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Biophysics: Advanced Knowledge Absorption Techniques
As humanity and its understanding of inter-conscious existence continue to evolve, so does the mind’s capacity to interpret a greater understanding of its overall capability, both collectively and individually. Broader access to central knowledge resources such as the Internet, libraries, and even other humans through vast telecommunications networks has undoubtedly expanded the mind’s capacity to not only store a broad volume of data, but also interpret, comprehend, and share it as well.
Principles of Advanced Knowledge Absorption
When the human psyche is motivated to gather data at a rate greater than the primary senses allow, the brain may engage in efforts to absorb sensory data through extra-sensory perceptions or functions. Such functions may include:
• Increased rate of comprehension of traditional sensory input
• Remote Viewing (RV) or Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV)
• Precognitive Event Recognition
• Sensory Perception Osmosis (SPO)
The bridge between basic and advanced functions of sensory perception is commonly identified by an increased rate of traditional sensory absorption and cognizance. Accelerated analytical comprehension, increased cognitive thinking, a heightened or expanded awareness of environment, or any combination of these states may serve as a credible precursor to the stimulation of more advanced sensory absorption functions.
Until effectively harnessed, advanced sensory absorption functions such as remote viewing and precognitive event recognition are often subject to involuntarily inducement under heightened emotional states.
Common use of advanced sensory functions is most often observed in animals, able to preemptively identify unexpected geological or climate changes that may irrevocably alter or impact an environment, long-term.
In humans, advanced sensory functions may be stimulated under comparatively heightened, and even broader-based circumstances, such as:
• Perception of life-threatening conditions to self or others, usually offspring
• Acknowledgement of an event horizon, such as a project deadline
• Incentive-based and/or competitive environments typically defined by perceived value
in objective achievement
How It Works
The mind is divided into two specific areas: the conscious and the subconscious. With regard to advanced sensory perception, the conscious mind is responsible for interpreting data received from the subconscious, which is responsible for the relay of sensory data through biophysical, or bio-etheric, energy. This differs from the conscious or subconscious role in basic sensory perception functions such as sight, sound and touch.
Brainwave frequencies produced at lower levels of consciousness permit for greater bio-etheric energy relay between the conscious-subconscious divide, resulting in greater accuracy in the interpretation of advanced sensory data by the conscious.
From a physics standpoint, bio-etheric energy participates in the transfer of energy with other sources through an exchange of nanophotons, or energy particles significantly smaller than that of ordinary photons. The result is a symbiotic biophysical relationship between the body and mind, as well as broader interpretation and practical application of sensory data through a wider range of sensory perception functions, both traditional and advanced.
Remote Viewing and Controlled Remote Viewing
Whereas remote viewing involves the retrieval of untargeted target data, CRV requires the identification of a beacon, location or event defined by unavailable parameters, with a target accuracy ratio relative to the skillset of the viewer.
The ability to view targets through functions such as remote viewing is perhaps the most commonly experienced advanced sensory function. Yet without a means to relay the data between the conscious-subconscious divide, this ability often goes completely untapped, unless stimulated during heightened emotional states.
While remote viewing has been confirmed in multiple laboratories, the process has yet to be widely appreciated for its advanced capacity to retrieve significant amounts of broad, although focused information from a wide spectrum of sources, simultaneously.
Precognitive Event Recognition
Under heightened emotional states, precognitive event recognition may serve as an “early warning system” in situations that may substantially alter or modify a being’s
Although often associated with dreams foretelling the future, precognitive event recognition differs from dreams, as bio-etheric energy interpreted during states lower than Theta is less likely to be recalled by the conscious mind.
Additionally, precognitive event recognition:
• Oftentimes includes specific relevant context, such as environment, temperature, or time of day
• Is perceived in first-person view, as opposed to a third-person perspective common in dreams
• May offer significantly different or less control than that experienced during lucid dreams
As the mind undergoes transition across a series of states between full consciousness and the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep state, precognitive event recognition may occur most often immediately before or after sleep occurs.
In training the mind to identify and isolate precognitive data recognition from dreaming, it may be useful to record all data retrieved during rest periods, to independently compare and identify times and states most conducive to retrieving precognitive data.
Sensory Perception Osmosis
The concept of osmosis has been long associated with the absorption of knowledge through books. This is quite the case. Just as osmosis of information occurs through reading text, knowledge can also be gained through biophysical osmosis that occurs during the collection and interpretation of advanced sensory data.
While specific data is identified during remote viewing through targeting processes, biophysical osmosis takes the process a step further by retrieving data from a wide spectrum of sources. The result is an effective, consistent retrieval of data by a viewer from a broader scope of targets defined by both the target itself, as well as the viewer’s own ability to define targets, similar in process to acquiring target-specific data through CRV.
Promoting Advanced Sensory Absorption
In seeking to harness advanced sensory perception functions, implementation of the following techniques may help promote or increase conscious-subconscious data relay:
• Daily meditation. Begin and apply a meditation schedule that allows time for achieving a meditative state, retrieving data (if applicable), and returning to a full state of consciousness. Do not rush back to consciousness immediately following a meditation session, as doing so may contribute to a partial or complete loss of any data retrieved.
• Broaden CRV skills. Using RV and CRV as a knowledge absorption vehicle requires a thorough, flexible working knowledge of the capability. Enhance basic abilities by seeking to retrieve a greater number of details during future sessions, noting previously unrecognized details such as climate, environment acoustics, and depth perception.
• Precognitive exercise. Exercise precognitive event recognition abilities by charting the progress of a particular stock exchange over several weeks. Visualize the direction of future news headlines, incorporating CRV to determine specifics about particular stories, individuals, or events. Record and date your results, retrieval environment conditions and session duration for future comparison.
• Bio-chemical enhancements. Use of simplistic biochemical enhancements, such as incense, white noise, or an optical brainwave stimulator assist in binding the synaptic pathways, allowing for an increased focus and stronger cohesive relay of advanced sensory data across the conscious-subconscious divide.
Further Discussion
Seeking to identify, define, and enhance the advanced sensory perception techniques inherent in all humans will undoubtedly lead to broader, more profound leaps in our progression as a human society long-term.
As biophysics is an ever-evolving science, I welcome feedback from individuals or groups who have or seek to harness the benefits of advanced sensory perception functions. I am particularly interested in exploring a potential for the application of bio-etheric energy as a power source.
About the Author: Jim D. Ray is a parapsychologist with a diverse background in multiple subject concentrations, including business, psychology and parapsychology, criminal justice, philosophy, education, internet technology, physics, and vocal performance arts. Jim can be reached by e-mail at: jray@web-presence.net.
Source: www.isnare.com
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