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Psychic Healing: Anti-Aging Techniques
I have talked to many people over the years about how they feel about aging and related issues. Every single person eventually came to a similar conclusion. They didn’t mind getting older, so much, they just didn’t want to look and feel old!
Psychic healing techniques have made some wonderful strides in the last ten years or so, particularly in the area of aging, and while I cannot offer anyone immortality yet, these techniques can help almost everyone look and feel younger.
Receiving healing treatments from a professional can be of great benefit to you in your anti-aging efforts, but a consistent personal practice is needed too. As with most forms of healing, the real changes have to come from within the individual.
If you are unfamiliar with psychic field work, the type of technique we are discussing, here are some basic keys to help you get started.
*Think conceptually! This just means that you focus on the raw idea of what you want to happen or perceive. It is different, and more effective than simple visualization. It can also be a little tricky at first. While it is a skill worth learning, rest assured that you will be having good effects if you visualize things as well. While tests have show that the top performers in all psychic fields describe themselves as utilizing conceptual thinking, it is not the only way to get results. Practice as often as you can and it will become easier to think this way.
*Take your time! Many people don’t realize that the longer they focus clearly on a concept, the stronger the field of effect will be. Spending ten minutes in a focused concentrated state gets you far better results than five minutes. Try to give yourself at least twenty minutes for each separate technique. Once you have a well developed field going, you can maintain it with only a few minutes work per day! It has to be strong enough to last from day to day first though, so don’t stint yourself by not putting in the time!
*Work from as deep a mental state as possible! Meditation and bio-feedback can help you to learn to use deeper states of mind. It is worth the time and effort to learn to reach these deep levels of mind, as far as psychic field work is concerned, the difference in effect is so great. The idea that the most useful psychic state is in the alpha or theta brainwave range was based on tests of largely untrained and inexperienced individuals. Often college students with no training or practice at all!
When Shaman and advanced workers with a great deal of experience have been tested, it has been found that they often drop into Delta and even Epsilon states. Delta has traditionally been associated only with deep sleep, until recently it was not known that a person could remain aware and conscious during this brainwave state at all. Epsilon state activity seems to be the new gold standard for psychic work. It took the advent of better machinery to determine that this level of though even took place. It is the new term for brainwave activity of one Hertz per second or less. Older e.e.g.’s stopped recording at 1 Hertz. Anything below that level was not even recorded.
*Influence active and energetic systems! Psychic field work uses fields of information to alter systems that contain energy already, evidence is building that almost all psychic activity takes place in this manner. In broad terms you change the programming of a process, rather than hit it with overwhelming force. Things that move, live and grow are all active systems and can be easily influenced. It is also possible to influence raw energies, such as heat or light.
Keep these points in mind while doing your daily anti-aging work, and your results will show great improvement. Don’t worry if your technique is not instantly perfect though, even beginners have worthwhile results when using these techniques. The very act of
making the daily attempt will create some results, even if none of these methods are used.
Feel free to pick and chose amongst these techniques based on your personal needs. There is no current “best” formula. You might notice greater results by picking one or two techniques and using them for twenty minutes each day for a few weeks, then adding other techniques, while shortening the time spent on the first ones to a few minutes per day. Consistency of practice and making the effort are the important parts, so stick with it!
*Be your younger self! Remember the way your body and mind felt when you were younger? Once you do, hold that concept! If held clearly (as clearly as you can, without your mind drifting too much) for twenty minutes to an hour, you will build a psychic field that will actually begin to return you to that younger age! Just as it took some time to age it will take time to reverse the process, so give it a chance to work. You will most likely feel positive effects in a few days.
*Focus on clarity! Hold the concept of your mind feeling and being clearer! When done correctly this is a very circular idea. You focus on clarity, your mind gets clearer, allowing you to focus more clearly, making your mind even sharper! I often use a similar technique before doing any psychic or mental work. It can almost double the effect of your efforts!
*Feel healthy! It may seem counter intuitive at first, especially if you are currently ill, but if you can hold the idea of how it feels to be healthy, you can overcome pain and injury at a much faster rate. By “feeling healthy” I mean that you should hold the concept of your own health. This creates the conditions for simple re-patterning. Literally an alteration of your psychic field to the desired state.
*Increase your energy! Feel energy build in a small, but growing ball in the middle of your head. Let the ball of energetic feeling fill your brain and work down you spine into your body. Maintain this concept. You will soon have many times your previous vigor. Even a few minutes of this will give your entire body/mind a boost! It causes your body to speed up your metabolic rate and release needed neuro-transmitters. I have used this technique to replace caffeine and to help increase weight loss. It is simple, but it works.
*Let go of stress and pain! Imagine a hollow tube running down the center of your body. Let this feeling of hollowness reach every part of your being. Within a few moments you will likely feel a relief from stress and pain. Now hold on to this concept. With a good solid psychic field running you will feel pain and stress less acutely and feel more comfortable as you go through life.
*Focus on joy! Most people just let their emotions happen to them and do not try to control or condition them. By feeling the idea of joy and holding it, you not only release the “happy chemicals” of your brain, beta endorphins, but condition yourself to be more likely to release them in the future. You can use this same basic technique to induce or control any feeling.
Remember a time when you felt really happy. Focus on that emotion and try to relive exactly how it felt. As it comes into being concentrate on the sensations of the state and make them grow stronger.
There are more specific techniques that a practitioner might use to help a person in their anti-aging efforts, but these are the basics. With these techniques, if applied well and regularly, you can strip years off of the way you look and feel, increase your energy and return your body to a healthier state.
About the Author
Dale Power is a psychic healer, researcher and educator that has been focusing on ways to improve psychic functioning in humans for the last twenty years. Go to: http://healing.worldispnetwork.com to find out more about the work being done.
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