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Wealth and Health - 8 Ways to a Longer Life
Copyright 2005 Tania French
I'm going to talk to you about a topic that, when closely looked
at, actually has a lot to do with living a prosperous, wealthy
Since this is the time of year when many of us eat more and feel
Constipation by Djehuty Ma'at-Ra
If there is one health problem all Americans have in common, it
would undoubtedly have to be constipation. Yes, constipation!
More than 90% of Americans are constipated. Constipation plays a
major role in obesity which is an American epidemic these days.
The English medical term "constipation" derives from a Latin
word constipare which means "to crowd together." Mosby's Medical
Dictionary, 3rd edition, p. 298.
Constipation occurs when the stools are "crowded together" in
the colon. Medically speaking, constipation is defined as:
"Difficulty in passing stools or an incomplete or infrequent
passage of hard stools. There are many causes, both organic and
functional. Among the organic causes are intestinal obstruction,
diverticulitis, and tumors. Functional impairment of the colon
may occur in elderly or bedridden patients (persons) who fail to
respond to the urge to defecate. Ibid.
The thing that should mentally stick out pertaining to
constipation is "hard stools." Question: what would make the
stools hard? Evidently, the stools are supposed to be soft. Soft
is the opposite of the word "hard." The opposite of hard stools
is soft stools. Since hard stools causes constipation, then soft
stools reverses constipation. Basic mathematics (common sense)!
Now what causes the stools to become hard or hardened? Answer:
diet in general and the Standard American Diet in particular
which contains excessive meat (slaughtered animal
flesh/carcass), dairy products (cow snot/pus/mucus), and
starches (stiffening agent, glue). And not only is meat, dairy
and starches the problem, but cooking and processing them (in
addition to fruit and vegetables) poses the biggest problem,
because cooking (killing, altering) destroys enzymes (life),
especially in plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables,
seeds, nuts, and grains.
It is the enzymatic activity of living (raw) foods that causes
peristalsis. Peristalsis is the wavelike muscular contractions
of the alimentary canal or other tubular structures by which
contents are forced onward toward the opening (rectum).
When you cook (kill, alter) food, you are killing the enzymes
with heat. Enzymes are destroyed at temperatures above 118°.
Cooked food is DEAD FOOD! It is void of life (enzymes). If the
colon is dependent upon enzymes or enzymatic activity for
peristalsis, how can you expect to have a bowel movement from
things lacking enzymes or enzymatic activity?
So not only is cooked food void of enzymes, it is also void of
nutrition (which is the real purpose for eating food). Cooked,
processed, and refined food is what makes the stools hard. Meat
by far is the number one culprit causing hardening of the
stools. And for my vegan and vegetarian brethren out there,
cooked, processed non-meat substances also make the stools hard.
Of course vegan and vegetarian products are softer on the
digestive system compared to meat, but nevertheless, a cooked
thing is a cooked thing, regardless of what is. It is cooking
alone that does the major damage (causing constipation).
The opposite of cooked food is raw food. Actually, raw foods too
are cooked, but they are cooked by the Sun (solar heat) and not
synthetic heat (stoves, microwave ovens, electric ovens, etc.).
Raw foods are solarized foods and therefore will transmit energy
to your body, unlike cooked food which makes you tired and
fatigued and weighs you down.
Raw fruits and vegetables provide natural fiber, which is
greatly missing from the Standard American Diet. Fiber is great
for colon health and counteracting constipation because fiber
bulks up in the colon and becomes mucilaginous and sweeps the
walls of the colon which is a very beneficial activity in the
colon. It should be elementary that raw fruits and vegetables
are the natural healing for constipation.
Meats, dairy, and starches (refined grains, i.e. pasta [paste],
bread, spaghetti, cakes, cookies, donuts, etc.) sit in the colon
and rot and putrefy. The worst thing you could put in your colon
is meat (cooked or raw) followed by dairy products, refined
grains, and complex starches. It takes 96 hours or four days for
the body to partially digest meat whereas fruits and vegetables
only take 4 hours to digest. Clearly the human body (after being
genetically engineered by the Gods of Eden and even after the
Fall of Man) was designed to consume fruits and vegetables.
However, most Americans eat meat (slaughtered animal flesh) due
to the taste (chemicals, salt, blood, and urine) and texture of
meat and for purposes of so-called protein (although cooked meat
provides 0% protein). We eat for taste today predicated upon eye
appeal and addiction and not for nutritional purposes. I must
state that taste is not the criterion for what is healthy, but
nutritional content is. Americans are "tasting" themselves to
death in order to satiate their corrupted and polluted taste
I would be remiss not to mention that lack of drinking water
plays a role in constipation. Water helps to soften the stools
and also to keep the colon lubricated. Because water is
electrical, it also stimulates peristalsis just like raw fruits
and vegetables. Also, water and enzymes work together! A lot of
Americans don't like drinking water. They unwisely drink more
soda pop, beer, milk and artificially flavored beverages than
water which their body is dependent upon for optimal health.
Constipation is characterized by hard dry stools, straining at
stool, painful defecation, abdominal distention, and
hemorrhoids. And obviously enough, a protruding pot belly
physically denotes constipation.
If you eat three meals a day and are not defecating three times
a day - you're constipated! If you are sitting on the toilet for
many minutes and straining while defecating and after defecating
you only see a pea or pebble sized stool at the bottom of the
toilet, you're constipated.
Many infants and babies are sadly constipated today. It hurts my
heart to see little babies and children constipated because they
don't know how to convey this feeling/problem to the
usually the mother. It is such an uncomfortable feeling for
them. Chemically processed baby milk formulas and cereal
products are nemesis in infant and childhood constipation.
