A Moment of Magic!
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A Moment of Magic!
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Are You Saying "Yes" To Life?
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"If all you have is a hammer everything starts to look like a nail"
We were watching the film Mulholland Drive yesterday and it
suddenly hit us like a bolt of lightening. How many times we
misdiagnose a situation. How many times we carry on a path not
knowing that our assumption have taken us miles off course....
Is Your Insomnia Just a Bad Habit?
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Many of us that suffer with insomnia can actually pinpoint the
time it started. It could be the death of a loved one, exams or
a stressful relationship. But ever since then we've not been
able to sleep well.
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Guided Meditation
Just as there are many teachers, there are a wide variety of
guided meditations. Ideally, their goal is to allow you to be
both alert and relaxed, while your guide draws your attention to
that which is larger, grander, and wiser than yourself. Through
regular use of guided meditation, you improve your sense of
oneness with that which transcends you, and yet is at the heart
of you.
Here is a guided meditation I received from fellow-writer and
chaplain, Christie McKaskle. You can lengthen or shorten the
pauses to fit your needs. In fact, she suggests recording both a
short and a long version, so you can use this guided meditation
no matter what your schedule is like. You can record your own
voice reading it or ask a beloved person to read it for you.
"Take a breath and get comfortable (pause).
Breathe again. If any of your clothes are binding, loosen them
If you are chilly, get a sweater or shawl. If you're warm,
remove a layer.
Breathe and allow your eyes to close (pause).
Notice the sounds around you - voices, dogs barking, any traffic
sounds (pause).
Notice the sounds within you - your stomach growling, your heart
beating, your blood rushing throughout your body (pause).
Listen to all of these sounds and allow them to become a picture
in your mind. See them as waves, like those at the surface of a
choppy lake or ocean. But instead of an ocean of water, this is
an ocean of being, where you breathe more freely and deeply, the
further down you go. This is an ocean in which you live and move
and have your being.
Take a deep breath, hold it for a second, and as you exhale now,
go deeper into Being, Down past the surface noise, Down past
your history, with all its victories and disappointments, Down
to the ground of your being. Take a moment to settle here and
get your bearings (pause).
Once you feel centered, look around and see that everything you
need is here - perfect peace, vibrant
health, constant love,
endless supply for all your needs. They're all here as pure
potential. You give them form in your imagination (pause).
Look at all of these forms of good, and choose one to take with
you now. Take whatever you need - a more harmonious expression
of peace, more compassionate and generous love, livelier health,
or a constant, generous overflow of supply for every need.
Choose the good you want now, and have no fear: you can return
here at any time to get anything else you need. What are you
willing to take with you right now? Whatever you are willing to
receive is yours by right of consciousness (pause).
Breathe in, and as you do, take that quality of life from pure
being into your physical form. It is a part of you now and will
come back with you into your manifest life. As you take one last
look around, you see that you have always had a connection to
this place. A golden cord grows from the center of you and
anchors you here. You never saw it before, but now you know it's
what drew you here, and will bring you here again.
So breathe again, and as you exhale, head back to the surface of
your life on the daily physical plane. Take a moment to bring
your full awareness to your body and your surroundings, and open
your eyes when you're ready."
You are free to adapt this guided meditation as you wish. Soon,
you'll become so familiar with the experience, you'll feel ready
to choose a new one from the thousands of CDs and tapes
available. Or, write and record a new one of your own!
About the author:
Amy Biddle has been a lifetime student and teacher of spiritual
principles. Spiritual Healing Secrets is a fast-growing resource
for anyone who wants to improve her or himself, or simply to
learn practical spiritual principles. Let Amy help you improve
your life! Discover the secrets at
This article may be reproduced in its entirety as long as the
"About the Author" and links are included.
Learning Meditation Home Page |
Introduction to the basics of meditation and the reduction of stress. |
www.learningmeditation.com |
Meditation Room |
Choose freely and feel free to perform more than one meditation. ... Allow some time for your meditation. These meditations last from 3 - 10 minutes. ... |
www.learningmeditation.com |
Meditation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
An introduction to different traditions, forms, techniques, and benefits. Includes links to other resources. |
en.wikipedia.org |
World Wide Online Meditation Center |
Contains colorful, clear, concise meditation instruction on a variety of meditation methods from various spiritual teachings, plus tranquil meditation tapes ... |
www.meditationcenter.com |
The Transcendental Meditation (TM) Program - Official website. How ... |
Meditation validated by over 600 scientific studies. The best meditation against stress. Online video! Personal instruction and lifetime follow-up. |
www.tm.org |
Vipassana Meditation Website |
Homepage of the organization which offers Vipassana Meditation courses as taught by SN Goenka. |
www.dhamma.org |
Welcome to Meditation Mount |
Meditation training programs and group meditation as a service to humanity. Worldwide organization based in Ojai, California. |
www.meditation.com |
Guided meditations on mindfulness, peace, the 23rd Psalm, the way ... |
Come into the present moment with this 10-minute mindfulness meditation narrated by ... Experience a flow of positive energy with this meditation on peace ... |
www.beliefnet.com |
Meditation Station Presented By The Meditation Society Of America |
Meditation Society of America's web site. Dedicated to sharing meditation techniques and concepts from all traditions. |
www.meditationsociety.com |
Wildmind | Learn Meditation Online |
Wildmind provides a complete guide to simple meditation techniques. |
www.wildmind.org |
Meditation |
An article By Dr Tom J. Chalko explaining the process and stressing the need for a spiritual teacher. |
www.thiaoouba.com |
Free Learn to Meditate, online meditation - Meditation Australia. |
Details of activities, events, and classes in Wollongong University, Australia. Also offer a free online Meditation course. |
meditation.org.au |
Meditation, Home, what is meditation, types of meditation ... |
Meditation Meditation is an alternative therapy. It can be broadly classified under the mind-body medicine. More and more doctors are prescribing meditation ... |
1stholistic.com |
Sivananda Yoga - Meditation |
Introduction to the Official Web site of the Internationa Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers. Lots of information on Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga, ... |
www.sivananda.org |
Stress Reducers: Articles index |
yellow arrow button, Choose a Virtual Meditation Slide Show for Your ... yellow arrow button, Meditation and Relaxation: 20 Minutes A Day Can Make A ... |
www.selfhelpmagazine.com |
Zen Mountain Monastery: Zen Meditation Instructions |
Detailed instructions from Zen Mountain Monastery on how to practice Zen meditation. |
www.mro.org |
Meditation and concentration |
meditation concentration ability. ... Online fire meditation use it and develop concentration ability; Online flash meditation look at the screen and ajust ... |
www.ababasoft.com |
Siddha Yoga path - Gurumayi - Swami Muktananda founder |
Under the guidance and teachings of Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, Siddha Yoga meditation students embrace the spiritual practices of yoga. |
www.siddhayoga.org |
Meditation Handbook |
Survey of seven meditation techniques for beginners. |
home.att.net |
Healing Music|Meditation Music|Self Help products |
Healing Products offers healing music for your Mind, Body & Soul at low prices. Use sound and music to heal and relax. |
www.healingproducts.com |