming Depression - Improve Self-confidence - Laughter Medicine - Environmental Care - Why is my Doctor against Alternative Therapies? - Stress Facts - A Good Nights Sleep - Allergies - Candida and Thrush - A Healthy House - Infertility and Impotence - Supplements for Adults and Children - Asthma - Diabetes - High Blood Pressure & Cholesterol - Natural Weight Loss - Chronic Pain & Fatigue - Managing Anger
About the Author
Introducing Viny - a member of the Natural Health Council and a former chronically ill patient who eventually decided to take control of his recovery. Now a stress consultant and alternative health journalist - he has written many books and articles in order to pass on the benefits of his experience and the results of leading-edge scientific research in the field of natural healing
National Library of Medicine - National Institutes of Health |
Part of the National Institutes of Health, the National Library of Medicine offers access to health information for consumer, patient, and physicians ... |
www.nlm.nih.gov |
Health and Medical Information produced by doctors - MedicineNet.com |
Doctor-produced health and medical information written for you to make informed decisions about your health concerns. |
www.medicinenet.com |
Medicine in the Yahoo! Directory |
Collection of sites for health professionals, with sections on specific disciplines, organizations, continuing education, conferences, publications, ... |
dir.yahoo.com |
MedlinePlus Health Information from the National Library of Medicine |
Health information from the National Library of Medicine. Easy access to Medline and Health topics, medical dictionaries, directories and publications. |
medlineplus.gov |
Medicine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
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en.wikipedia.org |
Journal Home - Nature Medicine |
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The New England Journal of Medicine: Research & Review Articles on ... |
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eMedicine Clinical Knowledge Base |
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Open Directory - Health: Medicine |
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www.iom.edu |
ScienceDaily: Health & Medicine News |
Medical Research News. Health news on everything from cancer to nutrition. Full-text, images, updated daily. |
www.sciencedaily.com |
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medicine.plosjournals.org |
Medicine On-Line - Medicine Online -The International Medical Journal |
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www.priory.com |
Entrez PubMed |
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Stanford University School of Medicine |
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med.stanford.edu |
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