Because of this sad fact, I concocted a very effective herbal
extract called Children & Infant's Laxative that really gets the
job done and brings relief to babies and little children. It is
very gentle on the digestive system yet very effective. However,
you may go through a lot of diapers after giving a baby or young
child this formula (Smile).
I admonish parents (mainly mothers) to not give your baby grain
(cereal) products for the first two years of life. Grains are
too heavy on the digestive tract of babies. And it is my
position that no sane and loving parent should or would give
their precious baby synthetic formula baby milk formula.
Breastfeed while you can and then prepare your own milk from
water, seeds/nuts/oats/fruit (banana, coconut), maple syrup
(Grade B or C) and Irish Moss or Iceland Moss or any other
seaweed because seaweed is a complete food containing 100%
minerals, vitamins, trace elements, and 60-70% bio-protein and
is also very oxygenating.
And nowadays pregnancy and constipation goes hand in hand, but
it is not natural for a pregnant woman to be constipated. The
two greatest reasons for pregnancy-related constipation are poor
diet and consuming pharmaceutical-grade Iron tablets or pills. I
am working on a booklet/article at present (and taking my own
sweet time) entitled The Perfect Pregnancy that is based upon
the experiences of my ex-wife's first pregnancy with our
daughter Layla and my herbal prenatal regimen I utilized. It
will address birthing positions, home birth, legal issues, diet
and nutrition, constipation, exercises
(breathing/stretching/Yoga), aromatherapy, eclampsia (toxicity),
prevention of headaches, sciatica prevention with chiropractic
help, classical music therapy, massage and reflexology, prayer
and meditation and affirmations (for a safe delivery and healthy
baby) and the booklet will also address counteracting
infertility and impotence in addition to covering profound
exercises and techniques utilizing certain sexual positions,
gemstones and elixirs, magnetic pads, essential oils, Eastern
mystic/spiritual music, and prayer and meditation for conceiving
a Star or Stellar Child (God or Goddess) on the Fourth Density
or Dimensional level upon physical arrival.
Moving on,
Constipation can be reversed or eradicated by changing or
modifying your diet by cutting out or cutting back on meats,
dairy products and cooked starches and eating more raw fruits
and vegetables and drinking more water. Movement (physical
exercise) can and will also help.
Professional colonics and/or enemas (performed at home by your
self) can also help to eradicate constipation.
Prune juice and plum juice are ideal in battling constipation.
When the colon is constipated, it's the equivalent of a
clogging/stoppage in your sink. When your sink is clogged, you
call a plumber. A plumber unclogs a drain just like plum juice
unclogs your colon. In the word "plumber" we find the word
"plum." Here is wisdom!
And by far, the best help and remedy for constipation is herbs.
Cathartic and laxative herbs will greatly help to eradicate
constipation. Herbs such as Senna (leaves/pods), Cascara
Sagrada, Aloe Vera resin, Rhubarb, Mandrake, Bilwa, Glucomannan,
Bibitaki, Buckthorn, and Jalap Root will stimulate and enhance
peristalsis. Senna is a very powerful African herb that will
greatly unclog the colon and reverse constipation. In fact,
pharmaceutical-grade Ex Lax laxative now contains Senna.
Along with the herbs supra, fiber and mucilaginous herbs such as
Psyllium Husks, Pamita, Fennel, Guar Gum, Acacia Gum, Oats,
Irish Moss, Slippery Elm bark, and Kelp will help to eradicate
constipation by constantly bulking up and sweeping the walls of
the colon. Irish Moss is a very invaluable herb (sea weed, ocean
herb) as it aids in the formation of stools. And unlike
pharmaceutical-grade laxatives, you can't become addicted to
using an herb as a laxative or for laxative purposes.
In regards to Psyllium Husks, I don't recommend taking a lot of
Psyllium Husk by itself because many people have become clogged
due to taking too much of it. I had this experience myself back
in the late 1990s. Psyllium has a profound bulking activity and
can bulk up too much in the colon making you feel constipated
for hours. Therefore, I recommend taking Psylium Husk in
conjunction with a seaweed (i.e. Irish Moss, Bladderwrack) and a
laxative herb (i.e. Senna, Cascara Sagrada, Rhubarb).
DHERBS offers four wonderful and powerful formulas for the colon
that will remedy or prevent constipation - Bowel Mover, Colon
Conditioner, Sen-Fen, and Intestinal Janitor.
Bowel Mover is ideal for chronic constipation. It is a cathartic
(powerful laxative). Colon Condition is a laxative. It too will
help in cases of constipation but it is not as powerful as Bowel
Mover. It is mainly a maintenance formula that will stimulate
peristalsis, keep the colon clean, and bring out large, bulky
stools (log jammers). It is also safe to take in pregnancy to
rectify or prevent constipation. Sen-Fen is for immediate relief
in constipation. It also brings out bulky stools and a lot of
them too. Sen-Fen is compounded with Fennel seed and Psyllium
Husk to prevent or balance out the natural gripping effect of
Senna. Senna is so powerful that it even makes dead people's
bowels move. This experiment has been tested and verified.
Intestinal janitor is a fiber formula that provides natural
fiber. Because it contains bulk-forming herbs, it will bulk up
and keep the walls of the colon clean.
Constipation is 100% reversible/healable and there is a plethora
of natural remedies and tools to assist you in overcoming the
American epidemic of constipation.
Thank you for reading.
This article is compliments of www.DHERBS.Com and Djehuty
Ma'at-Ra, the People's Herbalist.
The home of the herbal laxatives: http://www.colonbuster.com/
About the author:
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